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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I am making Beef Ribs, marinated over night, fiddle heads and jasmine rice. MMMMmmmm
  2. Yesterday, I had a call from 411 directory. They wanted to know if my ad needed updates. I asked he was aware of the new bill that may be our new laws. I continued to inform him, he was greatly concerned and irritated by the whole thing. Not for his job or anything, as 411 has many other business to advertise for. He said he would speak to his supervisor about this, and what they plan to do with the escort category. He also said that he will do his part in writing to different offices, voicing his concern too. Hope that he does! I was happy to see that someone outside of my business and this bored to be genuinely concerned. I know is just one person on a phone, but gives me a glimmer of hope that others will also become more and more aware of this disturbing bill.
  3. Actually yes, this used to be code, either HH ( half service ) or hour was ( full services). And Yes as INDY you may post an ad, BUT....by advertising anything that is " sexual service" IE: GFE/PSE etc, would also incriminate your clientele. Merely responding to a " sexual ad" can be seen as " communication with the purpose of" .... so as I have stated many times, as long as our ads and enquiries are for time only, there is no case to build upon.
  4. I am sorry to hear this, maybe time will allow this to boil over? Sometimes we just need time to blow steam off? I am sure there are many others who love to see you? Don't let one argument get in the way, afterall..this is your first argument, and with a history and friendship, this should pass. Best of luck my friend!
  5. Got my Mo-jo back today, last week was so stressful with laws, lawyer meetings, then the incident in Moncton, left me with no mind for my work. This week will be a good one, time to get back to work!
  6. Here is the NB reco thread, many fine ladies available in Fredericton. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=260
  7. My taxes are claimed as " adult entertainer" I have never claimed as escort, as I do offer a variety, relaxation massage, dancing, party arrangements. So in my case, my taxes do explain entertainment purposes therefore not sexual services. I also claim as a dog groomer, because I still do have clients for that as well.
  8. You are correct, however if you noticed in my other posts on the subject, IF YOU DO NOT ENQUIRE ABOUT SEXUAL ACTIVITES, THEN CHARGES CAN NOT STICK. This is the main point in all my post so far. Ladies: Even though we CAN advertise as INDY, if your ad is " sexual services" then in a way you are incriminating your client who merely responded to your ad. If your ad was for TIME AND COMPAIONSHIP/REALAXATION, well then any LE that could moderate either email, txt, conversations, then they still will have no clear charge to lay. Gent: Do not ask what the rate for GFE or BBBJ etc, as this also shows intent for purchase "sexual services" You simply ask what the donation for her time or relaxation massage. You now will book blindly not knowing ALL the activities on your first date. As others mentioned, we all did in call even though was illegal but not enforced. At least now it is legal to work in call, lol...just come over for tea and cookies...lol...
  9. I say if either party never mentions sexual activities, then we should be clear, They would have no txt , no email no voice calls, and no ads that mention sex at all. charges just could not stick . When booking an SP that you know, or at least you have already been informed of her service, no mention of details are needed, for new SP then you just go to your date. Drop your envelop AFTER she has touched you or removes clothing.
  10. I do not think so, MODS are pretty clever ppl and outfitted with company lawyers I am sure. If you notice the bill say " advertising sexual services" so if our ads are merely saying " hey come spend time with me" and there no mention of GFE etc...then I do not see how sites or the SP's or hobbyist having any reason to get in trouble, as long as communication on services only happen once you meet face to face. As I pointed out on my first post. I am not a fourtian teller, although would be nice to be, lol..but this is how I am seeing it go. Like it was in the past. I think we will still have this site, but just modified a bit.
  11. Hahaha, I know right! I have no clue at all why we choose rants and raves, but there it is! lol...Check it out...but seems to work for them, has been ever since the lost the category.
  12. This is my responds from my own FB page... I can not find words, Thank you seems too pale, R.I.P seems to ordinary, Please know that these lives have made a real change in everyone's life, and I think we can all say that what police do for us, even when giving us a speeding ticket, is for the safety of our community! If anything good can come out of this, it is to know that we need to take notice of someone when they are sending us red flags, when you know a person is off meds and acting strangely....we need to inform someone! Even if you think it is a joke, if after many weeks or months with his type of posts made, someone needs to speak up. If it is not true, great, but let a doctor assess him! We also learned, not to take police/RCMP as just another worker, they really do go into some events with out knowing they may not come home! Let us learn this!!
  13. I new friend I met sent me a book, Americanah written by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie I am so excited to read this novel!!!
  14. Although I agree RG, I can say as an agent, that I fear agencies will be a "person of interest" as agencies are stationary and not traveling as INDY. Because of our stationary status, we will be more easily able to attract attention. Not to mention the plethora of " bad agencies" out there, they are more likely to look at ALL agencies as " bad" ....BUT NOT ME because I will not advertise sex nor answer any enquiry suggesting as such. Myself has faced on 2 occasions with a " notice" on my door that there a suspected " illegal massage parlor" in the neighborhood. But nothing ever happened because I was SOLO at that time and not commercial. I obviously figured this was some competition that wanted me gone. NOW I own my house, with a separate apartment built with in. I never did high volume revolving door style, but yet thee was a complaint against me and the POPO had no choice but to check it out. SO....If I never admit, communicate or advertise sexual services, then I suppose they have nothing to go on.
