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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. WOW RG, can you put that all in your pocket? hahhha, Right on! Added thought.... I just had a picture of RG walking down Main St, with REP points spilling out of his pockets! hahahha... rep rep rep rep rep rep. rep rep. rep rep hehe
  2. My 2 gold fish are having a problem stuffing these 300+ envelops, they keep complaining about the envelops getting wet and sticking together, they say their long beautiful fins are just not strong enough. Come on Health & Prosperity, You CAN do it!!
  3. For anyone who wants to send VIA mail, here is the link with the names, http://www.parl.gc.ca/parliamentarians/en/members also postage stamp free, address to: Name of Member of Parliament House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0A6 HERE IS MY FINAL COPY: I want to begin this letter with explaining why I have chosen old fashion regular mail rather then email. With the new Bill that has been presented, I do not feel safe or secure to give you my identity. I feel that is rather sad to be a Canadian and yet fear my government and law. Sadly, this Bill C-36 will produce many scared Canadians when needing help from local police and government offices. Also, other than what I have written below, I also want to point out a fact that some MP's may miss. It is about advertising and the sites that we use for advertising. Without our sites, our Law Enforcement will have a very difficult time finding those people who are underage and forced into the trade. From most of the bust that I see, it all begins with an advertisement for such terrible scenarios. I would think it is wiser to keep advertising so that LE do have a way to reach and help these people to safety. However, us adults that choose to be there should have the rights and freedom of speech and expression. I writing your office with great concern with the new C-36 bill that is being purposed. I am concerned for the safety of women/men in the industry, this bill is going to increase the risk level for women/men that are on the streets as well as anyone in the industry otherwise. With out the ability to communicate properly, we are putting ladies/men in the direct line of safety issues. Both Provider and client needs to know exactly what is being offered and what boundaries each provider has. With out communicating this, many may be raped, robbed, STD could rise and unwanted pregnancies may occur. At least with the old laws, women/men were not hidden so far into the shadows, and so when they required help, it was easy to find. But with this Bill, they will be so far removed that they will not be able to seek out help quickly. For indoor workers, this means we can not clearly state what we offer. Like for myself, I only offer some services. How can I now make sure my client understands this? What if he wants more than I offer and gets agitated? Am I going to now be in a situation that I can not handle and too scared to call the cops? What about ladies and men that work in an agency? What if these providers do not know yet how to work safely? Perhaps they are trying to get their life together, or off the streets? What if agencies now close because we can not advertise? These providers will end up on the streets! Where otherwise those providers would have worked safely, discretely and with dignity but will be on the streets and be in the range of much more degrading situations, drug abuse to cope, and just become criminals. I am not suggesting to allow great big " cat houses" to be opened up with flashing signs to welcome and entice you. I am talking about a couple of ladies or just one lady that is using her own space to work from. Indoors, where it is private, clean and not in the eye sight of those who do not agree with our choices. We need to be able to communicate and advertise properly to keep us safe in our homes. Our clients are NOT PERVS, as Peter Mackay has suggested. They are family men, lonely men, disabled men, voting men, tax paying men, some are married couples wanting to have a bit more fun in their marriage. Some are soldiers needing relaxation after being in the field! Some are just not good with the ladies and need some love too! Pervs are the ones who sell young girls, coheres and force them into this trade. We need to put our taxes towards these people who are breaking the laws that are already in place. Human trafficking, minors, pimping rings, exploitation is the where we need to enforce laws. Leave us ADULTS the right to decide what we feel is best for us. We are adults, consenting, clean and respectable members of our communities. Please stay out of my sex life and my bedroom.
  4. A good point was made in another thread, in the news, was: If the bill passes, and it causes advertising site to close down, it will greatly impact the amount of arrests that could have been made in the human trafficking or underage cases:( Hopefully this one point will make them want to keep us advertising!
  5. I was going to post this is the Inspiration thread, but really wanted this one to stand out on it's own. It is a must watch clip:) http://blog.petflow.com/he-was-ignored-his-entire-life-until-this-very-moment-everyone-should-see-this-im-blown-away/#9ssj10xb5wAHcIad.01
  6. Letsplay, so what options and steps can you suggest? I have posted already on the letter I am sending, I also have suggested on how to do it anonymously with snail mail, to avoid spam. Donating to P.O.W.E.R group or any other activist group that lobby's for sex workers. It took me all of 20 min to write my letter, now the hard part, stuffing envelops hahahha. But I am just one, there are others submitting letters is anyone else in NB bothering to do this? For anyone looking for the email addresses, there is a thread titled " email address part 1" and of course part 2. I am now needing to find where to snail mail the letters? Do they all get addressed to HP? or individual offices? Can someone supply me with these addresses? These are stressful times for all, let's be kind and patient with one another?
