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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Maybe..just maybe someone can submit this to our political offices for a good read?
  2. By sharing this story, you have already helped other's! Finding your redemption through teaching and sharing words of your wisdom! Thanks for that!
  3. It is not completely unimaginable for a client to truly love an SP. It has happened with me, I am now 3 years into a loving relationship. BUT I made him "earn" me with trust and patients for a good year before accepting our first real date:) For me, I had to know he did not expect me to let go of my career as a provider. MY financial freedom was paramount. I was lucky to find a man who trusted my judgment about my career. Very rare is this!! As most want you to stop the industry, something I was not willing to do.
  4. Only wasted when nothing is done to rectify it! Good advice!
  5. Thanks for the thread Joy:) I always try to rectify or make the best of my mistake. I try to make it right. If not to that person(s) then to someone else that may need the gesture. For me I had to forgive myself for being an addict, for what it had done to my loving family, my body and mind. As a recovered addict now, I lend a helping hand in those that are in recovering or their families. Often times a lady who works with will fall into a mess, I will insist that they come to an early recovery meeting ( designed meeting for those who have not yet accepted their illness) before they book on again. I will not enable a user, but will offer them a way out. If they do not go, then I will not book. Sadly, many choose not to go and just work elsewhere:( For my family, I help to financially support them, as now I do not have the need to waste money on drugs, I will pass Mom and Dad some cash to help them out:) I think it is important to find redemption when forgiveness is needed. Make things right any way you can!
  6. I think it comes with experience. In the beginning an Escort may have a hard time to separate. For instance: as a dog groomer, I would genuinely become attached to some of my clients dogs, but I would not take them home with me. Although is not intimate affection of course, but still at times I knew a dog would be better off in my care then the actual owner especially in cases of elderly dogs and the uncaring owner:( More closer to the escorting aspect...when I was an agency girl, I would always have clients telling me " call me with your own number" instead of going threw your agent. Well, sounds like a nice offer? NO!! Cause once they do that, the fist time they pay the expected rate, then next time they say" ohh well you don't have to pay your agency fee, so how about 50 off? Then the next time it is " o about I just pay 100" before you know it your seeing him for FREE!! So if you do this every time you think someone is sincere about you, then at the end of the month your rent is not getting paid! As I started, this comes with experience. It takes a lot of soul searching and to know right away that this is a lively hood.
  7. For me is the stigma that surrounds it. Although I have become rather outspoken about my profession, it is difficult to make new friends. I am fortunate now, as I have an incredible relationship, but before he came along I really did not like to date, was too tricky to have a double life, or to be honest to my date in fear he would use it against me if we fought, etc...so lack of intimacy tends to be there.
  8. For me is the freedom I have. I have had other jobs, been self-employed in other facets, but this one I excel in:) I am able to be creative, be the " sensual giver" I am naturally. I care about my business, the industry and my clients! I have had a great day when I know I have boosted someone's self esteem, confidence and they leave feeling happy!
  9. Happy Birthday to a wonderful guy! Hope your day is special:)
  10. I believe this is not going to affect us on this level of working. I believe they will be targeting street level workers. It is to appease certain groups to keep their votes, so by targeting the street level, it allows Harper's government to have the pat on their back they want and keeps it from eye view. They could not possibly "man" every escort/incall or out. That would just not be reasonable for the cost it would have. I think we will have more gent's sticking to just a few ladies that they have already met or who have tried, tested and true, rather then taking a shot in the dark on CL or whatever. I don't think it is going to be as bad as some are predicting, unless your booking street workers, minors and known trouble makers. Just a few more thoughts to add: Perhaps payment methods may change, maybe the way we advertise? I dunno the legalities, but perhaps payment for time spent only, if that is the case we probably wont want to say " I offer BBBJ, DATY etc..." as that would/could be used against you if court? Remembering evidence building, if you don't give them the evidence, then charges can't stick. No cash found on site? No ads or calls stating BBJ, DATY etc...then maybe it was for time spent only? Creating reasonable doubt? References are going to tight, both ways client and provider.
  11. The other day I was having an "ugly" day... PJ pants too short, bright colors... a sweater that had no business being close to those PJ pants, color was wayyy off!! make up smeared from the night before mis matched socks...purple and orange I believe... sat on the couch and picked a hang nail off my toe nail, lol.. Yup it was an "ugly" day for Sophia:)
  12. For me it is " What did the fox say?" bapabadabwabwaba! OMG that song is always replaying in my head!
  13. I am notorious for grooming for each session. To the point I am showering and bathing 3-4 times a day, then lotion up, talic powder my toes,brush teeth, floss, changing cloths each time ( trying not to wear the same thing as you may have seen your last visit), not only that but preparing my space, music, etc.. This is the reason on the spot sessions are not often booked, unless I just got freshly groomed again. There are days when I think 60% of my time is grooming lol... Some clients of mine are very casual though, they say no make up required, wear whatever, throw your hair in a pony and let's play, but even then I must bath, brush, and lotion. It is a ritual that allows me time to myself, center my energy and same as after the session, I jump back into a salt bath to re-center back to myself.
