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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Welcome back Cloud:) I hope you get cozy and have fun!
  2. Filled out my comments, hope they listen to us! Hope everyone here is doing it too! I choose not to say on what behalf I was writing on as I did not want to seem biased, lol...I just did not want that to be an issue in their brains. Just a Canadian with an opinion!
  3. I say... If all you got is 80 bucks, you really should go to the grocery store with that! lol...
  4. 6 years ago, I began on another site. I did not know of CERB at the time. Being in a small city, I had many local competition and many haters. I was smeared all over the site, everyday waking up to new drama:( At first it was devastating, who ever was behind it new me very very well, right to last detail. They made bogus claims, I had AIDS, I was a thief, did heroin, OHHHHH MAN it was bad! I would get soooo upset, cry and spend my days trying to figure out who was behind it. That continued till I got on cerb in 2010, then it slowed down. If it wasn't for our Lovely Cat, I may have jumped off a bridge by this point! I was extremely upset! Then Cat said these words to me " Ohh hunni, if these things are not true, then your reputation will grow. Only cream rises to the top! If they are true, then we will know that too" Well must have all been lies, cause here I remain:) When I read something about me I first ask , who is this coming from? Do I remember the visit? Is anything at all accurate? Once a bad review said my tits hung to my waste, well this person defiantly never met me cause if you have, you know that my tits are too small to hang anywhere lol.... I now know and trust in my ability to run my business properly. I do not even entertain these reviews with a responds, as I know the gent's will figure it out!
  5. NO Never! Not in all the years I have participated! I have had some encounters that if perhaps it wasn't me there it could have gone bad, but I have a great way with people and taking control of the room to facilitate how the session goes. Once I found someone in bathroom, he explained they shared a room. I simply suggested he go to lobby and read the paper, locked the door behind him, lol.
  6. Have you ever invited a friend into the hobby?
  7. Well you might know by if she is wet or not..but that can trick you as condoms can steal away wetness too. Some ladies are great actors, and do this for your pleasure so don't think it is wrong it maybe she have had a tough week lol... Each lady is different, for oral I like a gentle suck, and rhythm of flicking side to side, intercourse is all depending on size, as far as turn on zones, envelop her like a love blanket, gently pull the sides of the hair, grip her ass checks. When you look into her eyes, and she looks away, do not force her to return the gaze, it might just happen naturally:)
  8. THIS IS GREAT!!! There is a thread right now I think you could benefit from, here is a link http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=167699 It actually does address the question that you ask about massage for the first date or not, also many many great questions and answers! I am happy to see a new member posting, we are all very accepting and love to meet new on-line personalities:) Hope to get to know you more!!
  9. I thanked your post, because I think it is important us ladies look at the ad section when deciding when to visit. Seems like we either flood PEI or we abandon PEI. I will keep watch for your ad when I am making my travel dates:)
  10. For those who are married, did you ever go home and feel like it was written all over your face? Or go to work say to your self " they all know what I just did" lol Hope no one is answering as I edit this... For the married Gent's, do you find when you have sexual tension at home, after seeing an SP/MA are you in a better mind frame to deal with family life? Does it alter your mood allowing you to be happier at home?
  11. I have been a sexual creature right from the beginning of womenhood. It is a natural way for me to be. Men and women. Practice does help, you learn how to slow it down or speed it up. I learned men are visual creatures, so by giving him a nice view can allow you to get him aroused much easier. Also, I learned many men in their home life is missing the " nasty or playful" aspect of sex, so I try to fill that fantasy for them as I know he is not getting that at home, such as squirting, ball licking, dirty talk.
  12. Have you booked a session and not be able to perform as you hoped? If so, how did you handle that?
  13. I am returning to the Island as soon as snow melts. Opening my cottage, will be there every weekend with only ONE day to see my friends in solo sessions. Hopefully April after my next Cuba trip:) Will post an ad with plenty of notice:)
  14. Have you ever looked at an ad or profile and thought... "wow, she way out of my league?"
  15. In my younger days I used this as a stepping stone. I did go through 3 different school courses on this income, also worked full time in my trained trade, but still did this just for "extra fun money" Now, this is long term, I am on my 6th year operating my small business and plane to continue I hope for another 10 years then I will retire.
  16. I am the type of person that will give a person a few chances to make an impression ( obviously to a degree ) But if it is so uncomfortable, then I will either just " not be available" Or suggest that maybe another lady is better suited for him. If he is a super nice guy, then would let a GF know that maybe they should meet, but if he was disgusting and rude, then would just be straight up and so " no thanks"
  17. To either know if this was a long term adventure or temporary!!!! I started to work years ago, the whole industry has done a complete 180 since then. I began in Mid 90's as a dancer..then much much more! lol.. But I always would stop in a few months get another job etc.... BUT this was a waste, as I would have put better use to the money I earned! I could have made a very comfy retirement had I understood more about how to use my money:( WAY TOO MUCH shopping LMAO! NOT TOO LATE, I began paying into the system now for 3 years, gained credit and I will keep on building and preparing! Wish I would have known then what I know now!
  18. would be nice to know what kind of question in particular?? So hard to answer... Either way, If it is a normal social question, IE: How are you? Are you visiting this city? What kind of work do you do? Are you married? These are really a common questions. Weather you really tell me your story true or not, that is not the importance. I think these ladies are trying to create a raptor and communication with you. Perhaps your body language shows a level of discomfort and she is trying to make friendly chat so that you feel free to reciprocate? The polite way to go about this, is to very nicely say to her " Thanks for asking, I am a bit private about my life, but please continue to chat about your day:) Do you like to travel? " Something like this requires delicacy on both sides. Remember body language is so important, but also perhaps in your enquiry you could mention, you tend to be very private about your life? Hope this helps?
  19. Ohhh are you ....Dave? Don? John? Mat? lmao...was so long ago I can't remember! hahahha UNO, the strangest part of this for me is.... was NOT the fact he was a client, that did not not faze me much, the fact he was much older threw me for a loop lol
  20. K everyone, I do not mean to answer every question, I am un- braiding my hair, and is loooooong process, so here I am ...lol for me, I need to have a salt bath to wash unwanted energy that may lingers on me. I will put the music on that makes me feel sexy and happy, then lotion up. This is a ritual I keep for every single session. If I can not do this, I feel " not ready" so many last min appts tend to not get booked. I need the time and space to re-vive my energy! I think on my client ( if I already know him) and try to have anything he likes on hand, water, pop, wine, specific music etc...
  21. As Joy says...ask away! Yes, my first orgasm was with a client! I had a very very hard time to get there in my personal life, and yet here a client did it for me! I was shocked, and it took me till 5 years later when for the first time it is my BF that get's me there rather then a client. This is somewhat normal, as with a client we do not have the baggage of our day, life etc...so relaxing to have the big O I think is the key!
  22. You mean your "real" life SHE is the aggressor? Like many things, this can flip flop. I have some clients who are extremely powerful in their own jobs, so when seeing me they do tend to want a women who is aggressive and in control. However, there are men who want to remain in a comfort zone, be that submissive or aggressive. Yes I feel this is very normal. This is why chatting with a lady before beginning a professional arrangement is important, so that when you visit we understand what personality you have and what we can offer you:)
  23. First I would share this thread....lol but for me I tend to meet a lot of "intimated" gent's who feel unworthy etc. My business is massage, so I find this is a great way to learn to be touched and to touch another. It is a scary idea for some, when another women has not even touched your leg in a sensual way in a decade! Just cause your booking an SP or MA, doesn't mean you HAVE to go all the way, maybe just some female attention is what you need to start with?
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