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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I came across this documentary, thought it was worth sharing. So I thought it might be nice to have a thread that we can share articles on different health topics. KEEPING ALWAYS IN MIND TO REFER TO YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING NEW. Now this particular documentary, is selling a product, but regardless, the information is all well known by many sources of research. I have known about pro-biotics and the benefits of them. But fell out of the habit, and not till watching this I recognise many of the symptoms with in myself. So perhaps you will to? Sit back and watch, it is about an hour in length, lol.. http://keybiotics.com/video_toon.php
  2. I recently got a new phone, HTC . I was pleasantly surprised to see my pic gallery puts all the pics into this really cool video with music. Sort of like a slide show. Are we able to upload this video style onto cerb ( in our albums )? I suppose I could just see if cerb's programs will accept it, but also wonder if it is breaking any cerb rules?
  3. This scenario had happened in my business. I certainly did not S&B the pics. This lady just did not have the "model" face that the fellow was hoping for. He told my girl, he forgot his wallet and left. THIS IS NOT THE WAY you should handle it! She had a stunning body, and in her pics, she did not show her face ( privacy) . He later called me, and said it was cause he did not like her face. I then explained how he wasted her time, and she need to get a babysitter in to see him, paying a taxi to the location and back, so paying at least 50% of donation is prudent. He did not come to offer her some donation, so therefore he is on my "don't book" list:( So now, when he calls us, he will not get a booking with us unless he offers that 50% to the lady first. The thing is, he missed out, as she really is a great girl, sweet, humor, chatty and flirty:( It is very rare you will meet anyone on this planet that has 100% beauty in every aspect. Not everyone is going think the same about who is beautiful or not. As there were others that say she was gorgeous. Then just few days later I seen the guy post about a date that ripped him off, so I guess karma took care of that for us, lol..
  4. I find that many hobbyist usually just say " ohh well I just don't have the time or care to bother" But yet these also tend to be the same guy's who ask the same questions over and over, or the one's that are venting about getting ripped off, etc... As you point out, if you could spend a few min here and there and begin to read what your future provider is writing. Gives you an indication on compatibility, professional investment she has into her business, then chances are, you may not have to post about how you get ripped off or never can seem to book with the lady and never get to meet, etc. Example: if RG wants to book me on Monday at 2, but so does abc for the same time, I will book RG in heart beat, lol.... I was happy to I got few new posters from the tread, I only hope they continue:)
  5. Congrats my friend!! So nice to see you have continued making a big impact on all of us with your caring and loving posts! You always brighten up my day, make us think and look at different perspective, you always are here for anyone in need of hugs! For these reason I hope you continue to share your thoughts and feelings with all of us!
  6. THANKS SO MUCH:) I am going to read this today, I appreciate you providing this for me:)
  7. Trailblazer! Right on, get out there and put your imagination to work! I know exactly what you mean by changing it up, I do this all the time:) I get bored easily lol, so I am for ever searching for my next move. This is the main reason I started to do massage, as GFE was getting boring for me, and now I am starting learn more on fettish/dom . But the great thing about massage there always more courses I can take to change it up from the norm:) Good Job darling! Looking forward to seeing more posts from you, share your experiences and thoughts:)
  8. I started to pay income tax on my business 3 years ago, and just this year made my first CPP payment:) So even tho these new changes to the law just beginning, we have been able to pay taxes and contribute all along. I put my profession down on paper as " adult entertainer" I wish I would have done it years ago, not realizing how important it is to my credit and ability to retire properly. But the great thing is, I am sure I will be able to get a mortgage soon too! My bank is very pleased with my progress so far. Maybe just another year of income statements will do:)
  9. So correct! Like I do not make it the end of all, but howerver... If I see the same person over and over always asking the "do you have info" question....I tend to wonder?? Is this guy for real? Does he ever book? Especially when the ONLY posts are " who is this" with no reco ever, or conversation posts, and then the next post you see is yet another " have you seen" makes me feel like they are never satisfied or something cause they never say it! All I can say, if you are willing to post a " have you ever met..." post, then you can choose to contribute in other meaningful ways. I totally get the pointof view " I am here to get laid, not to chat " responds, but if you are wanting to spend time with an upscale or elite provider, your chance are increased by having some kind of on line personality! Post anything NB, from politics, to experiences, to jokes...what's the harm? You are here anyways!
