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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. With this, I can assume a visit to my business lawyer is in order... I will need to make some changes to my business ie: I will be the only worker here, and need to know more about " anyone who benefits" part confuses me. So does this include the person I rent space from? I suppose I may have to buy a house if that is the case. Advertising may change as well? So that it states transactions are for time spent only( in my case massage only) and no longer for sexual acts, as one would have to be in the room to prove anything at all as well as limited communication so that your not helping to build a case for reasonable cause to have my clients harassed. This will mean the gent's are going to need to read between the lines and things may not be spelled out for you as easily, so we will have to use our imagination a bit more. This seems so backwards, I mean , I represent some ladies because they do not feel safe to book and screen on their own, and now will have to decline anyone who needs the help. I feel that if remain an agency, it may make them look my way as a target, but as far as an INDY provider, well not much notice would be given to me or my clients as we have discussed another thread that they can not go policing every INDY provider, the manpower would be too much and no witnesses other then the one getting services. SIGH....HUMPHF.....here we go!
  2. Awesome, do you happen to now the author? I will check it out tonight on my way to cottage:)
  3. As an agent, I clearly state that each lady has a choice in what kind of service they are comfortable with. I also encourage girls choose what rate is best for them, as long as it doesn't under cut my regular going rate. Like one lady with me now prefers CBJ with the regular rate, but will consider BBBJ upon meeting and with an extra fee. And loves to kiss. Now this lady sometimes finds it harder to get her bookings, but at the same time knows that if she impresses them, then he will return because THAT client also prefers CBJ too. Meanwhile...I have another that does offer BBBJ as a part of her GFE rate but does not kiss, so men do not like the fact that she does not kiss...so I have to clearly state this to them. so at the end of the day, it is all about making sure both client and provider are completely satisfied in the style of service they offer. If an agent is precise in how and who to book CBJ or BBBJ should not be a problem, from my stand point. I suppose this does mean that I have to work harder, but then again I WORK FOR THE LADY...NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
  4. Have a wonderful Birthday Bella Beauty!! Hope you have fun, enjoy your special day!! xo
  5. I have been reading a lot lately. Just in a month or so I have read... The Secrete Daughter, darn forget the author as I donated the book to another... ( highly recommend BTW!) The Daring Ladies of Lowell by Kate Alcott ( really good too! ) The inventions of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd ( awesome novel) All the light we can not see, by Anthony Doerr ( not my usual read, but loved it!) And last I just read ... The Ghost Bride by Yangzee Choo This was astonishingly amazing novel. I usually prefer history and fact based books, but this was so colorful and compelling I could not put it down! So now I head to the cottage this weekend, and need another great read, any suggestions? Tell us what book you loved reading!
  6. She truly left the world in better condition then she found it! She did so much for us as a humanity and as women! R.I.P
  7. Woohooo congrats!! Outstanding effort and thoughtful posts!
  8. Ohh gosh I hope I am alive long enough to see this happen!! http://sfglobe.com/?id=832&src=share_fb_new_832
  9. I have marinated lamb chops. I used mint jelly, lemon juice, minced garlic and package of sweet onion ( salad dressing) . That has been in a zip locked bag for a few hours. I plan to BBQ them:) On the side I have Russian purple potatoes , steamed then broiled . In olive oil, rosemary and peppercorns, asparagus on grill and portabella mushrooms, grilled. OMG smells so wonderful!
  10. Hope your day is as special as you are! Have a good one my friend! xoxo
  11. I heard from a lady that used to work with me, it has been a year since we chatted! Yippy, she will visit soon too! I am sooo happy and excited, Vivian was a great lady to work with and spend time with! My soul sister!
  12. Best wishes! Sorry you feel like you never belonged:( I always thought your posts to be thoughtful. I hope you discover your new path, and make your journey count as much as it did here!
  13. This one is particularity fitting for me the last 2 days " I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, kindness from the unkind, yet, strange I am ungrateful to those teachers!" Khalil Gibran
  14. I have at times decided that I was not up to par . Feeling bloated is one reason, you simply are uncomfortable and not feeling sexy. Once I had a bad bruise across my thigh, and was worried a guy could think someone hurt me on purpose, so I cancelled till it healed. Even somedays my spring allergies can be bad too, and rather then trying to massage and sniffle, I would cancel. Nothing worse then someone thinking you are doing drugs cause your nose is sniffling lol.... But also if my energy is not right, could be moody, or extra tired, and then I will cancel out, as I never want to give only a piece of me, but rather give all of me! This way, I never end up giving a so-so session.
  15. Ohhh I can HEAR your pains..lol....of course these amazing restorations should be admired...trust me.....soon you shall see my adoration for antiques! Old, but well kept!
  16. Just got forewarned that I will have ads for my " granny ass" Yet....I am 39! And still got it! That sucks big time....but I shall rise above and not stress too much! Felling sad...mad...and sorry ...
  17. I think it is safe to say we are all big car lovers ! xoxoox
  18. Thanks everyone dearly for your great insight. I am happy to have all of your great minds to pick for advice! I am taking what you all said into consideration and will apply something to my booking procedure to help me in this issue. xoxo
  19. That is why we call him " warpped" hehehe, he does have a coocky since of humor!
  20. Mine too!! For like a month! sigh...I eat 4 times a day, I feel as though everytime I turn around I am doing more dishes:( Booo my hands are getting dried out hahah.. feeling sooooo tired:( Have a 75 min session to get threw.
  21. It is a great show! I have gone every year, but missed it last year. PLUS...I have a special visual surprise for you all....but will wait till closer to that time:) hehehe, such a tease eh?
  22. True when you say some men do feel if we did not service them then we did not earn that donation....phewf....all the work I put into maintaining my business, location, my appearance, the ads, albums....ya I think I have earned before you even get threw my door! lol
  23. I have been in this situation many times. As a general rule, once the cloths are off, then the donation is kept in full. So like if he takes his pants down and I see something or smell something bad, then I will tell them to leave. I do suggest to see a doctor asap, and sometimes I ask for test papers before booking again. That never happens, they never come back. But if it is right at the door way I take half of donation and send them away explaining that the half is for the time I set aside, and perhaps next lady he visits he can arrive clean or sober ...what not I always try to asses the gentlemen's mind set too. The last thing I want to do is have him become angry or in some cases violent. I had one person try to stand between me and the table where he placed my envelope. He was not going to let me take my donation very easily. If I feel this person could easily become agitated then I just hand it back to him and show him the door. Some men will get very upset at rejection and could also become a pain in the ass on the internet if they feel they have been " ripped off". On my disclaimer, it states that I reserve the rights to refuse service based on hygiene, manners or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, but most do not read it.
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