  7. Wow, I looked at that pic, is like " hey there is a tiger in a cage at a zoo" OMG, hope that journalist isn't up for promotion!
  8. I actually decided to send in snail mail! LOL...it was done before internet, and still can be done this way! No stamp needed and no return addy required. All 300+ MP will get a copy. I am also going to include the fact that I am doing this anonymous for fear of the government, and how sad it is a CANADIAN has to fear freedom of speech and expression, and this is what this bill will produce, is a bunch of scared Canadians who will now be too scared of the law to ask for help when needed.
  9. Peachy, here is a link of this topic I posted in NB discussion, it may help you to decide or foresee how this may go? http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=182070
  10. I was just speaking to my Mother, she was a great activist in her day! President of a union, fought to keep her sector open, etc... She suggested that I start stuffing envelops! She said that is how it was done in her day, and maybe best to do it now. No stamp needed, no return address needed. Just a bit time consuming, but I will get friends over to help me. This way, you KNOW it will be read, and not end in spam or any other mysterious cyber space anomalies. I am thinking this is how I will do it. No IP to trace, no fake email to appear shady, etc... what do you think?
  11. I want to give a big big thanks to mrnice2. You took this bull by the horns! You immediately jumped on this, with encouraging us to write our letters, to TRY to change this awful bill! It was time consuming for you, and I want to say that your effort is not for nothing. You have given me the courage and strength to do the same. You can not do it alone, and your not! :bigclap:
  12. As a Massage provider, I simply will state " relaxation massage" . All ads will also state " transactions are not for sexual services" the men are just going to have to learn not to ask question like if HJ is included, because the HJ will be free. When a gent will ask me that, I will say " you should read up on laws, I do not charge for sexual acts" If they still do not get it, well I suppose I will decline them until they do get it.
  13. True, but I am sending of course with alias. I went back and forth on that issue, wanting it to be my real voice, but yes have chosen a separate email not associated with my business or real name. They want us to be scared to speak up, in fact they are probably have succeeded with that! NOTHING WILL CHANGE OR GO IN OUR FAVOR IF WE DO NOT TRY.
  14. I fought the law and the law won! LOL, seems to fit today.
  15. I wrote my letter, now I am trying to figure out if should us an alternate email and name or not?? What should I do? What are others doing? And wow that is going to be time consuming to send, by the time I get these all sent the bill will pass hahhaha....I suppose I can send multi at a time?
  16. I think loneskater was also trying to point out that reading these posts have a lot of information on the how's and why's and what's, so perhaps it is good to read some of what has been discussed. But your right Let'splay, I think it is important for us NB to discuss this ourselves as well. We are a small number here and now more then ever we need to understand each other, and unite for our protection. I did start a thread, about how enquiring and advertising is going to be dramatically changes IF this becomes our reality. I am looking forward to hearing from what others think. Remember, merely bitching about this bill wont change anything, we must be proactive and start writing our letters to the political offices. Tell them that this bill will cause more violence, murders and turn regular people into criminals. We are adults, get out of our bedrooms! I am fine tuning my letters today and will be sent out by the weekend. Anyone else joining me? I will post my letter publically so if anyone want a template to go by, feel free to take from it, of course change it up to fit you. Also a donation to P.O.W.E.R is a great idea too. They need funding to fight the good fight! I just donated, here is a link if you would like to do the same! http://www.powerottawa.ca/donate.html HERE IS MY LETTER! I writing your office with great concern with the new C-36 bill that is being purposed. I am concerned for the safety of women/men in the industry, this bill is going to increase the risk level for women/men that are on the streets as well as anyone in the industry otherwise. With out the ability to communicate properly, we are putting ladies/men in the direct line of safety issues. Both Provider and client needs to know exactly what is being offered and what boundaries each provider has. With out communicating this, many may be raped, robbed, STD could rise and unwanted pregnancies may occur. At least with the old laws, women/men were not hidden so far into the shadows, and so when they required help, it was easy to find. But with this Bill, they will be so far removed that they will not be able to seek out help quickly. For indoor workers, this means we can not clearly state what we offer. Like for myself, I only offer some services. How can I now make sure my client understands this? What if he wants more than I offer and gets agitated? Am I going to now be in a situation that I can not handle and too scared to call the cops? What about ladies and men that work in an agency? What if these providers do not know yet how to work safely? Perhaps they are trying to get their life together, or off the streets? What if agencies now close because we can not advertise? These providers will end up on the streets! Where otherwise those providers would have worked safely, discretely and with dignity but will be on the streets and be in the range of much more degrading situations, drug abuse to cope, and just become criminals. I am not suggesting to allow great big " cat houses" to be opened up with flashing signs to welcome and entice you. I am talking about a couple of ladies or just one lady that is using her own space to work from. Indoors, where it is private, clean and not in the eye sight of those who do not agree with our choices. We need to be able to communicate and advertise properly to keep us safe in our homes. Our clients are NOT PERVS, as Peter Mackay has suggested. They are family men, lonely men, disabled men, voting men, tax paying men, some are married couples wanting to have a bit more fun in their marriage. Some are soldiers needing relaxation after being in the field! Some are just not good with the ladies and need some love too! Pervs are the ones who sell young girls, coheres and force them into this trade. We need to put our taxes towards these people who are breaking the laws that are already in place. Human trafficking, minors, pimping rings, exploitation is the where we need to enforce laws. Leave us ADULTS the right to decide what we feel is best for us. We are adults, consenting, clean and respectable members of our communities. Please stay out of my sex life and my bedroom.
