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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. What are your spooky plans this Halloween? Did you know about the haunted house tour? IT IS AMASING!! I went 2 years ago, planning on going again this year:) Be prepared to stand in a long line up, but well worth it! The special effects are done by UNB theater students. Some scare you for real! Shrieking and laughing as you go threw the many rooms and themes. One floor is child safe, but the others are totally for the adults! If you see me there, a friendly hello is welcomed:) Play safe! xoxoox Sophia!
  2. There have been times that my client books 1 hour, and then we realize that half hour would have been good. So In this case I simply give back the difference to him, call it HH and everyone is happy:) He then will book HH next time, doesn't feel cheated, thus I he stays my client:) Everybody wins:)
  3. I do not know what ad your speaking of, a title would be helpful. I am going to re-edit this post. If the poster could give some more details of ad, such as title, or appearance that would be helpful. If outdoor adventure is taken in the context of a car, or public setting, then I would be alarmed and see red flags.
  4. Jordan Monroe is a local Moncton lady. She has a reco here:) Very trustworthy and kind! Miss Manda is also visiting, I am sure she will treat you right!
  5. I know I have "hit" that a few times, hahaahh JK babes, you certainly deserve it! You are a rare gem for sure! xoxo Sophia
  6. You have been my support, my laughter and my teacher for 3 years:) If I paid this much attention to my real life community for 3 years, I may have moved mountains! This is my 2014 th post, and happy to do so! I have learned much about respect, from both SP and hobbyist alike. At times it felt harsh, but none the same always coming back with something that has been learned. It is an interesting journey to say the least. Coming from a place that never shows friendly competition or understanding. I have tried so many times to show others this kindness and acceptance, but yet I always have someone lurking in the background trying to make things complicated for me:( I hope that they find their own way, and learn that we are a better help to one another than the opposite. Many of you have always made me feel completely wanted and appreciated. I truly am blessed to have YOU as a friend! Thank you to all who have given me the benefit of doubt, the chance to shine and the drive to keep moving forward! With all my best intentions, Sophia Varoushka xoxo
  7. Congrats handsome!!! How awesome is that? Your a gem! Always pleasant to chat with:) xoxooxx Sophia:ThankYou:
  8. This thread has been discussed many times, I did a search again. Shows 25 results of fashion magazines etc.... (search on tineye) Too bad, cause we have heard she is a nice lady, but with posting fake pic's after 6 months, this is not looking good:( It was stated before that she is new to biz...understandable, but no excuse after 6-8 months.
  9. This thread may help... http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=124294&highlight=roxanne with that note, also we can consider she claimed to be new to the biz, and was nervous to post pics??? If that is the case, I hope she decides to post real pics soon. She may be a very nice lady, perhaps you should take a leap of faith? Inform us on the outcome? I hate to see a new lady be slammed for fake pics, if it is just a case of feeling unsure? But yet, we can't post fake pics, not fair to our clients.
