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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Funny you mention this!! I had this thought about a week ago too. But I do not "work out" , so I would need to learn more about that. Might also require PT certificate? But ya I was thinking of putting a work out bench in my space, or a elliptical machine... Just in the day dream mode for now.
  2. YES, and in my experience, when I have been offered this, the gent's say..." what?? even though I am paying???" BUT...I can save 1500 for a trip, but can I afford the loss of a week, or the loss of a possible regular that will see me week after week? As I am thinking about tomorrow too!
  3. This is a great question! I am not sure if others have answered yet, but here is what I think... Like if you are going to spend even an hour with a playmate, you should do some homework on whether or not you are a good match, unless the end is all you are looking for. Hehe... So in this case, Make sure you have a good relations and have had some time together first. THEN....remember, even if you pay for the trip, doesn't give you the rights to it IF she does not get on the plane! Most flights or trips are only credited to the name on the actual flight and itinerary! So if you and her have already met, been established a good match, then I would suggest to ask her to pay her half first, under her name, then add the extra donation once you go threw security and boarded on the plane!!!! You should have her donation and expenses ready for her in an envelope for her to tuck away. Once you sit on the plane, the pass her donation for expenses! If she is saying, well how do I know you will pay? THEN I say, if you spent time together she should have already decided to trust you with screening, You need to offer up real information, like your work place, your number real name and whatever else she may ask. REMEMBER....she is leaving the country with you, spending perhaps her rent money, trusting YOU will look after her in everyway. THIS IS NOT VISITING AT A HOTEL ROOM OR LIVING ROOM! I personally now 2 hobbyist who were taken for a large sum over this issue. I asked them on their input for this question, and both agree this is the safest way to do it. If you are booking an established lady with a good rep, then this should not be a problem for them. And if you have established communication and met, then you should have an indication on her sincerity. Happy Travels !!!
  4. I know the feeling!! Oddly enough I am working today, which is rare for me on a Sunday. All good tho:)
  5. Glad you had a nice visit with her, sound great. However, I am NOT "shaking in my heels" from any kind of competition in my lovely city of Fredericton. For me, I do not stress over competition, but rather I embrace it as a chance to grow and develop my skills to the best of my ability!
  6. It was a pleasure to have you as part of our great big CERB family:) I am happy for you, so nice to see someone fall in love like this! Take care, xoxo
  7. I agree. I often times see some ladies ads, and ask my partner if he would like to book with her. He has not yet, but we do at times book a lady together. I do like lady love from time to time to. The only time I would have an issue with this is if he was hiding it from me, or maybe spending too much time with the same lady over and over. Then I would feel put aside:( Like you say Katherine "a treat" is deserved. Being an MA, I do treat him with spa sessions about once a week so he feels cared for too. :)
  8. Awesome thread! I was going to post a question a few weeks ago, then didn't. So glad you made this thread. I am a reno junky! So here is the question.... I want to make my own back splash. Cupboards are in a peppercorn brown, walls grey, and the accent wall is a spring green. I am thinking I can use smashed up terracotta flower pots. Fit them like a mosaic. Or should I use the bottom part of the flower pots, ( circular) and line them side by each? any suggestion for other material?
  9. THE 11 differences between immature women and mature women: 1. the immature women want to control the man in their lives. Mature women know that if man is really yours, there is no need for control. 2. The immature women you cry because no flames. Mature women are too busy and only limited to say with poems and sweet messages that you remember it. 3. Immature women monopolize the time of their man. Mature women realize that a little bit of space, makes time together more special. 4. Immature women do not forgive and be punished and punished by the rancor, on the other hand, mature women forgive, offer your shoulder and a handkerchief. 5. The immature women afraid to be alone. Mature women use it as a time for personal growth. 6. Immature women ignore the good men. Mature women ignore the bad guys. 7. Immature women hurt by a man, do all men to pay for that. Mature women know that it was only a man, and nothing more. 8. The immature women fall in love and pursue without rest. Mature women know that sometimes that you love, you love and if not, continue your way without rancor. 9. The immature women make you that you get home. Mature women do want to always return home. 10. Immature women leave their open agenda and are waiting for their man to talk to make plans. Mature women make their plans and loving mind notified the men so that they are integrated as best suits them. 11. The immature women will read this and make a grimace. Mature women will share it. (Translated by Bing) Original is written in Spanish...
  10. Spring cloths:) Love a good excuse to go shopping hehehe. Will be nice to dress sexy again, rather then layers upon layers of cloths! lol
  11. Is this your quote? Even if not...I love this, explains a lot of my " way" Thanks!!
  12. If you are certain about this, then maybe you should make an anonymous tip about this? Hope that all of our treasured hobbyist here would report such a disgrace of procuring from an underage provider! Remember YOU are not breaking the law, especially when reporting a situation like this:( Additional Comments: COMMING UP AT 6 PM.... live at 5, news report claiming " teenaged prostitution NOT that common" Hmmmm, is this local government trying to safe face or truth? CANT WAIT ...for this report!
