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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Far more clever then the rest of us??? WOW! Don't think I gave that impression at all. But as pointed out, was not fake anyways. Besides if it were a fake ID, I am sure the cops and reporters would have discovered this before plastering her name and face all over the news. I am sure her lawyer would have loved this!
  2. I am hardly found ON my resorts, lol...I spend every other day out exploring. Usually I will ask my favorite bartender or waitress and ask them if they, or a friend would like to take me out and about for exploration. I find that is the best way. I am a free spirit and would not like a crowded tour bus. Of course showing my appreciation with a cash gift and offering them to bring their wife along and we all go eat. Now in Cuba, I know the city of Varadero so well, I just go out. Even at the pool hall the bartender knows me now. Play pool, ping pong drink beer with the locals. I have made many friends there which always beckons me back year after year to see them:)
  3. Possible I suppose?? But come on! If in doubt you ask for ID! That is what I do for my ladies and for my clients. There are times young gent's come in and I ask them for ID, if none, then NO SERVICE. Same as the ladies. Even with Asia, I had to see her ID as she looked young. She actually did not have any the day she met me. I made her go get her pic ID before she was allowed to work with me or got details. If fake ID, I suppose her lawyer may have a good arugment, but I hardy think that will be the case! Fake ID's are not as easy as once was.
  4. Yes I seen this last night on Live at 5, was going to look for the link so glad you found it. It happens here in NB too, just in Dec an "agency" was found with a 15 yr old working, weapons, and drugs. So for sure it is not limited to NS. Even in a small city the size of Fredericton had 2 agencies were busted about 2 years ago for this. For many of these young underage workers, they have left home at an early age. Sometimes they know someone in the biz, or they may even know the agent. Leaving home at an early age, as I did, is usually a symptom of home troubles. In their young minds, they feel this is better then having to stay home where they may be being abused/neglected. in cases of sexual abuse at home, then it is common a young lady will develop promiscuous behaviour early:( So for the young lady, she feels this is OK for her. Sadly. Teachers and school counselors tend to be able to pick up this " warning flag" as they spend more time then the actual parents who are neglecting their daughters. Too bad their wasn't more that a community could do! Women like this agent, makes you feel like your in control, makes you feel like she is your only friend. But of course she is a vulture! Preying on young, as I am sure that a mature adult would not even go close to her "agency". Most often these types of agents NEED someone to work their business because they themselves are not attractive in anyway, and the men do not want to see THEM. So here is a way she can " cash in" on the trade. Feeding her drug habits or what not. By what I could see on the report, this fits her to a "T" as well as the 2 "agencies" here in Fredericton a couple years ago! Another agency caught, but I am sure there are many more to go! Makes me so mad!!!
  5. WOW that is funny!! Maybe you need a countdown of winter days remaining? lol
  6. I wonder, is this seasonal for you? I do get insomnia when spring is here, thankfully it lasts only about 3 weeks :)
  7. So here we are, we survived the polar vortex, floods, ice storms, airports shut down and power outages! Spring is almost here, 23 days, what is on your "to do list" for spring? My list starts: 1.clean my dog yard, ewwww, not going to be fun! Can I pay for this service I wonder? hahahha, not a fun chore, we had so much snow! I know ,even tho I can't see it...IT is there! lol 2. Get new windows in ( hope hope) 3. produce a new album:) NO not the same day as I do chore number 1! hahahha
  8. Yes I have tried " the expectation to the rule" once or twice. Like booking from a payphone or blocked numbers. Guess what...they are the ones who no show! This is also why I do 2 call back confirmations. You call me at a time designated, then I call you back to be sure it is not a payphone, lol rest assured that is the only time I will call YOU back. Some get very worried about that:(
  9. I just watched this, the way these cows jumped for joy:) http://vitaminl.tv/video/2677
  10. To flip the coin, my criteria for booking a gentlemen, 1. from his first enquiry, I can see if this person is respectful and classy. That is my number 1 thing I look at, an enquiry that is " what's up" or " lookin' to blow my load" is not going to even be answered" 2. The ability to follow instructions. If you can not follow a simple request like " no blocked numbers or no email bookings" then how can I be assured that you will follow my requests such as "NO means NO" Or to show up on the time we decided? I have one gent for weeks trying to book with me, I keep saying not on email, must have a phone. He says, I do not have one, well go get one at walmart then! He still is trying, this guy will NEVER get in. 3. If on CERB and has some kind of posting history is always a good way to get a booking, as I know you have must have spent some time getting to know me and the lingo of our industry. A cerb member with history here is going to get the booking before joe-blow I have no knowledge on. 4. If your not calling/txt every night 4 am....not interested in meeting you cause you are probably doing something to stay awake every night. If you work nights, best to txt me in the day before work to let me know this. I do not provide services after 9 pm anyways. 5. To return to me, you have been clean, fresh, respectful and kind. If not, I suppose " I am not available today" or if so uncomfortable for me, I will say so. You can then look for another provider. Geee, hope I do not come across as too rigid, but this is what I am comfortable with:)
  11. I have from time to time wondered about this myself. Being a women of 39, but never had children, left me wondering what category do I belong in? Cougar is not a fit either, as I prefer older men, or at least not younger then 23. So that doesn't describe me either. Props to Midnight Massage for the term Panther tho, very cute. I guess my question now is, When do I start advertising as " mature?"
