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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Hard to say what is best for you. If you are thinking on photography, you will be wise to start advertising say on kijji first to build your experience and to see if there are enough interest in all area's of photography. I say this because, if you are looking to only have escort boudoir clients, it will be far and few in between. From a finance point, it will be a hard go if only advertising for escort boudoir. As in any business the more versatile you are, the better your business can grow. Also, try to submit some pics into contest and or galleries, so that when people are enquiring and booking you, you can have some credentials to offer to the table. This is will set you into a professional category rather then just " another dude with a camera" . Would love to see you do this and succeed! Lord knows, it is hard to find a good and open minded photographer!
  2. Crown plaza is good, has pool, workout room, restaurant and small pub. Downtown too:)
  3. This one is so strange! While I was in Cuba, I had a dream that Marilyn Denis lived upstairs of me in an old shabby house!! LMAO...Like wha???? But her place was awesome, like on her stage. Why in the world would SHE be in my dream? hahaha
  4. This is so touching and true. Love the spoken verse in this! http://blog.petflow.com/this-is-a-video-everyone-needs-to-see-for-the-first-time-in-my-life-im-speechless/
  5. Thanks for everyone's insight, I am going to take this all into consideration! I suppose I am own worst critic, might tweek it just a bit.
  6. Thanks to warped! I value your insight, especially as someone who has not met me...yet lol ALSO, thanks to GQSXXX Nice to have a fresh outlook too! I put that pic there to demonstrate Gentlmen's massage is my foremost concern...but maybe your right there? I wonder, I think I can do better with my home page tho, my picture I am not satisfied with. Perhaps cause one person sent me a nasty message stating he " seen better lift on his pancakes for breakfast" which is so offensive to all the small titty's out there, so keept it on for that sake, lmao.. But yet, maybe not the most flattering pic of me? I will retire what you suggested, as your right, not much activity there. So, next question... if there was a photo that you would suggest as home page, what would you like to see? Of the photos I have posted here so far? Keep in mind, should probably NOT be my braids from Cuba pics, as I only wear those 1 time a year?
  7. OK, give it me straight, but be gentle hahha... I am just wondering.....should I re-vamp my website? I mean, is it ok the way it is or should I consider getting a web designer to give me a make over? I admittedly do not pay as much attention and care as I should to my site, but I am curious if people actually notice or care about it? I put this in NB section as it you NB men that are looking at it, so tell me your thoughts..be kind of course. But looking for constructive criticism to decide if I should pay more to give it an over hull or not. It is a monthly expense for me as I have video's on it, so maybe I should invest a bit more to have it looking better, or will it be a waste? suite-escapes.ca Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
  8. I am a bit opposite to what has been said here so far. I advertise my number because of the over whelming amount of emails, that later I would discover were just fishers and jokers. So now, I prefer a txt and voice call to book and inquire. Of course I always ask them to review my site before calling or txt back. This helped with long winded txt inquiries, " just go to my site for all the details". I found it was easier for me to discover who the fakers were, as the fakers did not want to call from an unblocked number. Anyone can be on the other side of the email, but when calling me, it is easier for to detect the fakers out there. I found it easier to book/inquire with phone calls, rather then trying to guess if this email was sincere or not. Less time consuming and less no shows/cancelations too.
  9. Hello! Glad you decided to post:) It is a nice way to break the ice and get to know each other a bit. Yes the majority of ladies here are very welcoming and patient. Don't be shy, reach out and communicate is the best way to feel at ease with a lady(s). We are a good bunch, with good since of humor too!
  10. I hear ya! I think I am probably the "prudest" hooker on site! LMAO... No for real, I hear ya! I consider myself a lady while at work or not ( NO insult for the ladies who are R rated!) . In my personal life I am extremely conservative and even in my professional persona, I am still conservative in my advertising style, pics and communication. BUT once we meet me, then all goes wild! Never sure if this helps my cause or hurts it, but either way... I am just me! And will not change what I feel is comfortable for a trend... But the ones who pull it off, WOW you do it well!!! xoxoox THANKS FOR THIS THREAD!
  11. I really like this one! Very true and well said!! Thanks:)
  12. Hhahaha, your so funny! This should now be called the weather forecast thread, lol... I bought a bunch of spring cloths, wondering if I will get to wear them? Perhaps we will just skip spring and go right to summer? Another shopping trip is in order then I guess!
  13. I get the jitters still and is now since 2005 since I began my career! It is the same kind of jitters one would get when about to enter a stage! I feel this way for regular clients and new ones alike. The new ones more so however. I think it is the jitters that make you want to really impress and do well by them. The more nervousness I feel, I seems to perform even that much better! I like the jitters, it is like an adrenalin rush for a base jumper!
  14. So sorry to hear this, I too had a lizard and was surprised how much the little guy meant to me! He was a Chameleon named Fast Eddie. Hope you can manage to keep him as comfy as possible, when lizards get sick, it is very difficult to pin point it. But at least you are giving him the very best life, as 15 years is a nice life for Lizards.
  15. Friday, this is my fish night!! Mussels in maple curry sauce, chopped red oion, orange/red peppers, and boc choy:) Salmon fillet on BBQ bacon wrapped scallops!! MMMMmmmm this will be sooo good!
  16. I like quickies actually. Think they can be fun and kinky... The only problem with 15 min, I found, was what if it goes to 20 min or 22 min? How do you then stay with in your donation amount? If 15 min is 120, and HH is 160, and you go to 20min, does this now mean donation should be 130? lol....I stick to HH min, as most 15 min do go beyond 15 min anyways, especially when a shower is expected or offered.
  17. Love this song, But this group of men do it so well! Sends shivers of joy through out my body! This video shares their strength in a very pure way . Togetherness is what it is all about! I love all the cultural takes of this, how special is this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cI_0Hyn57Lk
  18. Ohhhh, was wondering when I got your second request, like I said to myself " I thought we already friends" lol..thanks for letting us know:)
  19. Once spotted in public with another lady we know and cherish here on CERB, a dude came to asking if we were from " kerb...or Serb..." I automatically got on the defensive as we did not want to be notice, I said " no I am from Moncton, why do you think I am Serbian?" hahahha Why would it be Kerb?? This is Canadian Escort Recommendation Board???? Not the Kanadian Escort Recommendation Board?? Just pointing out the obvious I guess??
  20. Ahhh what a nice time I had in Cuba!! House party gatherings with the best food ever!! Pork spit roasts, lobster, yummy veggies! Sunshine and heat up to 35-40 every day! Nice to go away but yet so nice to be home again! Now just waiting to open my PEI cottage and let the summer begin!! xoxoox
  21. I have no words to express how I feel. You are such a great friend to me. You have always been here for me, and I hope that even an ounce of support you have shown to me has been returned! You are the person in the room, that when you leave, there never can be a single person there that would have a negative word against you! I love you Tom, You have made a difference in this world...my world! xooxox
  22. Not sure what your style is, check out the ads in the announcement area and the recommendation threads. If you prefer a mature women, there is Meaghan in STJ , and if you prefer a younger lady Ms Manda is often in STJ. I have also heard good things on Tiffany, she is a local STJ lady too. Good luck:)
  23. Windows are open at last!! Yum, spring fresh air, clean floors, laundry going....I love spring cleaning days! Hope when I return from Cuba, Canada is dry and snow free! lol...
  24. AWSOME day today!! Sun is out, and celebrating a birthday party!!
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