  10. For our treasured veterans, and active soldiers! This is truly an inspiration!
  11. I like the Crown Plaza, as it is downtown, easy to stepout for lunch etc. Also a pool and small pub on location. Also many places for clients to park and hide their car. Delta is very nice, and has a 24 hour restaurant right beside it. But I find boring spot, as it is beside the downtown. So cabs will be longer wait etc... CABS in freddy are S..L...O...W so leave yourself plenty of time for wait time. Good luck!! Best wishes, Sophia:) ( yes...a different Sophia lol)
  12. Yes, I face this almost daily too:( My statement is this.... I have never been treated with the amount respect and caring in my "real" life as I experience with my clients! My clients genuinely care for me, respect me and want to see me happy and safe. They open the door for me, they support me, make me laugh and blush. They wish me happy birthday, Merry Christmas and Happy Thanksgiving! I have dated, and those men don't even bother with any of that! As for the "gross" client, you have one chance to meet me. If you do not meet my standards, then you either show up next time meeting my standards, or you will get bare min service and not return. But truthfully, this hardly ever happens. I mean gross, as in not cleaned, showered, etc....I do not expect everyone to be a hunk, haahha...this is about a service designed to make men feel good about themselves, feeling cared for, looked after. So as long as they leave happy and confident, then so am I! I take pride in what I do, and put every effort into providing a service that accomplishes all that. There has been one or a few, that I had to have "a talk with" about hygiene. They seemed to have listened to me, as they do arrive ready for a date. But if you are ever rude or mean, then you are leaving ASAP. People just see us a s victims, or whatever....But after you chat with us, you see we are much more in control and have more respect then you would think. I AM NOT A VICTIM! I AM SELF EMPLOYED, PROVIDING A MUCH NEEDED SERVICE. AND THIS MAKES ME HAPPY. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT! Best wishes, xoxoxo, Sophia OOOPSY, JUST NOTICED. This is a question for the clients hahhaha
  13. Great topic! I am surprised that I have made this small city my home! I have lived virtually every city in Canada, never feeling like I fit anywhere. Then I found Fredericton! This city is safe, clean and so pretty. Lacking in good restaurants, but the beauty here makes up for it. The wonderful Saint John River flowing through our downtown area, really makes a lovely scene. So much fun I have had on this river. Kayaking, is my favorite way to spend a summer afternoon. All summer long there is music, free concerts that fill the air with festive sounds. Blues, Jazz, acoustic country and rock, whatever your taste.
  14. On BP there is a car wash being advertised, lol...when I did search had 23 results. Mostly from Europe, I highly doubt these are the ladies you would be meeting!
  15. Sleep on it..baby..baby..let me sleep on it! I immediately get tired during a stressful time, or right after...need a nap! Give you my answer in the mo-or-orning!
  16. He would simply find the appropriate provider then. Some 20 yrs old may not want to see an older gent, but she would post that on her ads, web site etc...as to make it easy and not wasting either persons time or embarrassment.
  17. Well pretty sure this is a post meant to stir up all kinds of ulterior outcomes. Why did you feel that this was a post that should have been discussed? I mean, come on...we all have our preferences, from small to tall, thin to PHAT, long hair, short hair, young and mature...what outcome are you looking for? I seriously doubt the outcome is one that you would hope for...I guess you can see we all agree and are on the same page about this topic. Hopefully your next post will be more worthy of a discussion. No sugar coating here folks, it is what it is. BTW I am 39...is that old???
  18. I changed recently, to Suite ( play on words for hotel suite ) Escapes ( because that is how I want you to feel when you visit for massage) I felt it was a good representation of my business. OLD name, Sophia Varoushka...Varoushka was the name of my favorite color of lip stick, and was hoping would become yours hahahha
  19. My pet peeve, this happened the other day, I got a nasty email, cause apparently I did not respond to the original email fast enough. OK...so guess what, I do not have my computer attached to my hip, sometimes I can be in no reception area...or I took a day or 2 off from electronics, ahahaha..I suppose a phone call was to hard to do? NOT JUST SPEAKING OF WORK...BUT MY FB HAHAHHA Grrrrr.....I am done now lol..thanks feel better now:)
  20. I have had good times in Moncton and bad. I would have to say, not to worry about the "discount" girls, as the kind of clients you and I ( and other ladies here have ) will not want to book the " discount" girls. Our Gent's know you pay for what you get. As for the negotiator, let them see the difference when they visit them, they will shortly learn that nothing good comes cheep, and anything cheep is rarely good. They will see the difference, and if they are lucky they MAY have a chance to book another time with you. Best of luck! xoxoox Sophia:)
  21. S.....for sensual massage with Sophia:)
  22. I am Sophia V, Not Sophie. I have no info on her tho. You will notice on my ads, I have my pics watermarked with my Name Sophia Varoushka and with my business name, Suite Escapes. Hopefully others will notice the difference.
  23. I have had my fair share of "oopsy" as well! At times even ruining some potential dates, ooopsy!!! Ohh well, what can one do?
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