  15. You are my hero! I too will send a letter, I plan to work on it this weekend. I will sign with my real name. I will relay my concern for safety for women to be able to properly communicate and advertise as a step to further protect us as humans, as women. The safety of my girls, who without me may be pressed into dangerous corners.
  16. I highly doubt that soon, as 3 reading plus there is a summer recess..
  17. Ohhhh dear, you do not need to think that way. Even if it does become law, if you never ask for sexual services, and we never advertise it, who is to say anything?? Are they in the room with you? Is there an email/txt of you asking for BBJ? MSOG? NO there will not be. They having nothing to charge you with. IF it is, then just follow simple rules, when booking a new lady, DONT ASK FOR SEX, ASK HOW MUCH IS YOUR TIME? And go blindly hoping to have all you desire fulfilled. If she is not your kind of girl you just do not return for more...if it is, the super!! You just got yourself a regular SP :) Think of this..example of a txt Hello, are you available to meet me, I was thinking of having company for one hour. what is your rate. My time for an hour is XXX. You can call me for location and confirmation. THEN you arrive and we have tea and cookies. Who knows??
  18. First we need to wait, and see if the BILL does become LAW, then yes I suppose people will come together with an action plan. Meanwhile, IF it does become law, and we unite into an action plan, I would think the next step will be to decimalize, but then again they could create another weird law to take it's place. Keep in mind, it took a decade to change the currant law, so it may take years before anything changes again after this one. So IF it does become law, then as I suggested earlier, we simply stop advertising sexual services, enquiries will be blind until you meet face to face.
  19. Tonight there is a candle light vigil for the fallen officers. I wish I could be there, please light a candle for me as well! The aftermath is really astonishing, I have some friends and family that suffer PSTD and this is particularly disturbing for them. Tears have followed the after shook of what they went threw. HUGS to all effected like this!
  20. I am not convinced that we will have to loose this site or any other site. First, if in we all advertise our time and not sexual services, then how could any site be in trouble for advertising sexual services? There would need to be a system that does not allow certain words ( such as BP now). You can not put GFE and other terms on BP, they have it so a flag comes up and it removes the offensive term. Yes CL did loose their escort category, but then here in NB we just moved them to rant and raves...but with the new bill sites will have to change escort category to companionship category. Enquiries will change, as a client you will not want to criminate yourself by asking " do you offer BBBJ?" we ladies will say, " I do not charge money for sex services" . In the NB section I posted something on this enquiring procedure.
  21. The "new reco"....I had a lovely time with Sophia, we had a spot of tea" lol...
  22. Not at all, but our ads and enquiry style is dramatically different. Your INDY traveling lady will do well, as a stationary service like mine will have more pressure to be sure never to incriminate clients( or my own ads), for this, all my enquiries will be " I do not charge for sexual services" . Men get used to using your imagination and do not incriminate yourselves by asking for activities, IE: BBBJ, daty...especially with new ladies!!!! Once in your are alone and indoors, then there is no way of proving what is or is not done. This advice is straight from my lawyer.
  23. Assuming that this bill may be reality, I want to talk to our NB men about how an enquiry will look like, as we will not advertise sexual services. Let's pretend we are txting... Gent txt: Hey baby, can I book a GFE and do you offer BBJ? Lady txt: No hun, I only accept donations for time spent. I do not charge for sexual activities at all. Gent txt : But do you do BBJ? Lady txt: I do not charge for sexual activities. or ... Gent txt: can I book a massage, do I get a HJ too? lady txt: I book massages yes. I do not charge for sexual activities. So, IF this bill becomes law, Gent's are going to have to book blindly and visit with the hopes all of your hopes will be fulfilled. As no lady will be able to admit in any way to any sexual activity. This will apply to phone calls, email and txt. Our ads will be stating " time spent". This sucks! But I am just wanting to get in the mind set that this just may be our reality:( It is going to be hard at first, but all things it will become easier. Hopefully we can rally together somehow and change this eventually. I am still hopeful though...
  24. Is it just me?? I ask this because I have been in this neighborhood for awhile, ( metaphorically and literally ) Back in 1990's we spoke of "Time spent, companionship", and even back then we had commercial establishments. Granted around here in NB they were not always operated with the "best intention" but regardless, it ran for like a decade. They got sloppy, and now have a long lasting by-law that will ensure a place like this will not open again. NB will never allow a commercial place like this again. Now they got brought down because they got sloppy and did not ask for ID. Yet, I remember because I was employed there years ago. So, I was always trained to say " there is no charge for sex, only for time spent and hosting" so how is this different now then 15 years ago? I can say that it was different because we had no voice at all, we did not have social media, and certainly never talked about it as there were no way TO talk about it! This is so backwards, now even small private places can not operate to provide a safe place with experienced collogues to help those ladies that may end on the wrong side of the fence if they no safe place to work from! I wish I would have had a lady like me, "Sophia" when I began my journey!
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