  10. Where are you? Why is it, the only posts here are simply asking for info but with no other contributions? WE WANT to hear from you!! You obviously have a screen name , you must have opinions? I look at other cities, and see much being learned and taught! yes I know we are small in population, but really, do you not have anything to say? Chat about anything, we are listening and want to engage! The benefits of US providers as well as YOU! It is well worth it! Talk to us, our community can only get better by hearing from you:) Give it a try...what excites you? What is it that get's your goat? What have you learned by being a hobbyist? What concerns you? You don't have to be a philosopher. but just be honest and respectful to others... hope to see more posts in NB:) It will help me, and you to get to know each other!
  11. Just by simply chatting with another SP... girl you made me feel welcomed and special, thanks for that! It gets lonely here in little Freddy! hahaha
  12. OK reluctantly I will say this, I love our community, and I am forever giving praise to all that contribute. The down side is, when we over look someone:( When I made my 2000 post, I never had one person congratulate me:( I feel that something so simple can actually make a person feel low. Like all my efforts have gone unnoticed by anyone here:( I felt invisible and unimportant to CERB:( I felt very sad for days, even now as I type this:( I am far to humble to give a hint, or suggest that another would start one. PLEASE DO NOT DO IT NOW! I was a bit hurt that for all the love that is shared here, no one even noticed I made my 2000+ so far:( So, I voted for NO, does not impact us:(
  13. YUPPER!!! lol, that's when I put into my contacts as BS client, or fisher...etc.... yes fella's we all have nicknames for the " no go" and if I am asked for reference, I check threw ALL of my contacts and history to determine who is who also share my info to other ladies ...hahahha
  14. Your ramblings makes all good sense! The line is different with us Sp's/Ma's as e might see 4 of you in one day. So to answer these questions with BS is a bit hardr, cause you need to remember each lie you tell. I do ask simple questons to my clients. watching their body language and know from there if I should continue. Perhaps for you ( hobbyist) , you might have 1 lady each week/month..whatever. The thing is, why is not suppose to bother us as SP/MA that YOU have an SO, or not? It doesn't not matter to us. As long as YOU are safe and happy. Your right, as is Meg,and Curious, we have on line persona, that is why you book us. If you all knew I was typing this in my slippers and house coat, with no make up, no music, just me....then I am guessing you probably wont book me hahahha, OK, there is my rambling RG hahahha, Love ya !
  15. I have not read all the statements on this thread, but I can say this .. If I am asked from a client to provide a reference, or the other way around, I will NEVER EVER put my feelings about that provider ahead of her safety! I feel women who do this is an awful display of disrespect:( If I am asked by provider that maybe I don't see eye to eye with, I would never set them up with a false representation of that client. I would never sleep at night if I gave a "good reference" to a dude that I knew was dangerous, or even if I thought THAT PARTICULAR client was OK, but if he was not HER style I would say so as well. Noting is worse then being told so and so said I should meet you, to find out they were a scum bag! I would not do that to my worst enemy:( It happened recently with me:(
  16. I recently donated a small amount to a young man, who desperately wants to play hockey! He is talented, but his mom who is a single mom, and not much pennies to spare. One person said to me " ohhh that is a scam, there are many gov funded programs for this kid!" For me, there is a huge difference in a kid just wanting to play, from a kid who had a vision of real determination to go as far as he could. This kid is now 9 yrs. I was an athlete, I trained in gymnastics. I started at age 5, by the time I was 13 I was trained for nationals. Age 15 I had a life changing injury. I made it to provincial level. I was training that year for nationals. To this day, I can not imagine how my parents managed to pay for my training?? Even with both parents working Gov jobs, it was insane the amount of money they paid out! Thanks Mom, Dad! In the world of athletes, it is an early career, you need to start early, cause you will finish early as well. To see our young teams get this far, I am always in awww of their determination! So yes...I will always help a young one along their way, especially when this is in their bones:)
