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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. For myself, if there is say 20 min remaining of our time, or IF I do have few moments I can spare to chat longer. I would lead you to a sitting area, or just have pillow chat. I often ask, " are you on a tight time schedule? Would you like to sit and chat? " I may offer a bottle of water or beverage. If I am pressed for time, then obviously if the hour is done, I will lead to where your shoes are, have a bit of chat and give you a passionate long kiss and hug, I would hope this is a nice way to indicate that I have other obligations . For the most part, SP's are very good with time management. Normally never booking appointments too close together, so that there is some wiggle room. I think you seem to be a very thoughtful Gentlemen to consider her feelings. There is no harm in asking while your there with her, such as " are you pressed for time, would you like to chat a bit? Get to know one another?" I am sure if she has time, it would be appreciated:) Especially when traveling as an SP, it can get rather lonely and boring....or the other way, extremely busy. She may then say" ohh would love to hun, but I have some commitments" Just look for small indicators, and simply asking is the best way to know:)
  2. Think on your motive first, as Passion Vito stated, if your doing it for the money, you may want to think again! A well run agency will make less then the ladies who are working. There are many expenses involved to operating a business like this. You really do need a business mind, as in any business out there. I began my agency for the love of the industry and with 17 years experience of working as a provider. I stumbled into opening my business as many younger SP's were always contacting me when they had problems with the agency they worked for or with clients, or just did not feel comfortable working on their own. Eventually I decided there was a need for someone like me to open a business. There are many unfavored, poorly run businesses here in NB, drugs, violence, switch and baits etc... and so for a new lady to have to be exposed to that, I decided to provide a safe and clean operation. KNOW THE LAW, there is a lot to learn. You may decide to have a lawyer on a yearly retainer. Got to have thick skin, remember in this industry, many times ladies will come to you having many problems. You need to know yourself well, and how to place boundaries. Often times when a lady leaves an agency, that is when your biggest issues will arise. Anger, jealousy, sabotage and theft are often present. I am assuming your a man, by your handle here, know that if you are the one answering the phone, this is not accepted easily by other men who are booking. You will be branded with the awful name "pimp" by those who don't like your agency or don't like to hearing a man is operating it. Even if not true. Think on it, it is a very very BIG responsibility to ensure their safety, your safety as well.
  3. No information however, you should do a search on her pics, if you find results, then post it in S & B section? Maybe she is just beginning and does not know the outcome of posting fake pic's??? But either way if fake or stolen pic's, then approach with caution....
  4. I think I am late, but hope you had a great B'day!! Cheers!
  5. Remembering and Thanking all those who past, those who still serve. My Grandfather and Grandmother, he an Air Force solider, she built airplanes!
  6. Yes, Jrose your right, They have taken our pics from BP. When I did tineye on Kristine and did one on my own , they did show the same site But nothing else showed up other then that. To assume she is using stolen pics maybe not accurate, cause I see mine there and mine are defiantly real pics. This is the link... http://newbrunswick.bposx.com/escorts/page/privacy.aspx also has other cities, NFLD, T.O...etc I see fireman understands her post but I have no clue Amy's post means. But yes, the ad doesn't match the pictures, short hair, blond? She long curly hair...etc..
  7. This women is getting ready for a double mastectomy surgery, look what she and her surgery staff does moments before, talk about positive healing vibes! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/06/breast-cancer-flash-mob-deborah-cohan_n_4227915.html
  8. Big congrats! Whoooohooo, enjoy every ounce of enjoyment and take in all the attention your milestone may create! :bigclap:
  9. When I did tineye, this is the link that mentions NFLD.... I hope for Lyka that her pic's have not been stolen:( http://stjohns.bposx.com/escorts/page/1
  10. Happy Birthday, hope you have the very best day:) Get spoiled:)
  11. Hahhah, oopsy, I thought because she was from HFX as well... cheers:)
  12. I want to share this thought: "Meme.....not only a Maliseet term for Grandmother, but also an idea who's time has come, or part of a larger idea who's time has come"..... each heartbreak produces a whole new dimension of the person inside me... as a woman... your GF, Sister and Aunt ....and yet a still a child within. Take this dark half of the year for inner work....reflection, and planning.....know yourself and you may know the truth of life....... I think, part of a larger idea....who's time can come and without notice, love and trust....and passion you have left for me! This is always remembered. Entering into the darker time of year, use this time to enjoy and reflect! Dedicated to my the many wonderful women in my life!
  13. I did it all.... masturbated, snuggled with dogs, listen to my fav CD, did something good for another person, cried then had a tea:) Now glass of Pinot Girgio:) Thanks everyone, your so awesome!!!
  14. If you take a look into her profile, read her posts (satistics) and see her pic's I am sure you would be very happy to take the plung and meet her:) I know Moncton has some issues with switch and bait etc...but this lady has a real presence here and would then think she is legit. You could also start some communication with her, and you can see her personality and know more about her? I have communicated and read her posted, have to say I think she is a peach! here is her profile... http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=70561 Assuming this is your Lilly that you speak of?
  15. How true this is! I actually felt the hurt in my heart today. Nothing at all happened to make me feel this way, at least not today, but felt it deep inside. I am feeling better after posting this and having you wonderful people reach out with caring and sound advice! Thanks everyone, a good cry came upon me.....but now feel better and ready to enjoy my night:) xoxoox
  16. With teary eyes, thanks so much! Your right, I never give myself a break:( Always running out the door, if not for work, then to lend a helping hand to someone in need. I shall do just that, sit with my melancholy and cuddle with my dogs:) Thanks hun! I suppose we all need to know it is ok not to be happy ALL the time, I allowed to be slumber and lazy too!
  17. I feel blue....don't know what to do? Not sure if it is the weather, or if I left my personality in bed this morning? But WOW I am so blah...with no reason! I have a great life, wonderful home, business is good and yet, I am dragging my feet! Is this the rain? Do I give in and stay in bed? What do you do on these days? Are we really this connected to our outside environment that it affects us indoors too? Certainly not lack of vit D, as it was sunny for days and days here.. BLAHHHH I hate feeling like this, drives me nuts, as I usually am happy and fun !
  18. Dressing up the house, and me for Halloween and only had one child arrive to my door! It was my GF kids, lol... I should have known, as there is no sidewalk on my side of the street. Now I have a billion treats, and I do not have a sweet tooth at all:( I suppose a donation to transition house and food bank might want them?
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BIG BIG LOVE!! Hope you have the very best B'day:) xoxoox
  20. On my site, when you use the contact option, you will be asked few easy questions. Whereas I have many options to choice from, I ask which service they are interested, scented products or not, smoker/non, age, and duration of visit, and where they seen my ad. I makes it so much easier to make a properly informed booking. Yes, it is very time consuming to answer each question from all the inquiries. I like to get exactly they are looking for, and to answer all the questions in one shot. I have been told that they find it easy and convenient to use, as well as, the client usually likes that I have asked him, so he can better be prepared for his date:) At times on the spot bookings are welcomed, but if the are asking about way to much details, or doesn't know the lingo, I as them to take a peek at the site and call back. Hope this helps?
  21. G is for the wonderful pleasure spot, G-spot!
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