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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I like that! Thanks for your very fair and true perspective:) Very well could be the way it is! Thank you for the reminder of how it can be for an uninformed beginner:( It can be a struggle for sure! I am just happy to know she chose what she felt was best for her")
  2. I agree and disagree. Have you reported him? I have not even looked at the profile yet. But is there a rule against names??? Do we need to wait for him to post and screw up? At least the OP has made us aware so that no lady in their right mind would book him, and no gent would give raise to his rep either:( I just don't know? I hope if MOD can, or has the ability to, then ban the whole IP, and for the rest of us, at least now we know and can report any other name that is in slightest reflection to is chosen name! As mentioned watch the multi account thread with diligence!
  3. I completely agree!!!! keep watch on him closely, he will probably sneak back in as he seems pretty passionate with a name like that! #getridofhim
  4. I suppose your comment about being familiar with all the SP's of Fredericton, made us think you have met with all of us. This is a community that supports each other local competition included. I strongly believe in friendly competition, after all at the end of the day, this industry can be a small world and lord knows I would not want to burn my bridges with other ladies in my town as one day we may need each other:) I have often suggested ladies that are here and local to other Gent's as perhaps I am too busy or not providing what you are looking for. I think this is a great way for all of us to be. Sometimes these ladies also pass on my info to their clients too:) Makes it happy world:)
  5. I wonder too if this is written as a story from a sociology motive too. I mean some of the story doesn't ad up. Would not an educated lady like herself look more into the way we work, specifically the common bawdy house statement. As we all know, how little risks there are involved with having a couple of friends stop in on any given day, especially a large city like TO. What about hotels? Also her agency experience, well I suppose could be true, but in my experience most agencies are not run by a mid life ugly pimp...well not if you doing a bit of research on who is reputable for agencies. The interview is not servicing ( from my experience) Just seems like she talking from stero types rather then her experience. I could be wrong, but just thinking it doesn't add up. I could see these experiences coming from a poor soul who did not know any better on how to research her business, but being a sociology student, research should be her strongest asset.
  6. I agree, the pet smart in my city is probability the only place I would bring my dog if I was not able to my poodle. Although not one on one attention, it is very clean and the staff is certified for sure.
  7. I WOULD NOT SUGGEST THAT!! Good way to blow her cover and discretion! I mean not very low key behaviour! You always want to appear as a regular customer, many places would get very upset if they knew what you are doing there. Jordan Munroe books incall. But hope you use a bit more discretion, and use common sense , then what you have shown in these posts hun! She does have a booking protocol too.
  8. The Mid-Town Inn and suits have clean nice rooms for like 65-70 bucks:)
  9. First, I have not seen the video, but here is my recommendation for cat washing.. Cats generally should NOT be bathed. There are rare instances that it is required. But healthy cats that are brushed often and on a nutrient diet, enriched with omega's will shed naturally and they do groom themselves. Also by bathing your cat, he can " give up" grooming himself, making it a catch 22 problem.. Is the cat matting? This is a concern, because cats thyroid and hormonal balance could be off. Also, if washing, you could be stripping the cats natural oils from the skin and fur, leaving it more easy to matt. MATS SHOULD NEVER BE CUT OUT, but rather shaved out with a professional clipper, preferably by a certified pet groomer. If you insist on bathing your cat, then best to use a waterless shampoo. It has an enzyme base that kills odor and bacteria, but leaves a nice scent behind too. There are also wipes for the bum area. Trim the fur around the bum to prevent future cling on's. If your bathing to smell pretty, then use a cat cologne you can find at pet stores. Baby powder scent is nice:) As far as safely securing your cat, you can do the hot dog method, this is wrapping the cat in a towel, arms extended and legs, gently swaddle him rolled in towel. However, this is not effective when shampooing only for trimming nails and bum fur. Best to see a pro for this. Cats do suffer the more stress as dogs for this. In most cases, your cat is safer being sedated by your vet, and let the groomer do it. I never suggest bathing a cat. It is completely against their nature.
  10. Sorry to hear your struggling:( I too tried this approach, but no success. But what I did do, was .... The dentist up on Prospect st close to the Sobey's , did allow me to bulid a payment fund. So every week/month that I could afford to put a few bucks on my dentistry, they would collect it to an amount we could work with:) I found this very helpful, as when I did have an extra 50...100..even 20..I would bring it in and they would add it to my account. Then, I was able to have 500-1000 to use when I needed to. check them out:) Or ask any dentist office if they could do the same? There is a good dentist in Oromocto as well, they may be willing to set up an account for you? ALSO.....if it is an emergency, then you can go to the hospital but all they will do is pull it or give you prescription for antibiotics I think....
  11. Yupper!! lol, after Cuba April 12-19 lol let's hope the snow is gone when I return! ....then here I come hahah...Cottage time baby!
  12. Yes, it can be very frustrating to say the least! For me, if they are over txting I simply say " call me for the details, this is too much txt" ...if they refuse to call then I will suspect they are a joke. Like, why are you hiding behind txt? Besides, with me they have to voice call to book the apt anyways, so might as well call me, get the info you need and book or don't. I have refused many because of this. I figure if they can not be a gentlemen enough to read my profile or site, or at very least call when I ask them to, not to sure I want to book them. I am not interested in someone who become a pain in the ass. It is a simple request.
  13. Well Spring is almost here, I can almost smell it! Good sign spring is close? I just groomed my poodle! Took off the old yucky coat, and no fresh a clean pup again:) Still a bit chilly tho, so goes out and in pretty quickly lol...
