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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I am starting to get my GF's ready to work INDY just in case. I am teaching both ladies how to screen, maintain their standards, and about being discrete. As I am an agent now, I am not sure about next year. If agencies are going to be in their focus, then I would be better off by myself. Which is sooo sad, because they feel safer with me:( which is totally ironic considering the new laws as of next year will allow indoor games. But I will prepare them for this. As Angela and others have said, I do not worry for me, as I know my clients and have built a good amount of regular clientele. It is going to be hard for new girls tho, until they can verify they are not LE undercover.
  2. Outcalls are 100% legal at this time. Incalls are technically not, however mostly tolerated. Making sure your not booking underage, book independent SP, and staying away from the sketchy places ( ie: bad area's of town) BUT I would not suggest confirming your appointment on email or txt, as you can never really know who you are talking to. If you are researching your provider, finding a reputable lady then your risk is greatly lowered. Stick to the CERB ladies, for extra risk management .
  3. Ohh that was not a description of myself tho, I was making it up, lol..mine would be, Tall, tonned, tanned, small perky breasts with perfectly pink nipples and a nice tight booty! lol
  4. Thanks, so if there are spa's, I suppose there are requests. I may have an opportunity coming up soon, so just want to have an idea never being there before. I wonder why the spa's around my city always get shut down? I have rattled my brain over this for a while now:( Even the only strip bar in Fredericton got burned down when the owners sold it, then city bought it. They burned it so that no other person could buy it and use for strip bar! ( as per zoning )
  5. Gee, You know what, I have never put much thought into it. The Gent's around here are not well versed ( from my own experience) in this type of gratitude. Sorry any NBers, no offense!! When I visited Ottawa, many Gent's would shower me with flowers, chocolate, fruit baskets and other goddies that any women would enjoy! Shocking though, it was not just my " regulars" but even my first time visitors! I felt like a Queen:) But sadly does not happen here often other then my most loyal clients. But then again, they do not have to ask my size, as they been with me for 4 years or more. This Christmas, my most special client gave me a fuzzy, warm hot pink ( matches my bedroom in studio) blanket. I LOVE LOVE IT!! I was so surprised! Specifically, I prefer spa treatments for me, gift cards for Aveda, lol, I never even tell my SO what I want for Christmas or any other holiday. I suppose my favorite thing is a surprise:) Thanks my Ottawa lovers!!! NB lovers, well I already thanked you in my own way, hehe
  6. Good to see we are all on the same page! I never thought to copy paste my survey:( But yes, I see from these responds we are doing well!
  7. Hello NFLD! I am just wondering if there any MA's in your area? If so, are they in Spa's or INDY MA? Just curious ;)
  8. This is very true too! But I can say in all the years I have worked only one person bought me cloths. I have had lots of flowers tho, lol... But ya, if some one asks for stats, then I am more then happy to provide that too:) RG, Can I clone you? lol
  9. For me, I do not put in stats, as I figure I have plenty of pictures that can tell the story. Also, lot of the gent's figure I am lying about the stats. Some enquiries even do not know what a B cup, C cup etc means, ( I know how strange eh? ) When I was an agency girl, and they would give the description on the phone, I always hated hearing it. To me sounded like I was being "auctioned off" lol...Now as an agent, I still do not like to give stats cause I do not want my girls to feel the same as I did. I do give a description like: Medium body build, very ample curvy chest, long black hair, smooth skin and pretty white teeth. Unless they ask specifically about the numbers. Ohh BTW I also hate saying "my girls" cause they do not belong to me, LOL, they merely book me to represent them and help them screen for safety. We work together:)
  10. If you need to ask this, you probably should go towards another career:( Is not as " easy peasy" as one might think. Do your research, get a lawyer , read the site rules.
  11. First, don't put all your thoughts on the sex part. Allow yourself sometime to enjoy the company of a women. Start with a hot massage and let things happen naturally. It is the whole session that is the fun, not just the end, and maybe going all the way is not for you at this time. Make sure you let your provider know in advance, so she is not taken by surprise. Also, if you think you may bleed, make sure you take precautions with your condom and keep a close eye on it!!!! Some will bleed, other's do not.
  12. Welcome and know you are in good company here:) Best start in the "new to this " section, read the rules and explore the site. A great thread right now to look at is " ask and Escort" and " ask a hobbyist" has a ton of info for you:) Get cozy, grab a coffee and read:) Then hope to see you post and have fun!
  13. For you, is there room for error? I mean, not on your very first meeting, but let's say you go see someone for 3rd time, and she is just out of sorts that day. Will you give her the benefit of doubt and try again, or just say..." nah I will look for another" Maybe she didn't know she ran out of condoms and has to improvise, or maybe a bad hair day, or just low energy? Maybe she went into the session feeling a bit flustered and unprepared?
