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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Every year Moncton has a huge car show. I can not remember when it is, I think it might be August. Does anyone know for certain?
  2. So..... for those of you who wish not to book threw PM, if you are given a lower rate or maybe require a PM with the date and time and confirmation time would you then PM?
  3. Thank you sooooo much everyone, I was concerned for others more than myself, glad to know this is a " me thing" lol
  4. I would want nothing more then to be able to massage another provider! I for one would look at it as a learning session, as one can only KNOW massage when you receive massage. In School that is what we do, massage each other as a learning tool... ya it is a you thing lol But that being said, I can understand why ladies may opt out from that option, as there is much pressure on a provider to be the best of their skill, and perhaps shy if they are beginning?
  5. These responds do open a new light for me! I wonder sometimes if I am just being to cautious or if there is something to it. I think I may offer a CERB booking rate, as it might relieve some of my concerns. Recently I visited a town, I had a CERB member confirm and chat right up to the last hours of a 2 hour visit, but then never showed up... and this made me think that perhaps he intended on doing this on the phone rather then PM as he knows he could have been reported as WOT. Funny, this person only booked after I announced my visit on another site, so maybe when traveling to this city, I will stick to CERB so you have no other way of booking me. But not only him, many others, and these are the ones who tend to no show or WOT . Upsetting but did not faze me as I always have a back up plan too;) Good points brought up by all the posters, I for one hate to sign in on CERB on a phone, it jumps and asks me for all kinds of strange things...so perhaps this is on track too. I will see how this new offer works for me, ladies feel free to PM me and ask me if it is working out! xoxoox
  6. Just asking this from curiosity. Hope to hear from ladies too if this happens to you a regular basis, and what might be in the minds of the gents. Often times I will book a session. Most often, men will say " I seen your posts on cerb" or what have you. But often, nothing is mentioned of CERB membership. It makes me a bit "gun shy" when I find out you are a CERB member but wish to not tell me. Does this mean you are hiding your handle from me, or just truly do not think it matters to me? See, if you book me on CERB and something happens that is NOT cool, then I guess I can report it, or ask others for a reference, but when not booking from CERB, then I do not have the site to help protect me. Is this the reason why some forget to mention that they are on CERB, so that there is no trace of us meeting? I do not know why, but it gives me the ebby gebby's to find out you are on cerb, but decide not to tell me:( Just as you wish us to be honest and open when booking, so do we. I do not like the idea of booking a handle that perhaps has pulled a bad one on another sp. That is what CERB is for, not just RECO for the ladies but the safety network for the ladies too. Curious to hear your input. I may consider a different rate for booking threw CERB, will this work?
  7. On the subject of posting Reco's... Please be sure when you are posting reco's, that you are not bumping another one off if it has only been there for couple hours. It is something I have witnessed for me and for others. I would have to truthfully say it is upsetting when you finally get a reco to see it get bumped off after only 1 hour! This occurred with me several times. Once a reco was bumped from someone who was not even in this city or province! The author was not here, nor was the lady. I am sure it was posted with the only reason to bump mine off:( So before you post it, look at when the other ladies reco was posted, if it just got there, then maybe you can hold off for a day or at least give her a few hours in the limelight. As we know, not many here in NB that do post, so once we do get a reco it is nice to see it there for a while, it is just respect and hard earned. On another note, I actually am pleased with the volume of posters in recent months. Keep it up:)
  8. So on my android phone, I keep getting a " horny-worm" virus threat. But when I click for more info, it asks me to enter my credit card info to remove it. I have NOT done it, but wont go away. My question is, is not strange a virus threat warning would ask me to use credit card info?? Also, has anyone that has been contact with me by phone been infected by this? Or have you ever had a phone virus?
  9. When I did a New England tour, the gentlemen all said that my approach to an encounter was like none other they had before. Not saying that I am all that, but this is what each one said to me. They would say I was more friendly, and they felt like we had known each other like old friends. That I was approachable and with out a "princess complex" So perhaps we have a different style when it comes to our endeavors? They were always surprised that I would kiss them. Saying that most escorts do not. Not sure what is different across boarders, or perhaps the ones I met were just not picking the right lady for them?
  10. GREAT advice! I do this too when I am making a hotel visit. Works every time:)
  11. That is soo funny, OHH my!!! LOL Well the both of you will have a great story and giggle for a while now! At least you will know if she has a good since of humor or not! Go Get 'er tiger!
