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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I am handing out personal cards to my clients as a small gift:) Other that, of course if my clients want to give to me, then anything you bring I would be thankful. Just knowing you thought of me is enough:) PS...I like hot chocolate of any kind, lol
  2. My dear Friend, You have shown us the most amazing strength. Humor and plain stubborn, has pulled you through this long. You are truly one of God's Children, for the heart you have is golden, your spirit is untethered, and your mind beautiful! I miss you, and wish I could be there for you:( "Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death." . Author Unknown Love you!
  3. PERFECTLY SAID! I have many who say can you txt me to let me know when you are in town next....SIMPLY NO... I will not risk all the TOM'S...BILL'S...and JOHN'S on my list. If you want to know when I am in town, look for my ads or website! It is not hard to let everyone know when your in town. If they are looking for you...then I presume you are advertising it. Only a very few, whom have stated to me...and I have met with often. Will tell me to shoot them a txt anytime, even then, I play safe with a "hello, hope your well?" txt. That way if they were single when we met, then now involved, no harm done:)
  4. I am just throwing this out there to see if there is a need/want for a lady that is hearing impaired. THIS IS NOT AN AD.... Just wondering, if there was a lady that could provide massage service, if there are any other hearing impaired clients in the area that would appreciate a service with the same ability? Not wanting any clients that are not hearing impaired or at least very understanding of this disability:( Let me know VIA PM, or allow us to read your thoughts and considerations?
  5. Seeing this is Sunday.... Maybe she is done for now, many ladies if hotels, they usually check out by noon...so if you are txting her after her leave time then she probably figures no need to txt back. I know for me, if I am leaving Sunday, and get a txt at 3PM..I just may not see a reason to txt back...and would hope that next visit you might try to pre-plan your visit time?
  6. Hahahha, so cute.. I was gonna say.... Why delete anything with a scrumptious name like skittles?
  7. Honesty, there are many times I wonder the same thing, when a client books and confirms and yet cancels last min.... many times over. Sometimes turns out to be legit excuse, and other times, not too sure. Maybe he IS real...maybe NOT... In this case I simply look at the pattern and repetition .... perhaps she is just busy, give it time! Not every lady is full time, sometimes we work our apt around our lives. I know Gent's in PEI who have met her, I can say with 99.5 that she is real.
  8. Maybe she has different numbers for visiting different places? I would assume she is legit. Perhaps she started with one number, then got a playphone? or who knows. PM her I would suggest.
  9. You can use your edit button, however, the post will just be empty with your name still attached. Same as shout out. Posts here are here forever, unless MOD see's a reason to delete. Usually in the case of being extremely rude or dangerous to others. Is it just your post, or profile you want deleted? You may wish to speak to MOD.
  10. Welcome Anna Fox! You have just joined an amazing site with amazing people to get to know:) Have fun, learn lots and explore the site! Best Wishes:)
  11. Don't fucking smoke crack...Rob Ford...that includes you!
  12. OMG too funny Real name = Sweety Black cerb name as suite escapes=bymbo rubba or as Sophia Varoushka=nursie Mynxx Hahhaha, thanks that was fun!
  13. I did a search, did not find anything in tin eye...her pics seem normal, not over the top like some who post from porn video etc...TOFTT I suppose;)
  14. There was a case not long ago in NS, from Sure Gain. A 3 yr old retriever had died from having a toxic amount of the chemical used to euthanize, also chemicals found in flea collars. This shows that their company was buying euthanized animals from various Vets and SPCA's:( The reason these companies can do this, is cause of the loop whole of rendering plants. This takes the guilt away from the food company saying" we buy our products from a rendering plant, and we have no hand in this procedure" Lame as it is, this loop hole seems to protect these companies legally to sell this food. unfortunately this poor retriever died from this sad sad state of food protection for our 4 legged friends:(
  15. You should consider posting in the switch and bait section?
  16. Passion Vito, most certainly deserving of this! Her contributions with her "toy Mountain" efforts are so inspiring! Good Stuff PV:) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=73095
  17. Sorry to hear this:( I have been attacked many times myself, but for me I expect it, and have thick skin to deal with it. I am confused, are you a hobbyist or a provider? No matter which, we providers and hobbyist have to protect our personal information. Such as, hobbyist should use a separate "play phone" and providers, do not share personal info, such as where we live, family names, children names etc... We have a section, for dangerous encounters, switch and bait, etc...you may consider this.
  18. HOLY CRAP!! Wow, so sorry that someone put you in this situation!!!Geez...wow! Hope you had a good cover story? OMG hope no one else got in trouble as well!
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