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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Great article Thanks so much! WOW!!!
  2. I KNOW!!! LIKE REALLY DO NO Tweet! I was shocked to see tweets of positions and all. Really??? You going to tweet " there is an RCMP dude behind a tree" ?? Then watching CTV, we were told they wont disclose the location of a surrounded building, but yet split screen showed the location!! WTF??? How is that? I am no longer accepting phone calls from PPL I do not know on a regular basis until this is in it's conclusion.
  3. Being able to help a dear friend pay off a student loan, she just needed a bit of help. When she worked with me, I always knew she could do awesome things with her life, and so so nice to see her achieve her goals! GO GIRL GO!!! Off to school again soon!
  4. Update, some places in Oromocto also locked down, Hospital, schools and a home hardware...weird!!! so I am praying that this is a one man show! Please be safe everyone:(
  5. I do believe that we will just go back to the old school ways, " transactions are for time spent only, sex is free" If this is how we advertise, it is the gent's that will have to understand that NO COMMUINATION can take place on phone, internet . So there are no more questions of " do you offer bbbj, msog, " etc...the answer from us ladies will be " I do not charge for sex at all" When meeting a new lady, you will have to just go and meet blindly on what activates you may enjoy. You will only communicate once you are face to face at the location. Once your inside, no one can prove what is or is not taking place.
  6. here is a good thread for you to read.. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=181850
  7. I just heard that there was also a shooting at Angies last night...can anyone verify this? I am not sure if it apart of this shooting or if it is separate situation? What is going on in my little Moncton? JUST found out, was not at the bar, it was behind the bar and not the same shooter.
  8. So...this may be a bit sarcastic for humor purposes, but here it is.. so If I am INDY, and yet pay taxes on my income, pay my mortgage, etc..does this make CRA and my bank " benefiting off of others" ? wow, I should let my bank and accountant know now..hahhaha
  9. Actually yes, there were cases reported in many locations ( yes the resistant variety ) , and this was at least 2 years or more ago. I think I had posted something at that time when there was thread on this same subject. I was in Ottawa when I learned about this. It is reported here in east as well.
  10. YES true too, WOW...Sophia the gangster hahahha...well I will see what lawyer will say, thanks for reminding me!
  11. I am so sad for my girl:( She is not ready for INDY work, just before meeting her she had thoughts of going to a big city and with no credit card to book hotel etc...she was tempted to street walk! I saved her by bringing her in and teaching her how to work safely. Now I fear I will not be able to help her and many others that may have come my way! This is a sad day for any reputable agent:( I am looking at ways to evolve into a co-op, where as everyone just pays a percentage of expenses, but not sure if that will be considered as " benefiting of others" . I will need my lawyer to help me on this. Maybe I will be consultant instead?? hahaha I will focus a lot of time to making sure she knows her rights and how to work safe, I just hope I can teach her everything she needs to know to stay safe and healthy! BOOOOO!!!!!
  12. NOT JUST GUY'S ...I am an agent, and female, don't think the law will state "guy's" ....it is ANY one other then the SP/MA that will be illegal.
  13. So when is this suppose to be I effect? I understand this is the first reading, but do they still have the right to enforce it now that it has been publically announced?
  14. Just watched it on live at 6, wow, speechless!! Cant believe advertising too? OMFG this is hard pill to swallow!!!
  15. I sit in the direct sun, most sqitters and flys do not like to be in the direct sun as it is too hot, lucky I love the sun! Now at night, I just get inside or by a fire .
  16. If you are looking at being a provider, are you seeing women? Men? Both? or are you looking to find a lady to perform with? If you plan on being available to women, have you any experience in massage? Also, if for women, you must know it is far and few in between, and you will probably need to travel, as I can assume Thunderbay would only have a very small clientele that you could depend on. Are you prepared to travel long distance? Like anything, you cant get results unless you take the leap and try it out. Get your album together, and make ads and see where it brings you. Be sure to know the rules on this site for male providers, as far as I know you can not have album in the public setting.
  17. Yes it will take time, I agree...BUT it s also going to take time for me to make my own changes. I would see my lawyer as I need to understand and prepare to make changes for my business. I am an agency in a very small town, so if they are going through with Nordic model I need to know exactly what "benefiting off others" is going include. Not just the girls who work here that pay me their fee, but also to the person I am paying my rent to. This is not the case for INDY providers, but I strongly feel agency's can become a target for them to watch closely, whereas I am stationary and do not travel it would be much easier for LE to gather info and harass my clients. Granted, they have their hands full with looking at the agency's who cause disturbances, minors etc. Besides, should it not be expected that I would, as a business owner who have many people depending on the fact I keep myself in the know, to protect the people that surround my business and especially protecting my clients that come and go from my location? It's the whole reason I have a lawyer in the first place.
  18. Yes they did have a profile, thanks a billion!!!
  19. Hi everyone, hoping you can help me with a reference? This person is traveling so has no local reference for me to go on.. Is there an Eros operating in TO? If so, is there a web site? I did a member search, but I did not find them here on this site. JUST ANSWERED MY OWN QUESTION!! LOL..EROS IS A SITE! NOT A PLACE OF BUSINESS. OOPSY,
  20. I am making hamburgers, but not just a ordinary one.. Hamburger mixed with French onion soup mix, Grilled of course on the BBQ... But the topping is where I will get your mouth watering, Grilled pineapple slices and also grilled avocado, grilled red onion , a spicy horseradish mayo and bacon rounds!! Sided with yummy fiddleheads and sweet potatoes fries!
  21. Is this the Jordan you are referring to? If so, look in NB Reco section, she has a few here. Jordan does travel and a great lady to spend time with!! http://newbrunswick.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/jordan-munroe-in-moncton-27/1677810 here are her reco...assuming the same Jordan... http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=137694
  22. Funny though...listening to Canada AM this morn they said it like this... " went in favor FOR the prostitutes" well not really!!! Cause having a chance of harassing our clients will obviously force us change our methods, agencies and drive us into the shadows even worse then before:(
  23. I am defiantly going to look into some of these great suggestions! I ended up reading a novel that is out of my normal genera. It is a suspenseful web crime novel. The Author is local to NB, Andrew McAllister , the novel is "Unauthorized Access" . I read the entire novel on the weekend. It was really good, ending was a bit common, but still worth the read.
  24. Make 100% sure that you and the lady is going to be discrete, If the owners, ever caught wind of it the lady will be fined big time if she is caught talking about it inside the bar. It is a huge deal to the bar licence, one that the owners had to face in the past. This is why the changes to the booth rooms have been made. It is strictly entertainment purpose only.
  25. I suppose what got me on this thinking path was while visiting PEI not long ago, I had a request for a special service. We had txt for 2 days, right up to the last 2 hours before the session. He claimed he was a CERB member, gave me his handle, ( one that I was familiar with ) THEN....BAM ! No more txt , no voice confirmation, just disappeared. Then I looked at his profile and this person was not logged on for while now. So I think someone just used his profile name to make this "fake booking" or he actually did it on purpose. Now had I asked him to PM with the date and time he wanted to book, at least I would have some kind of proof to back me up. ALSO, who ever it was, would have not been able to use a cerb name if I had a mandatory request to receive a PM to prove you are who you say you are. It was very frustrating as I set aside 3 hours on my busiest day there, only 2 night stay! Grrrr...
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