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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I travel every winter 2-3 times each year. I always get travel insurance, which I have had to use it one time. I do not like Mexico, for the reasons you have stated. Once in Mexico, I was approached by some men who was hoping to rope me into a drug trafficking situation. Of course I did not, but the way they did it was very scary. They did this in a way that they became " friends" escorting us to the coolest bars, hot spots, etc...Then brought us to their "family" home. Once I got into the house, I new this was not a regular house or family. They had bags upon bags of drugs. They wanted me and my friends to bring Canadian green to Mexico in exchange. They say they know the coast guards on their end, have a boat etc....I WAS TERRIFIED!!!! For the remaining of my stay, I basically had to trick them into thinking I was all for it, too scared to say no to them while still in their country cause I am sure if I had said "NO WAY" I may have not returned home! I have mot returned to Mexico since then. Cuba has my heart, I always feel safe there. Lots have changed there since Castro is out. I no longer see military lining the streets, hate propaganda against USA. The punishment for Cubans to commit a crime, especially to a tourist is so sever the Cuban people just would never think of risking it. I have been dangerously sick in Cuba, went to a hospital. I gotta say their hospitals are amazing, no waiting room, you see a doc as soon as you get in. I was very well taken care of while at hospital. I was there overnight as I had caught some kind of bug or food poisoning so bad that I was extremely dehydrated to a dangerous level. Had IV. Learned my lesson about drinking tap water hahahha. It is on my mind when I travel, what would happen if we got in car accident, or whatever. My partner and I have discussed this. Luckily we have very good friendsin Cuba, and if needed to stay longer we would be looked after very well, for however long it would take. BUT it would be a very scary situation in the story you told:( I can not imagine how terrible it was for her! I suppose, I think that if that is how I am going to "go" then so be it. I have no control of that. I will be cautious, like I wont drive a vehicle when I am there. Their road rules are nuts! lol...Pay attention to my surroundings and play it safe. But that is the same as when I home too. P.S MRN2....I suggest for a first time traveler, go with people who are experienced and know the country and do's and don't. Your welcome to join me:) lol...going again in April:)
  2. natural artist, Al Agnew. suiting for me to have this one to comment on, as I am a natural art fan! I admire the way he can capture in each brush stroke the realism as if it is a picture taken from a camera! next is my favorite natural artist, Canadian, Robert Bateman!
  3. This is awesome, looks like a frog but actually is 5 women in body paint!! How creative is that! I find very inspiring !
  4. Walnut crusted salmon fillet, flavored with maple syrup, curry, chilli and garlic:) Also, fish cakes ( tilapia) seasoned with shallots, walnut, cranberry and cilantro! Not sure on the sides yet, hmmm?
  5. I remember a time when it was done like this. It was a mess! A client would inquire for XYZ services, he would bring the right amount of cash, but then once in action, he would push for more," well can I do this too? " Then you need to stop the action play, to explain that he only booked for XYZ and to get the A or B is going to cost additional 40.00 bucks. But of course he didn't bring the extra 40.00 bucks. So then the SP would be lied to, saying, " oh yes, OK will get it at the end of the session" to only find he never did have it to begin with! Also to mention how unsexy it is to stop what your doing to have to talk about money! I agree with Cat, be careful what you wish for, cause the system we have now was created to stop this kind of confusing and unsatisfying method.
  6. I have not yet posted on this thread, as I am rendered speechless! I have no words to express my disgust of this man, not sure "man" is the right word...thing? Coward? Sicko?
  7. Loved these pics, LOVE LOVE the cat one too, how odd??
  8. Just a story to share, last year before all of this began ( law changing), I had an SP that worked for me rob me. She stole everything, my TV, x-box, cash, jewelry whole bunch of things. Costs was significant. I called the cops. Cop came over, I wrote a statement. I was honest about my work. Explained I was trying to give the lady a better chance by working here. He shocked me by taking me seriously. He made it his own priority to do his best to find her. Weeks after he did find her. Sadly she was found near by a known "crack house" she was in awful shape. Of course he could not lay charges as she no longer had any of the items in her possession. He called me, explained the situation and said anytime I have any problems feel free to call, he says, we are here for protection for everyone. He was genuinely concerned for the lady too, saying how sad it was and that finding these items on her may have been a good way to get her off the street and finding the help she needs. This showed me that by working this trade properly, they are willing to see past the " hooker stigma" and see the person. NOT ALL, but there are some decent ones out there. I think there has been a good level of tolerance for well run business and INDY's who keep low profile/not causing disturbances.