  12. Yup I am watching the game:) Coffee in hand:) mmmm mmm can life get better?
  13. Sit back and enjoy all this site has to offer! We are a special group here, supporting, learning and teach when we can:) Hope to get to know more about you on line:) xo
  14. OMG this is delicious, I can not wait! The aroma of all the goodness is filling my house! I will have to repost the recipe! Marinated all night long, been in oven only 20 min and already smells soooo good! Maybe I need a pic of this? mmmm
  15. I smelling the goodness of my Cuban style pork, mmmm, been soaking in an awesome marinade all night! Thanks to the good folks I met in Cuba, they taught me this dish:) Hope I can do it justice!
  16. In my experience, my busy time of day is between 11 am to 4 pm. Most men have difficulty getting out in the evening unnoticed. I am an early bird, I have a hard time staying awake past 10 pm, lol... Besides the choice of men is not always the best after 10 pm. I suppose that is what made me become a day time person:)
  17. Perhaps we can have a " verified" section, kind of like recommendation section. So for new girls in the industry, either other SP's who have been established for over a year, or hobbyist who meet them can post that indeed they have had services. As I said above, I am going to get my 2 ladies ready to go INDY, so I would verify that they are real working ladies and not undercover. This assuming the Nordic does come in, I frankly do not think it will as it will just end up in court again. I suppose they could do it knowing it will go back to court just to slow us down for a year.
  18. I have paid taxes for 3 years as " adult entertainer" , some ladies feel that if they do this, they will "out" themselves. Even in the 90's I paid taxes as a dancer.
  19. Ohhh, cool:) So happy you posted:) Ya, uno what, no rush is needed. Explore, have some fun and get to know each other:) That is what it is all about! Everyone here is friendly, and welcoming, so dive in:) This site gives all a great chance to learn from one another!
  20. I understand my dear! Although not retired, I find it difficult at times to fill in my days when the phone is quite. I try to clean, then get bored of that too, lol.... so now I am looking a recipes for Cuban style pork for Saturday:) Hey, MRN2 if you feel like a road trip, your welcome to come enjoy some eats:)
  21. I am going to Cuba again, but funny thing is, the snow will be gone by then, In April lol...have a wedding to go to. ( NO NOT MINE HAHAH) I think e have like 38 or so days till spring, so hopefully this last week is just the last of what the clouds want to hold! lol, I was thinking this morn, it is going to be a wet wet spring but at least we do not have to shovel the rain!
  22. When in Moncton, NB, go to Pastilles! So fantastic, best is the tuna steak! Also Tide n Bore! Great gourmet style, small cozy and the best bartenders in NB! No fake lime juice here, all hand squeezed juices for drink mixes! No suggestions really for Fredericton, LOL, we lack in good food here. Brewbakers I would say is the finest food for this city.
  23. I do not want to ruin them by saying in public hun. I just know, as years ago I was looking for an established place, and they been here for 20 years. I stayed for one day, till I seen what was going on. They do not duo all together, he books them. They are adults. But still left a bad taste in my mouth so to say.
  24. Ya I hear ya!!! Here in my town, there is an agency, father runs it, mother and 2 daughters work it! ewwwwww....yikes
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