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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Happy Birthday RG!! You share the same Birthday as my beloved Asia, hahaha...too bad not closer, you could share Birthday Spanks! hahaha, Enjoy your day lovey!:spank:
  2. It is a beautiful day today, I could actually smell a little tease of spring in the air! Ohhhh, boy, another storm Sunday:( I miss hearing the little tweets from baby birds in the morning. Is so cute when they do that, makes me giggle in the morning waking up to that sweet tweet sound! Get out everyone, enjoy some nice weather, 10+ today! Good day for the farmers market!
  3. hahahhaha, funny. You know I wasn't correcting his spelling, actually thought Zoro was making a play on words...lol
  4. Ahh yes makes since Zoro! lol, nope, I am doing the "sun dance" hahhaha, any virgins around to sacrifice? LMAO
  5. Hunni Bunni, you know I love you! I also know how much heart you give to this site, and I for one am proud to call you my friend! You have been my big sister love for years now, that will never change! Congrats!!!!
  6. Took my braids out during the storm, wasn't too bad here, did not have to shovel....sorry Meaghan, hahaha.... Damn, miss my braids already! I actually have to style my hair for the first time in 3 months hahahha, hmmm...maybe back to braids?
  7. Yes a submitted my info on this scam to the link provided above. My FB is set on friends only, but ya my aunt probably had hers in public mode..
  8. Aww, that is a tough situation my friend. I have too almost come to this point. A blessing came in disguise of a tragedy for my friend. Not sure it was rock bottom yet, but was significant enough for her to know something worse is lurking in the shadows if she didn't straighten out. Just open a door when needed, do not take anything your friend says to heart. She is sick and not herself right now. Hopefully nothing too bad will happen, but if it does, it may be the thing that opens her eyes. Put it this way, if you don't open your door and she gets hurt or worse, dies, you will have a very heavy heart. When you do open your door, make it with an agreement that NO booze( drugs) are consumed while here, and must eat a proper meal at least once in a day. This way you are not enabling but giving her a chance to sober up and think. Best wishes for you and your friend! If you ever need to talk, I am here with some pretty profound personal experiences as well. I am a lucky one! Hope she is too!
  9. Hey y'all:) Just putting this out there so no one get's scammed. My aunt's FB was hacked, started a week ago...I got a friend request, then a message saying "hey, did you get the good news yet? " I said no??? then nothing.. then next day " so...you get any good news yet?" "no????" I said, "what is it Pearl?" " Facebook is giving away Easter Lottery, I won 85,000 just got it delivered few days ago, paid my bills and have some in the bank for savings!" She continues to say " I seen your name and pic on the list too! txt this number I got from an agent and tell them you would like details. " I did txt it. CONGRADULATION!! I WON hahahhaha, we will send email form to fill out, ohh and please pay for the delivery and case file. I knew then that it was a scam as you never should have to pay out to get your prize. I asked in the chat box to my "aunt Pearl" what is my mothers name, of course "she" knew it hahhaa, can you call me? "she" says "no my cell broken and not at home" I said funny cause I am talking to you right now on the phone, you are a hacker...lol I am telling you all this, cause it can be tricky when someone has the right info, so it is hard to ask trick questions. They have gone through my mother, sisters and me now ... Question: where does one report this kind of scam?
  10. WOW, so so sorry for you and all that went threw this with her:( I am being hopeful but not blind either, I know slipping is apart of recovery too. Important if you slip to get back up asap...such a young life, so much future ahead of my friend, just hope she stays motivated to be sober. So far so good, I hear talk of plans and goals, I think that is a very big key to recovery is to have goals. No matter how small, the since of accomplishment can carry you onto the next goal... Thanks for sharing your story!
  11. Last sunday, I got a txt like this... "hello" "hello?" " hi?????" "HELLLOOOOO" "hi?????" ?????? "why are you not responding?????" So I woke up on Monday, my phone was on silent from 2 pm till Monday the next day. I responded like this " excuse me, you do not have to obsessively txt me hello, I took the day off, and was sleeping because I am human and not a robot. I was so frustrated because he wasn't the only one with "hi" there were many. He responded many hours later, I felt like doing it back to him with ... hi hello... etc... That same day I had one who admitted he was just txt me cause he like sexting, so I said, I sorry but no money in sexting, lol... Occasionally my regular clients will txt a hello and I will respond with a few min of chat, but they all know I am a busy women and do not have the time to txt all day long so they keep it short and sweet. After working all day with a phone and computer, a person can get rather tired of it and if your just txting "hello" with no booking in your mind, chances are I am not going to reply, I am just human and need time away from my phone. Once I am done for the day, so is my phone. Sophia has left the building so to say hahha.
  12. Yes you are right MOD, I apologise. I am one who is always showing support for others, did not want to portray any kind of cattiness at all. I see your point on how it may appear, just wanted to remind people that you can ask for ID when in doubt to avoid an innocent mistake. Thanks for your reminder as well!