  9. Thanks for everyone's input:) I see your points about maybe being a part of their job, but seriously, like others mention, you need to read body language. I was so annoyed after getting my hair done, it sort of ruined my day. I left grumpy and will not return there. Yes this is a good reminder to me as someone who is also service orientated to be sure I am not doing the same. I usually will have some light chat, but then when the massage really begins I prefer to listen to their body responding to my touch, concentrate on the task at hand. Thanks all!
  10. This may be a rant, but heck... I was at a hairdresser not long before I left on vacation. I was so irritated, as she wanted to discus every aspect of my life with her. I am sure she was trying to be friendly, but it felt invasive. Maybe because I am normally tight lipped about my life, as I really do not have much in common with 95% of women I meet. She was bitching about her man, her kids, jealous girls, etc..... OHHHH BOY! I have absolutely nothing to bitch about in my life, hahaha. She would ask " does your husband do that?" I say, "I am not married" And my BF would never do that to me.... Then she moves on the kids, complaining about behavior, school costs, etc... " how old are your kids?" she asks.... "I do not have kids, I have dogs" I reply. Then moves on to work life, surly I must have something to bitch about here she thinks.... " what do you do for living? Do you like your job?" inquisitively asks me. " yes, I love my job, I work for myself" I reply anticipating the next question... I am trying to show her I am not into talking, just want my hair done. I play on my phone, but just keeps asking more and more! I simply looked at her, with a polite and firm voice I say, " listen, I am sorry but I am not interested in talking about my life to a stranger. No offence, but I am uncomfortable with this and prefer to just have my hair trimmed" She was very upset, face dropped and I felt terrible for having to say this. BUT WOW...why do beauty salons have to turn into a bitch fest? Are there that many things to complain about in life? And to a stranger at that? I LOVE MY NAIL TECH! He asks simple questions, how are you doing? How was your vacation, etc...then he gets to work making my hands soft and pretty! I even told him I appreciate his style, and he totally got me on this issue. He said he understands, cause he does the same thing. JUST WANT MY HAIR CUT, lol I guess it is another reminder of how different we SP's are from the general population. Whereas, we are accustomed to keeping things to ourselves and usually sharing complaints with other SP friends. Next time I sit in hair dressing chair, I am going say it right off the back that I prefer to read then chat, so I am not hurting anyone's feelings.
  11. My highlight is seeing mrnice2 has returned! To have my morning shout out coffee with such a great friend:) Yippy, the world is happy place now:) lol
  12. Not meaning to hijack....but I gotta tell this story to you... so when doing my album pic's in Cuba, some of them were taken in the lobby. So here is me, in my boots and short dress. Taking some hot pics, hehe, the next day went down for coffee, and this gentlemen comes up to me and says " hey there boots, how are you this morning?" from that day on, I was known as "boots" on the resort, was soooo funny I am still laughing about it!
  13. http://newbrunswick.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/beware-stjohnsexy-hot-blonde-verified-real-pics-scammer-24/1661877 Seems to be same old story, hope this fella is truthful and not trying to harm her rep for other reasons. BUT, if any lady ever says she needs the full payment to pay driver, I would NOT do it. This is classic scam method. I could see a 20.00-30.00 fee, but most drivers will wait for the apt to be finished as to not draw so much attention to their own vehicle presence.
