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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Every year, I looked forward to my new PJ's! As a child all 3 us girls would have new PJ's to change into Xmas eve:) I still continue with this tradition. This year I am hosting dinner at my place, and as my guest walk in they are all getting PJ's :)
  2. Stuffed chicken breast:) broccoli, garlic, cheese inside then rolled in a mayo/Dijon mustard and then bacon wrapped! Yum yum yum!!
  3. Hello Irisheyes:) I am Sophia, formerly known as Sophia Varoushka. I sent you a message and contact info:)
  4. Best wishes to you my dear! And I hope your next journey will lead you to a world of love and peace! Till next time, stay happy, healthy and cool! xoxoxo, Sophia!
  5. Look at the top where it says give reputation button, that is add comment, thanks is the Thanks button and Nominate has a botton, those 2 are on the bottom of post.. really like the second Quote, too true! FOR EVERY WOMEN:)
  6. Wow Thank you so very much! I am far to humble to "self advertise" in a way that would take away the spot light from another deserving lady. I never want to put on an air of " I am the best" attitude. There is something for everyone. I want to see all the ladies do well, and have a piece of pie! I know at the end of the day, it is the hobbyist will decide in there own way, who, when and why they choose a particular lady. Thanks for the recognition, I appreciate it! xoxoox, Sophia:)
  7. Sometimes us ladies need to put things in a polite way, and only to have a gent just not get it. I try to be polite about certain things like a women's period days, or my SO is beside me, or I am just too busy to txt 1000 question/answers. here are some reply's you may receive.... 1. Can only provide half service, or massage with oral finish= the lady is on her period or has "other" biological reasons. 2. please call me= you have too many questions and I don't have all day to txt back and forth 3. I can't right now= usually means I am busy with other meetings/appointments 4. can't txt right now= My SO is here, or I am around others and cant txt 5. I have personal obligations= Either have children, do not have sitter, or have Doctors/government meeting, family is visiting 6. Think about it= Please use your imagination, yes FS means sex too... There are probably more to be added, ladies feel free to add:) I really hate to say she is on her period or have a yeast infection! IT IS JUST DOESN'T HAVE A NICE RING TO IT! LOL So when I say half service,, I would think that one may use their imagination a bit and not reply with "huh?" I know I have to be patient, but there are times I just can't understand why when trying to be polite it goes so wrong:( Hopefully if Gent's see these replies you will now understand what we are trying to say, without having to say EXCATLY what it is... Thanks for your considerations and understanding:)
  8. I say " Happy Holidays and have a Merry Christmas" this way I feel that I am not abandoning my Christmas tradition and still being mindful of other belief systems:) At the end of the day the "Christmas Spirit" does affect all people. There is just something that is in the air that unites us all around the globe:) I do feel it is wrong that the work place to demand a certain greeting:( This just not seem to be the Canadian way. To enforce what we are allowed or not allowed to say. Seems to be it is dumping on those of us that Celebrate Christmas traditions. Another thought....seems that many business like to cash in Christmas, weather they belief in Christmas, or other celebrations. So I suppose as long as money is to be made, then they can reap the benefits that go along with Christmas celebrations, As long as we just don't say it? LOL
  9. Not sure if you found your companion yet. Take a look at the ad section, that will give you an idea of who is available. Look into the recommendation thread, you will see many great suggestions there too:)
  10. Ya I would think, as I know we have common friends. I have been in this same situation, once at my cottage with NO internet..NO phone connection, someone called me a fake and all that it was is that I REALLY HAD NO ONNECTION.. UNO, sometimes we loose phones, drop in tub, or have a personal issue that needs attention. UNLESS this is a reoccurring problem many times over, perphaps give the benefit of the doubt !!
  11. I will send him all your good wishes from each of you that showed concern. He is a good man, and we all are good friends:) I wish I could offer more, but all I know he is safe and doing what he needs to do.
  12. I have communicated to him. He is safe. But He cant talk about it...for whatever reason. I hope to stay in touch often.
  13. I care about you Spud! I was just thinking of you last night. I was sending you good wishes! You are indeed someone I admire and consider a friend. Please stayin touch?
  14. The world is a better place because of this man! Never will he be forgotten!
  15. Gloria has moved on now, headed home. She plans to return soon in the New Year:)
  16. For myself, I am more likely to visit in summer/spring months. The reason being 2 fold: 1. I have a cottage so it is a win win no matter if I have many visitors, 2. If I do end up with cancelations, no worries...I will head to the beach:) My visits there have gone both ways.... Busy as heck...or too many no shows. If anyone else notices, hotels are very expensive ( maybe winter is cheaper ) so for half of the "inquiries" who actually do arrive, it just doesn't make it :( You can not compare local rates when hotels, restaurants and toll bridges are to considered:( I have cherished friends here, and may plan another visit during winter, but will be at a limited availability. Most ladies here, will advertise for at least a week or 2...why contact us 3 days after we leave? DATES ARE ALWAYS STATED ON ADS...
  17. Thought I would share my enthusiasm for some of the great TV icons we are so lucky to have! Remember how Canadian TV was almost a joke? Low grade and so uninteresting? I Do! I think Merlin Denis is an icon that really helped our Canadian TV into the "talk show" era The Social....much more fun and interesting the "The View" no offence to my American friends...lol Come dine with me...love this show...I wanna be on it! E Talk....love all of the reporters on this show, they "bring it home!" Canada AM....brings our country together as a big family:) What's your Canadian Icon?
  18. Not knowing the thread, I will say that we have all been there at one point or another. It is a community here filled with colorful personalities, and sometimes we clash with a few...but then again a few weeks later....we come back together again. Much like siblings, we can disagree, get hurt, or upset, but there is always someone else who understands you. Or we come together and learn the other person a bit better. Good luck, and I am sure you know that if you joined us again there are many who would welcome you with open arms:) xoxo Sophia
  19. This thread is funny, and fun....don't think it was Skittles intent, but thanks for the giggles:) Must be the sugar rush from all the skittles? But in seriousness, I hope for whatever reason or meaning of this thread, if she wanted her profile deleted or whatever, hope she is safe and sound. She may have been frightened or whatnot. I hope that is not the case.
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