  17. I would think so, "hey lets show the bad and ugly side to the public so that when we bring the new laws those images will be in the minds of our Canadians! " Brainwashing!
  18. Actually, I am not worried yet over the BILL, I have another thread related before this bill arrived. It was called" if you are on cerb, why not book from cerb?" I could ask for real name but what if it was John smith? So I am just asking if there advice on how other ladies deal with this, as I would hate to deny myself and him the the pleasure, but yet have always been a super discrete kind of booker, lol... I see your point though! For sure I expect booking protocols may change greatly in the near future too. I will follow my intuition and use the sound advice shown to me on this thread. Thanks everyone. Gabriella, you really helped me with you advice, as long as another wonderful lady that sent me a PM on this issue. Thanks, you guy's and girls are the best!
  19. I hear you loud and clear, as I too am an empathy and somewhat clairvoyant. I can even pick up energy on the initial contact! usually, lol...
  20. OK, BUT IF THE AD HAS NO WORDS OF SEXUAL SERVICE...then why would our ads be a target? I have a feeling the web sites that advertise are simply going to install a program that will kick off certain words, or if NOT THEN DO NOT REPLY TO THAT AD...such as " I will blow your mind with my GFE, or anything close to a sexual ad. Our ads will more then likely state " come spend time with me" or " I am offering relaxation massage" as LADIES will not want to incriminate you by having a " sexual advertisement" in regards to you replying. NO SP THAT UNERSTANDS THE LAW will want any of her clients being incriminated, so we will never ever answer or advertise sexual services. I spoke to the fella that is charge of my ads in 411 directory, they are looking at simply changing the " escort" category. perhaps they will, or not? Time will tell.
  21. Sorry fell's I am sure you would LOVE to be a fly on the wall...but this invitation is ONLY for SP's that are either traveling or local. Ladies, I am hoping to that we can have a ladies night. I think in these confusing times, and with such a small community it may be nice to get to know each other on a more personal and friendly level. It is good to know that we can help each other, get stuff off our chest to vent, and of course lots of giggles! I will choose a place that is discrete, with great food and lots of other back ground noise to be able to chat together. PLEASE be sure you remain discrete and low key while we are together to not bring attention to anyone. Please dress conservatively, but casual and comfy:) I was hoping for next week, I find TUES/WED best for my schedule, I am sure it is your best days to hehehe. I am thinking super time best, as there is much background noise . If you are interested in meeting your neighbors, then shoot me a PM or reply to the post. THE LOCATION IS NOT GIVEN UNTILL ALL PM'S ARE CONFIRMED AND WILL BE GIVEN THE NIGHT BEFORE AND ONLY WITH A VOICE CALL.
  22. Hope to gain some insight. I would like to know what other ladies do when you get a new member on CERB, who is looking at booking with you who has no post history and claims to have no references? Other than a txt to prove it is a real cell, and voice call to verify it is indeed a hobbyist, or at least one that has not already been declined. Is there something else you can suggest? Feel free to PM your responds for discretion if you like.
  23. Martin, Not sure how from this you read that I DO GFE?? You may have not noticed, but I also have what I call 30/30 combo, so I do my massages, then the other lady does GFE...therefore this was a reco for the 30/30. I assume this must have been a reco that you are quoting? There is no where in this that states " ohh she can do a great BJ," or she loves DATY.".nothing like that is written. He is speaking of my love of seduction and relaxation as well as hosting. I just stumbled on this, and seen 233 people read it, so thought I should bring this back up, so that others would not be confused! Perhaps Martin, you could have PM me with your confusion rather then posting this? I mean, I can see how other potential clients could be thrown off on my services.
  24. Hello, Kiska is here in Fredericton, as is Miss Aeva, And for the next few days, Jordan Munore is visiting. And of course I am here, Sophia, for relaxation massage. :) Also look at Fredy Girl, I do not know her, but she seems very pleasant :)
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