  14. Not much more to add to the wonderful advice here, but here is a little mantra I say to myself when I have been wronged. " I wish you find peace and happiness somewhere away from me" Instead of saying " I hate you, I wish you harm" I find that mantra allows me to forgive and move on without harbouring anger towards that person. It also allows karma to take over.
  15. Really, how hard is it to ask her to show ID before your session begins? I mean if you replying to an ad that says 18 or 19, well as it has been pointed out, it can be tricky to tell if she actually is. So simply ask for ID and it wipes it out of your mind. If she can not produce ID, I would defiantly get out of there! I do this with my clients or SP's. On my disclaimer it says, if you appear 25 or under you will be asked for ID. I take that from the way they card for cigarettes, as some people's age can really throw you for a loop. I would rather be 100% sure. In my booking process I will ask them for their age, if he says 20,21,20 I tell them to make sure they have ID on them.
  16. Just read all of your comments with my morning coffee. I gotta say, you guys are so awesome! Your right, I can revisit and reflect on different topics and enjoy it as a learning mission. Now if I could figure out this fracking situation in NB hahaha... Thanks every one, I remain perched on the fence until I decide to fly.
  17. I get so annoyed when I am on the fence about topics! It bothers me to no end! Like I will think on it all day! It seems to happen more often then I like:( Am I naturally a indecisive person? Maybe.... or is it that I like to look at too many angles all at once? Maybe too observant? Grrr, like in the paper today for Fredericton, there are 3 men with charges for street solicitation, their chargers are dropped, but yet I can not seem to find a 100% decision on how I feel about it. I read and read about how other think, try to take it in, but still on the fence! ( NOT JUST THIS ISSUE, THIS IS JUST ONE EXAMPLE, LOL) How do you filter between what is truly your belief/impression? I mean I read one comment and say " YES!!' then I read an argument against...and say... " YES!" Then I just get confused! anyways....still trying to sort it out, I am not wishy washy, but I do tend to see too many points all at once:( Don't know if many other's here get the same confusion. I mean I hate for PPL to think I am just a "yes" person to everything lol... thanks for listening:)
  18. My dear, I am sure any lady would be pleased about this:) Especially with you, as you are a proven Gentlemen. I really do not think she would look at you as a haggler at all. A retainer benefits both, whereas she knows it is a guaranteed donation per month, it can alleviate some of her concerns. I do not think an extra 30 mins should matter, personally. I have many regular clients that I give extra time to, cause I feel they are worth the extra effort as they visit every week. I always say, I can always barder on more time for my VIP, not a drop in the rate though. It is the client you never met or see once a year, and when they ask for discount I have to ask "why do you feel you are so special? I only seen you 2 times! Meanwhile, my clients that are ere every week for years are the deserving of extra effort" These are the ones that do not get the extra benefits form me. I say approach her with it, let her think on it and go from there. :)
  19. LMAO...how about the sex partner buy you chocolate? lol....or pay you in chocolate? Stop in, I will have chocolate for you! JK!! Too cute!
  20. That is awesome!! wow, did you plan this? hahaha.. keep them coming champ!
  21. Today has another article, 3 "john's" charges dropped for street soliciting... Page 3... gotta say I have mixed emotions on this???
  22. Not speaking French could hold you back in some situations and depending on your type of work as well. Montreal has a large English community, but there is still more or less French speaking. Ottawa is my favorite city in Canada:) However French is often needed for many jobs, government especially. So without knowing what kind of job you do, is hard to say if French is needed or not. Out west is majority English. Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria all very English cities. I live in Fredericton, NB, small English capitol city, however as an officially bi-lingual province, for Government jobs French is an asset. I moved to Fredericton because Moncton required French, and I am not so good in speaking French. Fredericton is a nice, clean and artsy university city. Beautiful scenery and I would say a great place to raise a family or settle down:) BUT YET still vibrant to enjoy night life, especially with Moncton and STJ close by:) Hope you find your haven, either way, you have a community here to welcome you back! additional comments: OOOPS JUST NOTICED YOU ASKED FOR CANADIAN BRO'S TO CHIME IN, HAHAH Oh well, all the same same, lol
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