  13. Are you asking from a local point of view? or just from general interest? Love to see more NB posters come out and start threads:) For me, in NB, I wanted my name to represent what you would experience, a sweet escape....but yet a play on words, Suite ( like a hotel room) escape. Before was Sophia Varoushka, Varoushka was the name of my favorite Aveda lipstick....lol.. Additional Comments: Maybe he is asking from a local point of view?? Just a thought? There is also a thread here in NB, for posting what ever is on your mind, called "NB posters where are you?" That is free for all to chat about whatever concerns you on any day...concerning NB and what is on NB mind's...please feel free to add any comment otherwise of course! Always like to invite new posters to get to know each othe:) as long is fun, friendly and positive only ...
  14. Funny you should say this, as there is some PPL here in my town claiming they are in " upscale" hotel, and yet they are in the shadiest motel in town! LOL....Like wha??? Be sure your hotel/motel is not a regular gathering place for shady biz....
  15. GOSH!!! How could we miss this? How nice it would be if we had a reminder like FB for these events, especially when on friend list!! I know MOD has so much to do already! Have a great Bday, hope it was a blast and many many more to come!
  16. Sorry I am not a hobbyist, but in my experience, I have had been turned down by both scenarios, I simply feel, you can not please everyone:) There have been people who turned me down in a nice hotel too. I would ask him what hotel he had, and providing he was in a nice place, perhaps I would go see him at his location if it were to my standards and he was confirmed in his room. Maybe then I would insist next time to visit me at my location? Some people are just not informed, and when this happens all kinds of paranoia come into play. Just the other day someone was convinced that I had some cars " with really long antenna " were watching my house 2 streets over! LMAO...really, if there were people watching my house I might need to call the police! Later that day I realized it was the windshield washers left up because of a storm! hahaha Sorry here is my additional comments. Bianca, this person must have not looked into the great rep you have here, as anyone I think, would know you would provide nothing but the best location and with utmost discretion that is needed for safety! Additional Comments: What is up with the "almost booking"? meaning the guy who enquires for rates, times avail then given the best time to be agreed on? So even though it is NOT confirmed, if you say..." I am thinking for tomorrow around 3" I say "please confirm by 130" , even if you can't make it...why not just txt and say sorry can not make it? Am I suppose to txt you at 130 and ask why you have not called yet? If I do, are you going to be upset?
  17. When I was single this happened often. For me, I would say so by the second date, if it were a proper date. The scenario you mention, is just a meeting, so need to get personal. But the second date after you get my number, I would face to face tell you. I would rather be judged face to face rather then a txt. But as a general rule, you wont get me in bed that night anyways, you need to do a bit more then take me out to dinner one night. So no worries off my back if you think your gonna get a frebbie, lol... Then see by your reaction if I would see you again. Life is tricky, and I do not want more complications by hiding the fact.
  18. I will always have a set of fresh towels ready for you to use, so you can wrap a towel around you after your shower. I also do this for massage sessions, some people are shy at first, so I will drape a towel over their buttocks first. I am in search, and have found robes that are at wholesale price, so that maybe soon I can offer you a fresh robe with the towels. For me, I will throw a robe on instead of my cloths while you get dressed. I always will be naked when your naked, dressed when you are dressed. I also prefer to leave the room as you disrobe for massage, most people feel funny if they are being watched as they hop out of their pants etc...then I enter and undress elegantly while you watch:) But if we sit and chat first, I usually will disrobe half way, as you men are visual creatures, lol Hope this answers your etiquette question?
  19. For the young hobbyist here, say under 25.... have you ever been carded by a SP/MA ?
  20. Hahhaa, we all been there! You should see some of my early morning posts! hahaha, reminds me of a line from a movie, forget which one, think maybe White Chicks...." the note says went to the gIm where the heck is that? " ....like the Y was a I or something LOL...( hard to say a joke when typing isn't it? )
  21. Ya, no he is NOT married but has a few daughters pretty pissed off, lol.. so she either walks away, not a bad idea considering her education has been paid for and can't return that, lol...or she sucks it up and continues running in a circle:(
  22. Agent or not if you allow underage to have sex with adults it is a crime.
  23. YES EXCATLY why I said, that the benefit of doubt in this case does not apply. obviously there was no fake ID being used, or they would have NOT made the arrest for underage girls, NOR would they print the story!
  24. I suppose it depends on time of day and duration of your visit. If it is an extended date, and we are expecting to eat dinner, have wine etc, then I think dressing appropriate is the right thing to do, as I will do the same. For a dinner of course I am not going to be in my lingerie at my dinner table. I would have nice dress pants/skirt and a nice shirt to match. So in this case a nice crisp clean shirt, good jeans or dress pants in proper. But if you just stopping in for an hour date, massage what not, then feel free to be casual. Not GYM pants tho, lol As long as it is clean and hole free, I am good with that:)
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