  13. MOD, just to be clear... I just posted on this thread, is this also included? I am merely mentioning to be cautious, but do not want to be on the "no no" list either. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=172495 If so, I will delete my post.
  14. I am a bit concerned of her age. I looked at her pics, and feel she looks rather young. I would strongly suggest when ever you are in doubt to ask for ID. I would hate for anyone to make an innocent mistake here. I could be wrong, but when I see 19 or 18 I like to be extra sure.
  15. FTN40 took the words out of my mouth, we consider this as a community. As a community, we have many types of personalities, we have the shy, the loud, the funny, the leaders, followers, silly, serious... this is what a community built on. A chance to learn and grow, whether your learning form getting an earful (lol) or by having questions answered, being able to cry the blues and have support. WE ARE A COMMUNITY and we are on-line friends too. For myself, if let's say Roamingguy or suddenly left our community, I will feel a void, and he has given me my fair share of " cyber spankings" lol...but he taught me from being like that. So for me, this on-line friendship has shaped some of my views that perhaps I never would have had otherwise. So hopefully you are enjoying and learning from the thread you started. I say that honestly, because it is a great place with great people to get to know:) ENJOY!
  16. Happy to report, my friend has seen the light so to say. Had a very scary situation happen the day I wrote this. Since then, my friend has made a doc apt and has been sober. It is only the beginning of a long road home, but I am hopeful. I am trying to make activities that do not resemble old habits, crafts, working out and focusing on home life. Thanks to everyone who posted here, it really helped me to "not give up" on my friend. :)
  17. Not sure what is in the water or air around here, but I got all the "crazies" out today, with strange and not nice txt today! hahahah, ohhh well sort of entertaining, lol...is it spring air?? lol Sun is shining in my window, almost feels like summer:) LOVE IT!!! My dog too loves it, he is in the window on top of couch with a goofy smile! hahahha
  18. I suggest Jordan Munroe, she is playful and offers what you are looking for. She does have a classified ad here, a profile but does not logon often. Also on BP her name is in the tittle. Miss Manda also visits Moncton often, defiantly a "must see" as well.
  19. Wow that is a tricky one! I thought about it, and at first my instinct is to get up say " excuse me, what did you say?" But then, she could take it out the kids later. Call cops and ask them to speak to her? Well probably wont have the outcome we hope for either... So, I would time it so as she took a drink of a nice hot coffee, I would walk behind her and " accidently" jolt her chair with a kick to the leg of the chair, making her spill hot coffee all down her pretty blouse all the while with a smile and a glance to the kids and say " ohh dear, did I HURT you?" Or say" ohh shit I bumped into that WALL! " Send a wink to the kids and carry on! At least for a moment I can be a hero to the kids and they would know that I intentionally done it for their sake. Then like the previous poster, would also get licence plate and call child protection.
  20. Thanks everyone! Really appreciate all of your wise advice. ! Boomer, your right. I think I have figured out a way to do this. I can be distant while not abandoning a friend. Thank you for reminding me of that!
  21. A letter to my dear friend, I know you have been dealt a hard hand in life. I wish I could fix it for you, wish you never had to endure what haunts you now. I am sitting here watching you self destruct for about 6 months, always knowing you were treading a fine line for years. I want to hold you and make you feel safe, but yet I want to shake you to wake up! How do I continue to support you without enabling you? Today, I just wanted to hug you and tell you everything will be ok, but yet I need to give you "tough love" in hopes you will see how precious life and relationships are! Would I be a good person if I let you continue down this road? Am I awful for "cutting you off" ? How do I as your friend show you I care with out letting you think it is ok to be like this? I do not know. I cry for you. I know how wonderful life can be, and I know how great you are, just wish you could see it! ******************************************************************************************* We all carry demon's from our past, but what makes some rise above? Faith, positive influences, goals, accomplishment, and yes sometimes we need a professional to help us sort it out. It is hard to on this end too, the one who tries to teach and guide another who is lost. As much as I try to remain calm and strong, it tears my soul apart. What would you say to a friend? When do you give up? Is there "an app for that"? I am reaching out to my CERB family, I hope I can gain insight into how to help my friend without enabling either. Maybe other's who read this and find themselves in this situation will also gain insight.
  22. Meg, reading your post touched me. I must be a tad emotional, cause I had tears for you, then tears of joy for her! You are a wonderful example of how not to forget the simple things in life, respect and manners! Thanks for sharing and for reminding us all it doesn't take much effort to make a difference! xoxoxo
  23. Tonight's dinner is a rib eye steak, from the farmers market! YUM!! This beef is a serious piece of meat! The meat from this farm is all natural, no additives and no medications. Really can taste the cow in the steak, rather then watered down, and no taste that you find elsewhere:) Hopefully it will be warm enough out around 8 pm to BBQ it:) Will be the first this season:) Sides....ummm, unknown yet hahah
  24. I am curled up watching come dine with me, is a fun foody show:) Good for a boring sunday:)
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