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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I would approach this carefully. Moncton has a hard time keeping these parlors open or legal. The city has a very low tolerance for commercial establishments, if you all remember George Manship's fate? Seeing how the laws are changing, I encourage you to keep yourself updated in how laws and shift and change in the coming year. Hopefully, they will be allowed to keep there doors open, if they are in an industrial park area they might have a good chance, but if in downtown area then I am not sure, as Moncton has made pretty strict zoning laws since the fall of Gentlemen's Massage Parlor.
  2. I have a selection of soaps. From Dove to Irish spring, Nivea for men unscented. Some of my regulars also bring their own and I store it with their name on it:) The men that visit me really appreciate that I have gone the extra step to be sure to have a selection for them, it takes a bit of the worries away. If someone could invent a loufa that would have soap in it that would dissolve as you used it, I would be your biggest client! Cause the problem with bottle soap, it doesn't lather well on a face cloth:( I also have bars of soap which do a better job, and there was a study I had seen, saying bar of soap even after someone else uses it is actually cleaner then a bottle of soap as we touch the bottle with our hands..hmm? kinda makes since.
  3. She is working for an agency here in town. Pandora's Box, Also known as Fifth Avenue. When you look in the yellow pages, the number it is there under Fifth Avenue.
  4. So sorry you and your son had to go threw that! My friends son is autistic but also has OCD, and she gets these sideways looks all the time. They think she is just a bad mother because her kid will have huge outbursts at times. It is so difficult for her. Finding a babysitter is dreadful for her:(
  5. Ya crazy snow, arg.... I cant believe people were calling this morning around 9 am looking for appts for right way, hahaha, I am like " well not sure about your part of town, but I have 2-3 ft of snow to plow out first, hahah.. " Plowed it...and now again got a full drive way! arg! here is a giggle for all of us snow sick folks,
  6. I hear ya, I just got asked for a cheaper rate to book with Asia cause she is not white! I am speechless! Even though he responded to HER ad, and her name is Asia! OMG...he wont book with this white chick now either hahaha. I don't mind if ppl have their preferences, but that was unacceptable in every way!
  7. I already have a thread for inspiration and affirmations, however this short video deserves to stand out on it's own so that it doesn't get missed. I hope you enjoy this! I did! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynYwTU7z6BI&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  8. I have enjoyed much of both of your posts. For the most part. I do enjoy a good philosophical debate, but the purpose of a good debate is not just sway your opponent but also to educate others ( like a symposium). With the way you 2 are discussing this, I am afraid not much has been taught to others that may be trying to learn more about this topic. Perhaps a private debate would be more suited for you? PEACE MAN:)
  9. Happy Birthday Bella Beauty! Go and enjoy your day, have fun!!
  10. Check this out!!! Can you see the smiley faces? hahah
  11. Spoken to me by many avid voters, they say " there are much much bigger issues in Canada then how or where people get laid" I honestly do not think this is the biggest issues that Canada has on the agenda. I mean if that is all that the conservatives are worried about then failure will be in their future...then Problem solved hahah. Keep you eyes on NDP/Green, that is where you will find most of the " fem-pro" mind set. We have much more to concern ourselves, this is not a " top topic" in my opinion. Even if it were, I doubt they are concerned with what we are doing as individuals in our homes, it will be the street level. This is the real issue to be worried about if your concern is found in human rights and safety:(
  12. As far as I know, we are not allowed to advertise anything but our services. There was someone about a year ago trying to sell massage table, and I think she was told it was against the rules for here as we are not a classified ad site. Best to ask MOD about it. Best place for you would be kijji. You could use the word "boudoir" photography to let ladies know you are open to that. I know if I was looking for a photographer that is the place I would look first. You could also use a "cold call" method, which is, scrolling on BP and send a txt stating you are available for photography.
  13. Good poll! Just today I got a txt, asking where have I been he had not seen my ads for while. I told him look to the right, I am there in sponsored ads, so do not feel the need to bump ad up everyday. I fins sponsor ads cheaper too, as it ads up if you bump every day:( I only bump ads up when I know I can expect a busy couple of days, other then that I stay in sponsor ad.
  14. When I signed it, it was at 300 supporters, and now is 470:) Keep spreading the word, still need much more!!
  15. Ohh this is so good for St.John's Hope to some new sexy creatures come out of the woodworks:) Great chance for you all to get to know each other on a light a friendly thread:) Gosh hope I can make a visit there some day! I have been to every province, and 3 territories and yet have gone to NFLD:(
  16. I signed with my own name, as I did another petition for another cause in the past, for me, I decided to go by my real name hoping it will carry more weight. NOT trying to say that you have to, this is MY choice. As I am out, and paying taxes, cpp and other investments.... NOTE: IF YOU CHOOSE TO USE YOUR REAL NAME and email that is linked to FB, MAKE SURE YOU UNCLICK TO YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE!!! I noticed that option at the end, glad I did or would show on my Facebook page as well!
  17. Always happy to see a new poster:) Welcome to our sexy family:) Hope to see more posts soon:) No worries hun, I know you were probably excited about your encounter:) Maybe someday she will join us here on CERB? Stay happy, sexy and healthy:)
  18. Hmmmm, good idea! I have not self loved in a while....BRB!
  19. Buying my Shania Twain tickets today:) Yay!!!! Grandstand here I come! So excited:) My friend is an impersonator of Shania, he will love this so much! 3 min till I can call:) Yippy!
  20. However, just because you do not agree with the Nordic model doesn't make you a hobbyist per say. Just a concerned citizen for human rights in general.
  21. I am not sure, I have done other petitions from change.org, and it has my name and addy on it already. I didn't mind, but ya try to see if a fake name works?
  22. Thanks for the reminder:) I mostly use it when I am traveling, to remember my schedule and confirmation numbers little requests , etc. I find it very useful as well:)
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