  14. Ohh dear, you can stop in and give me a massage any day!!! Hahhah, really! On cerb, it is not proper manners to solicit our services to you, actually is against the rules. So if some strikes your fancy, then go ahead and start communication with her:) I hope you read the link I provide above, you will have so many answers to your questions. Keep on posting, it helps you and us to get to know each other, make a good match:)
  15. Means she liked your company, and would like to know it is you when you call again. I do this all the time. Sometimes, only clients that I have already met are the ones I choose to have visit my incall location, this way I know have met you, you were nice and welcomed back. Some gent's will get upset if they are in your contact list with out permission. I never put the real name, I use nick names or cerb names only. Like " cool guy" or " book again" etc.. Additional Comments: I suggest you send a copy to the SP before posting it. You may have had a different experience with her then what she normally offers. I like reviews that state more about my hostess skills, my location, the sent of my skin, the way I made you feel rather then intimate details of certain things we did.
  16. Sometimes I will facilitate it this way, cause I can sense he is just TOOO horny for anything else at first, so get that out of the way, then rest of the time is unwinding and relaxing:)
  17. I suppose to have evidence, you would either have to confess, or the way she advertised herself, stating things like $$ for BJ etc and they had the email with you agreeing to it...perhaps if you are paying for her time, or maybe she was cleaning your house? Reasonable doubt.
  18. Living in a small town, my clients prefer to visit in my home. For about a month, not long ago, I had to go to hotels as I renovated my location. I lost about 3 appts in one week. One fella walked into lobby, saw people he knew. He ended up leaving with them for supper hahahaha, others just would not come. Too scared to see people they knew or the car being spotted. It was a hard month, people just did not want a hotel room. For the OP, yes sometimes ladies share space. I for one never worked where I lived, I paid for a separate apartment, so regardless apt rent has to be paid and so did my real apt rent. So yes I kept same rate as if I was in hotel. I did not like apartment buildings, as neighbors were a major concern. Also whenever someone has a "problem" with me they just send my ads to my landlord, then I find a note on my door! lol... Now I bought a house with an apartment on lower level. Some ladies will rent my space when they are in town, so yes they keep the rate as if paying for hotel too. Although renting my space is half the rate of a mediocre hotel, their rate doesn't change as we have to stagger our individual appointments. Therefor the volume is a bit lower too. One lady that rents space from me prefers it here cause I also feed her breaky and supper, lmao, Bed-n-breakfast style hahaha. But her clients prefer it too, and we are honest about the fact I live upstairs so that they are not sketched out if they hear my foot steps.
  19. I have never had a SDaddy, but my GF did. She hated it! She said she no life, could never go anywhere out of her city, hard to have friends, as he would get jealous even with her girl friends, and she decided to work on the side cause each year the cash got smaller and smaller. He would buy her a car, but then not much for the pocket,. So now she has 3 secret lives. Her true life. Her Sdaddy life, then also an SP life. She would have to keep it secrete from her Sdaddy, as he would cut her off completely if he knew. But yet was hard to make apt with clients cause he would call last min and tell her to come over, therefore she would end up standing her clients up:( She can't wait to get out of this one!
  20. In a session if you "blow" to fast, do you just want to run out right away or do you stay and chat, or massage, enjoy a beverage?
  21. I have one gent who I lowered my rate for, as he is living on pension now. When we met he was working, we have been seeing each other for 4 years and 2 times every month. BUT he never asked for a discount, I offered it to him, so this is different. Someone I never met...why would I give them the discount rather then a visitor who books for years? End of the day, as long as YOU feel good about it:)
  22. Often when visiting Ottawa, I would have a session but then after I would ask if they would like to join me for lunch or supper. I hated to go out to eat alone, so luckily the gent's I spent time with were more then happy to join me for eats:) You know who you are, so if your reading this post, Thanks for that!!
  23. The last question, I decided not to say I was writing on any organization benefit. By saying I was an SP, I was concerned they would look at me as being too biased. I wanted them to know that not just SP's have these opinions, but so do regular Canadians. I wanted to, but then last min said, nah...I am just a Canadian with an opinion. I heavily based my answers on the fact that cases of pimping ( extortion), and violence, trafficking etc were HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES not prostitution issues. I also mentioned that Canada could benefit from taxes on income, etc. I mentioned how much better it could be if agencies/agents had to answer to a labour board and police in cases of abuse, like any body with a job who got a punch or enticed into drugs on the job, from their boss hahaha...The lady could file a proper complaint. I also said a person sitting there with no food and no heat feels degraded more then being able to go make 1000.00 to fill the fridge and get the lights back on!
  24. How do you, or would you deal with a S&B or theft?
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