  14. Of course you can:) But here is good too:) This thread is for anything you wish to say on anything:)
  15. I have been a pet groomer for 15 years. I just retired from that last year. I agree that there are many awful grooming places out there. Here is what I know.... 1, be sure not to bring your dog to a place that I call " assembly line grooming" This means a place that has more then one table with 4 tubs and cages with the dryer attached. These places do not give the gentle care your pet should receive. I refuse to even work in a place like that. Choose a groomer that works one on one. You should be waiting 2 hours for your dog in this case. 2. When it comes to bathing, depending on the kind of dog you have, you should be able to do this as an owner. However, if you have a breed or the dog just is terrified of water. It IS best to have a professional to do it for you. In a dogs mind, you are the one to provide safety. This is one reason why a Vet can seem to do things to your dog that you can not. A professional is neutral to your pet. This goes with all aspects of grooming, if your nervous your dog will be too and chances are your going to teach your dog " that bath/grooming time is a stressful thing and he should be scared" The problem of bathing your own pet, is that most of you do not blow dry after, leading to hot spots, moist dermatitis. 3, Drying your pet is not easy and can lead to much unnecessary stress to point of seizer, this is why a professional should be doing it. I never agreed to the cage drying style. First because some parts will remain moist as the dog will go to the furthest corner away from dryer laying in one spot. But also, brushing the fur as it dries is important for the skin and fur integrity. 4. a groomer is not a magician, You MUST START GROOMING BEFORE 5 MONTHS OF AGE!!!! YOUR PET NEEDS TO BE TRAINED TO ACCEPT THE GROOMING WITH EASE!!! START THE WEEK YOU GET YOUR PUP! At home you begin with " desensitizing training" meaning touch the feet with forgein objects ( pens, spoon), cotton ball the ears, have loud noises like a dryer around the pup often. Touch all parts of your dog. Find a table to put pretend to groom, so he is not scared of the table. While you have him on the table, now is a good time to teach him about brushing him:) You should do this once a week. 5. DO NOT THINK JUST CAUSE YOU GOT HIM GROOMED YOUR GOOD FOR 9 MONTHS. A pup needs to return every 6 weeks, because he will forget what he has learned. Make sure the end of a grooming session feels like success to him. NEVER EVER LAUGH AT HIM ON HIS FIRST HAIR CUT! Dogs do get shy and embarrassed if you pick him up and laugh and carry on. Let him leave on a good note:) Be proud of your pup. 6. BE SURE YOUR GROOMER IS ACTUALLY CERTIFIED in a school course that is at least 6-8 months duration. Mine was 8 months. Ask to see the certificate. There are no real regulations for this, anyone can say they are a groomer, but to say a certified pet groomer is different. You would be amazed how many are NOT certified! 7. IF YOUR DOG IS STARTING GROOMING LATE IN LIFE OR HAS SUFFERED A BAD SESSION. If it is a bad case for your pet, and he begins to froth and salivate, stress pants and scream...You are better of having your dog sedated by your vet ( many vets also have groomers on staff) then groomed. It is about 50.00 more on your bill, but there is no point to terrifying your dog to a point of seizer! Many bad things can happen to a dog that is distressed and many dogs have week hearts and murmurs. Strokes can also be a risk at this point. Hope this helps anyone with grooming concerns? I did not watch the links, my heart would break if I do, and I have to work today, lol...so ... I just groomed my poodle yesterday, here is a pic:)
  16. Admitting is the first step lol...all good humor of course:)
  17. YES, CERB IS the new Facebook, lol....We have a "support group" in general discussions for this problem hahahha
  18. In many larger cities, like Ottawa, To...etc, we do have a " fetish" area, perhaps you will find success there? Many ladies are advertising for DOM, Happy searching:) xo
  19. Then a massage is what you will get:) You may think it is flattering to me that you are asking for more, but really it is not! I have been meeting some gent's that just do not seem to all that interested in my massage aspect, and have to say it makes for a very awkward and long 45 min if you wont lay down and enjoy the massage:( I do suggest that they see another lady for extra activities, however, they always say " but I like you so much" . So sweet to hear, but really...just accept my massage if that is what you are booking me for. One fella ( not here on this site) refused to lay down, saying he just wanted to look at me...like wha??? Your going to stare at me for 30 min then have your happy ending???? NOPE! It felt so uncomfortable!!! I felt like a tiger at a zoo! I do have mirrors in place for your viewing pleasure, but he says not the same thing lol...I also have no problem, with starting at the end...then you an enjoy a massage too! But in this case he didn't want to do that either... so, if you are wanting a massage, then book a massage. If you want GFE then please don't book an MA with hopes of more:( I also notice that many will book the massage as it is a less expensive service..but then ask for more. EVEN IF I offered more, chances are you did not bring the proper donation in hand, so?? Just be honest with yourself, your needs and to the provider. Just food for thought for new hobbyist to consider. Book your session to what your needs are.
  20. There are rare moments "right now" can work. Like when you get stood up by another client and yet have another one booked in 1.5 hours from now, then I am ready "right now" meaning be on your way and you are with in 15 min vicinity to me. yesterday this happened, Gent calls at 115, and just had a short notice cancelation. I said sure if you can be here by 130, he said no prob, well he ended up getting here at 2, causing me a world of stress cause I had a 3 booked! So when he arrived, I said I cant give you a full hour as it is too close for comfort cause with my luck my 3 will be 15 min early! Grrrr.. Other than that, no on the spot booking for me, I prefer a full hour notice so that I make sure everything is ready and I am in the " Sophia" mode.
  21. You have to admit, it is one hell of a reward! hahahah
  22. Thank you kindly:) There are many wonderful ladies in this city, that have class and flair for business. Of course there are some bad apples too, but with a bit of research, you are sure to find a great lady here:)
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