  17. Thanks darling!!! I have tried the "fake story " in the past, but only to be embarrassed later with not remembering what I had said to this person in the past haahha I like your advice about just nipping it in the butt right away! Next time I will simply say..." sorry doll, I do not like to talk about my personal life" If he continues on, then I will have to say.." hope you enjoyed your session, as this will be our last, as you did not RESPECT my privacy" Many thanks again! xoxox
  18. Please forgive me if my ignorance shows threw here. I sincerely mean it. I am hoping to learn from all of these articles. Given the stance, that a "john" may be prosecuted rather then the provider... Would this not make the " bad client" NOT want to push his luck?? I mean, if I were a dude, and was wanting to cause harm, would I not be more fearful of being caught? If I were a dude, I certainly would mind my manners, making sure never to book with underage or with tats that say " property of..." Same as with pimps, you might think twice about " buying/owning a lady". Cause now the lady doesn't have to fear reaching out for help, as she knows HE will have to face is actions now, and the lady is in the right? Ohh wait, did I just answer my own question?? lol... As we DO HAVE human rights to protect us, but yet...I know many SP's in my local area who contact me when something goes wrong. I always advice to call police when in violent/threatening situation. So far, the LE was always on HER side anyways. Please be patient with me, lol..trying to understand both sides:)
  19. A few days ago, a fellow came in for his first visit. He was very inquisitive, asking all kinds of questions. I find this is normal for most first timer's, they want to get into your brain. I don't know why really. As I am here to provide a service that you apparently want/need. BUT..... The problem is, don't ask questions that you do not want the truthful answers to! He asked me if I had a BF, so naturally I say yes! Even if I did not have a BF I might say yes, so that he doesn't try to date me. lol.. When I answered him, explaining that indeed I do have BF, but he does not live here with me, and has no say into my business what so ever, he continued to say" I have to say I am uncomfortable in knowing you have a BF" I even said " what don't you think I am deserving of love too?" He said of course, but still... WTF??? You are married, and I am sure she is NOT in support of you being here, whereas, my BF does support my decision to work this trade! I never understand how they expect me to reply, I mean...I could lie, but then the guy wants to wooo you, I am not into leading a person on. So if you tell the truth, you also face the possibility of loosing a client:( Would my clients prefer me to lie? Would not lying cause you to distrust me? Honestly, after he said this to me I am sort of reluctant to book him again, as I fear he will continue to try to learn more and more of my personal life:( So to my NB friends, Have you asked this question, only to find that you should have never asked it to begin with? Does an SP having a BF change anything for you? Have you ever stopped seeing someone ( an SP)because you found out they were in relationship or married? Should I lie? Tell the truth? Thanks in advance for anyone's input! This is a subject I continue to struggle with year after year! Like, why the hell can we not have relationships too? It is a double edged knife for me on this topic! felling frustrated:(
  20. Never fails, if I listen to this one, I am singing it all day!!!! I hate it, but yet when I hear it, I cant turn it off! lol.... "what does the Fox say?" Bapbapeappdaya!
  21. I agree, I always wanted an Alaskan cruise! But not too sure how I feel about being "trapped" and with all the travel germs one might come across:( Also, not sure if I would be happy not being able to soak in the culture of each port stop, being only couple hours at each stop. What if you really really liked a place? I pick Alaskan cruise as the ONLY cruise I could see me on, as Alaska would be an awesome sight to see, but would not want to actually go there! lol...just to see the glaciers and waters.
  22. Has anyone had the chance to read the article in our Daily Gleaner? It is the first time I read an article on prostitution laws that FINALLY stated that not all sex-workers are forced or oppressed or what have you. They seem to finally see that for many of us choose to do this as our profession! Brought up the fact that we could pay into the system like taxes, CPP, EI etc. To be treated and looked at as any other job, being able to complain to labour boards on health and safety, etc. I was so pleased to read this. I am of course aware of the challenges that some sex workers face ie: pimps, violence, trafficking. BUT it is far fewer then what most papers are trying to portray. They really seemed to have a grip on the actual facts. I tried to look up the article on line, but did not find it, perhaps if some does find it, you will post it in the "news" section:) I read it in the printed paper, Feb 06.
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