  12. Glad you brought up "inspection" because sometimes I feel when I say "ymmv" ppl over look that fact. I do not feel comfortable with advertising or offering BBBJ to just anyone who txt my phone ( nor do the girls who work with me). I take it as case by case bases. I will decide once we meet in person, I will carefully inspect and also will get a feel for what kind of sexual health habits you seem to uphold. Sometimes it may take a couple of meetings before I decide to offer BBBJ. I do prefer NOT having a condom in my mouth, hate that taste for sure, and I miss the throbbing sensation that a good hard cock gives...but now as I have a SO to also protect sexually, I choose to be extra careful in how I decide to conduct myself in a session. One thing I have noticed, is that I am rather skilled in this activity, so having a condom helps us to not get to the ending before the beginning! lol And the visuals still remain and less pressure to try to get your full attention back if you happen to go to quickly.
  13. My self and hubby often play! It is a lot if fun, excitting and different. Fell free to ask me more.
  14. If I was that SP, I would complain about that! She could easily be dating from a website and gave her date a fake name for the first meeting, or any number of reasons why. Maybe you 2 met at lunch, and now your here to bring her for dinner but do not know her name... maybe it is a friend of a friend and you have not yet met? I would tell the hotel, that this is my rented space for my duration and you no right interrogating people in the way they did. I would also suggest to the hotel if they had such a problem with " bad visitors" then perhaps they should install a key card type of entrance to get to the rooms ( such as Delta Saint John NB ). Sorry you felt slammed on this thread. Now that you clearly posted the scenario, I can see why you did not want to enter again. And know we know that you did contact her again after said situation.
  15. I never understood why Men get so freeked out? Not like your making a huge drug deal or something crazy like that. I mean you are allowed to visit who ever you like! None of their business. Who cares your going to room 114? Your allowed to have friends, and so is she..lol I lost an apts few times for just this same reason and I was rather annoyed that he just couldn't say "no thanks, have good evening" As someone else has said, walk in like your just visiting a friend....which you are! Don't look around over your shoulder, fidget etc...
  16. I do not have children, but I remember being a teenager very well. I was a rotten teenager! But what has been said here is true, this is how teenagers exercise their new found freedoms, learn coping skills and their brain is developing in a new way that makes adults think their kids have turned into monsters! The foundation is still there, just mucked up at this time. While I was a rotten teenager, my parents felt like enemy number 1. To this day I carry guilt of what I put them threw:( But they stood by me, and now Mom and Dad are my best friends! I took till about 23 when I became friends with them again. Now we are so close, there is not a day that goes by I call to say "hello I love you" Hang in there!!
  17. Exactly! I do not judge it, but I just prefer not to accept these types of booking as I know how I will feel throughout my session. And if I am not comfortable being there, no amount of money will make that feeling go away.
  18. Tonight is BBQ rib eye steak! Marinated simply with worchestshire??( SP?) and steak spice with garlic then drenched in cola! Sweet potato fries will accompany the meat! LOVE my BBQ season!
  19. I agree, fully and completely on recycling and reusing! On that point, when I donate for reuse, I make sure donation are in good condition first. Cause I don't want those in need having to rummage for something that is ugly, torn and stained.
  20. I am a minimalist, I always keep what is really important to me. ask: Is this important to me? Will I use it again? Have I used in 1 year? If not, will others benefit from it as a donation? If not 100% sure, then I will keep it one more year. I do not like "stuff", counters cleared, few boxes in the closet or garage...that is all! I see when stuff when shopping, and ask myself, how can I use it? Where would it go? And If I cant answer this, then I say wait a week, and if I still want it, then will go get it. This way it is not just an impulse buy. GOOD LUCK!!
  21. As an avid reader, this is a great loss to our literary world!! R.I.P :(
  22. I eco what Katherine and Christy have said. I am uncomfortable with someone sucking or licking my feet. LOVE a foot massage tho.
  23. I feel that some fantasy's should remain as a fantasy. Personally, I would decline a visit to a married man's home, or especially to the marriage bed. I have had a client here and there say that line " I think of you when I make love to my wife" and well it certainly does not get me wet upon hearing that, if anything it turns me off. I am not here to ruin or interfere with a marriage, but to allow gent's to have their needs met in a discrete manner. I feel for some marriages that I have helped them stay together happier, as they will far less chance of being caught running around. For this reason, booking is done at my location. It is not as personal this way, and wont feel the need to wash the quilt away after.
  24. I wish for: 1. for my loved ones to be happy. 2. for my ladies to succeed in whatever path they take 3. for my clients to keep coming back!
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