  14. A few Years ago, I was visited as well. He claimed he wanted to see my location before booking, I was a bit new to this as without thinking, said sure come over have a coffee. He looked around, asking if I had kids, did I live with a man? Stated how nice and clean my place was and then shook my hand saying" so nice to see a proper business in Fredericton" then left. I knew then I just was investigated to see if I had anything sketchy going on. I took it with grace and was sort of glad and relieved that the cops were doing their job with diligence. As just a short while after this, an agency was busted for having a 15 year old working and on drugs. I say if the cops do not know who Sophia is, then they are doing a terrible job at keeping my community safe. Nice to see my taxes are at work. But yes it would be very intimidating, I hope my lady friends are doing OK with this.
  15. Here a couple of photo's I thought would be nice to share:) I took these in Cuba while visiting a family that lives in a small village out side of Varadero. Hope you like them!
  16. Best wishes for you Jay! Take your time, and communicate with your chosen SP. By communicating this will ease your stress of meeting for the first time. Be sure to tell her this is your first time, so that she is not surprised and can take a gentle lead for you:) Have fun & play safe! xoxo
  17. Keep up the fight my friend! I can not imagine all that you have been through. If ever I do, I hope to brave like you!
  18. For many, if this offered, look on their website. Many will ask about fetishes or aroma sensitivity. So look at the particular ladies website or PM the one you seem to be attracted to and send her a PM to inquire:) Best of luck:)
  19. Happy Birthday Lovey! have yourself a great Birthday, be spoiled cause you ARE a princess! lol
  20. Thanks everyone. How I wish you all lived my city lol... It seems to be more and more of an trending issue here, people wanting to know if they can do msog in HH sessions, I will remain in saying " we prefer to offer msog in hour sessions" and if they are not happy with this answer they can continue to shop around. HH is unreasonable in my eyes and experience. Thanks ladies for your input too, not many MA's for me around here to bounce questions off of. xoxox0
  21. MMMMM, marinated all day on the counter with ginger al, Montreal stea spice, garlic YUM!!! Fell apart before I could get into roasting pot, lol.. smells great in here, carrots roast along side, cauliflower and potato wedges on the side, :) I am warm and cozy on this winter stormy night:)
  22. Thanks Passion Vito, so happy to hear from another MA:) In my massage I do the same, especially when I see they are too anxious for the massage, so will do it this way. Also, my massage is 45 min, so does lend time for that too. For GFE, HH may be pushing it, as they enjoy 15-20 min with all activities, then still think in 15 min they can do again?? There are a few in between who actually can do this. Again I say, re-think if this is YOUR capability or not. I would say 45 min - hour minimum is best.
  23. K, guy's I need to address this question. And hope to get info from you as well as educate you on this topic:) When I am asked if MSOG is included, I will say " depends mostly on you" This means, YOU should be aware of YOUR limitations and ability. I will not typically offer MSOG on half hour meetings, as MOST can not do it, and makes for an uncomfortable moment whereas the guy tends to say " well you said I could!" So in other words, If you pop off in 2 min, of course I will offer you or ask you how you would like to spend the remaining of your time. Today, I am asked is msog included I said yes, in 45 min or hour sessions, HH is usually not possible. He proclaimed he could, but was not able to :( Then decided it was MY fault! And HER fault! NOT COOL AT ALL! When booking an hour, I expect MSOG will be very possible, but still it mostly depends on your own limitations and capabilities! Nothing kills the mood more then, when a guy is trying to get off as much as possible in the shortest amount of time! Face it, chemistry happens when BOTH are comfortable and cozy with no stress and pressure! I hope that our treasured hobbyist understand this, and respect this? As a hobbyist on CERB, is this something you already understand or did you have to learn this? I am putting this out there as I have had some issues in dealing with this topic, and wonder if MSOG is suppose to be a " guarantee?" when one has agreed on it? If it has to be guarantee, then I will opp out from that option. As I do not feel this is fair to me or the lady. I WILL GURANTEE THE TIME YOU RESERVE IS THE TIME THAT IS SPENT, however..it is really up to you to book the appropriate session that will satisfy your physical or emotional needs. Gosh, thanks for the rant time, but it is so difficult to know what PPL are thinking and to predict these things. Happily to report this person will NEVER book with us again! lol... So if you ask us, is MSOG included, first ask yourself if YOU can do it?
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