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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. J......for JINA Heheehe, I just got mine done:) lol
  2. Would like to say nude beach, but I have been to one, and the sigh seeing was not good! lol...So prude beach it is! Curly hair or straight?
  3. Jordon has worked with me for most of the summer. She is located most of the time in Moncton, but does visit Freddy and PEI also. Here is a reco for her:) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=137694 She is very nice, trustworthy lady:)
  4. On Saturday, I am hosting a Bachelor party for 20 ppl. This is the third one since summer began:) Always looking for party games, what sort of games have you had that were successful or not so successful? They key to throwing a good party, is to have creative and fun games to play, as dancing alone just doesn't cut it. Here are 2 games I find fun, and sexy for my bachelor parties:) 1. Pin the tail on my tail. As usual, you blind fold him, then spin him around. And with a sticker, he has to place it on either butt check, if you get it right then he gets a lap dance:) Not so easy as it sounds tho, as twist and contort my body into various positions, so that you are not sure where my butt could be, heehaw 2. Name that porn star, a trivia game. Giving a small amount for facts, and the guest shout out the name of that Porn star...hehehe So any one out here has more games to share?
  5. So who here holds the spooky superstition of Friday 13? Where does it originate from? Here is a link that I found, on some of the urban legends surrounding Friday 13th:) http://urbanlegends.about.com/cs/historical/a/friday_the_13th.htm
  6. I am in awww of these little creatures and how strong they can be! An inspiration for sure:)
  7. I love my Fall time meals:) Tonight I am making a fall fav, Chicken Pot pie:) Wont be making the puff pastry, will use store bought, but none the same, this is gonna be yummy!
  8. Ha, so I am sure I am not the only one who decided as an impulse to get a tattoo. Impulses can sometimes lead us into bad designs, bad artist and just well the next day you shake your head and ask" what was I thinking?" Mine was this squiggly line, that looked like an inch worm, hahahhaha, was SUPPOSE TO BE the Japanese character for water. lol so then.....hahhahah I tried to cover it up, a whole 10 yrs later Bwhahhaha, so I covered it with Mayan text that my real name translates into. Very cool actually, apparently means Earth, Wind, Fire and Rain. Or Yax-Can-Kin-Eesh they say I would have caused war with that name! Problem is....I got it Mexico, in the Mayan Rivera and had a sun burn! So immediately started to fade...now I have this mess of symbols no one can recreate, and you still see my inch worm underneath!!! OMG! what to do now? share your nightmare story of your tats!
  9. Read this story, I am sure if you have a heart, you will will enjoy this true story:) http://saintjohn.kijiji.ca/c-community-missed-connections-Dear-woman-in-the-red-station-wagon-two-boys-on-Westmorland-Rd-W0QQAdIdZ516419051
  10. http://keep0smiling.blogspot.ca/2013/08/even-more-very-funny-autocorrect-fails.html?m=1 You will be glad you read this one!!LMFAO
  11. Not sure if this is an affirmation or not, but This is how I feel:)
  12. Thought you might enjoy this video, it is astonishing video!! http://dailypicksandflicks.com/2013/08/21/fog-rolling-over-mountains-in-newfoundland-video/
  13. HAHAHHAH I like your style, it is funny that even though Sinfelid has been done for while, I think it is still the most quoted, to this day! I always quote... "these pretzels are making me thirsty!!" hahah I remember WKRP...did they not try to make a spin off or something a while ago? Think it flooped:(
  14. Being able to take a nice nap, in a quiet home, lol As much as I love my dogs, when I come to my studio location, I have no barking when the mailman shows up, grrrrr, Being able to eat what I want to with no guilt for not feeding the kids properly hahahha, funny this post should pop up, as I was grocery shopping and seen a very very stressed out mother of 3, trying to shop while her kids were screaming and carrying on:( Poor women is all I thought. I dunno if I could do it, being childless all my life.
  15. Right on!! Now get working on the next milestone hahaha, really...Good for you and enjoy your spot light today:):bigclap:
  16. I am watching Kings of Queens. I always love these episodes. I enjoy how real and funny Cary is! I think she is a hottie, and well Doug not so much a typlical hottie, but is so funny you gotta love him! It's odd though, Cary always seems to have this low self esteem, which I am sure was designed to make her more in touch with the audience?? But how the hell could she think she is "ugly" or "fat" ?? Really come on!! She is super hot, even when she is a bit heavier in some episodes. Also, Ellen DeGeneres, is my hero!! I love her!!! On the worst of days, she can crack a smile from me, and remind me how being kind is the most important action of each day:) What makes you laugh, think, or just sit awe of their beauty? Why?? What is it that they do that touches you, makes you giggle even when sad/mad?
  17. I just tipped my pizza guy, poor lad had to walk up a million stairs, in 38 degree weather:( He was a very happy dude after tho:) mmmm Pizza time, Papa Johns fav and chicken wings:)
  18. F for fornication under the consent of the King, hahahhaha...
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