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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I was just txting with Amelia, she is unable to give her thanks at this moment, but wanted me to post how surprised and special you all made her day:) Will be available to log on in a day or 2:)
  2. Funny you should mention this, as for some time now I have considered making a post " if you want to be "friends" please let me know by such and such date, or will be clean out of my list. " I find it is so time consuming to go threw each and every friend. Does this seem cold or rude? lol
  3. I see both types of posts. For myself, I do say a hello, or have a great day...good night. I had a long time shout box friendship in the early morning with a member that is no longer on board:( We had coffee every morning:) All of this is also advertising, as this shows we ARE ON LINE AND READY TO RECIEVE YOUR PM OR NOT. But I also use it as a way to let ppl know of sudden changes to my schedule, or if I left a city, arriving in a city. Also to let you know that I am ready, and phone is on for me to answer your call:) I will have to admit, however, that not long ago, I seen the WHOLE SHOUT OUT PAGE IN CAPS LIKE THIS... which is a redundant after a while IMHO. As the CAPS are to EMPHASIZE certain words, well if the whole page is in caps, nothing is being emphasized. Perhaps we need to apply the same rules as advertising, if you use all caps...then unacceptable. But also, this is an advertising board firstly. If chatting is what you want, then perhaps the chat room is a good place for that? I don't see an issue either way personaly. If there are 10 shouts, all in caps, or advertising, that means I can shout again sooner:) Feel free to say:) When you see me on there:) lol Peace man!
  4. Happy Birthday to my lovely, sexy and sweetest friend, Amelia! I wish we were together for your Birthday:( Hope your day is spent with your loved ones:) Get spoiled, be treated as a princess today! You deserve it doll face!! Love you, Sophia:)
  5. Yet another wonderful pic!! Holy your smoking hot babe!
  6. OMG I love love love this pic!! You are really beautiful!
  7. How brave you men are, lol...so nice of you to share these cute and funny stories! My hubby is more "girly" than I am. He spends much longer pruning his feathers, extremely neat and tidy, irons all his cloths perfectly, loves bubble baths and salts, aromatherapy, drinks light beer and flavored rum. I think men these days have over come that "gotta be tough to be a real man" attitude. Men love to be pampered with facials, manicures, pedicures, lotions and oils. Thank god too, or might not have a job, lol..
  8. There are many examples that we can give, many scenarios we can cover in this topic. Each lady will deal with time wasters, compulsive cancelers, or what have you, in the way that feel appropriate to her. But there is a HUGE difference with canceling on a lady that travels compared to the lady who is based and full time in her hometown base. When you only have 48 hours in one city, still need sleep for 8 hours, and you have one cancelation, just 1 hour prior to time set aside.... then you have 2 cancel... there are only so many hours left to offer her time to you fine Gent's! well consider 300+ is now not coming in, yet hotels, flights, supplies still have to be paid! How many times have I heard, " ohh well you get another in" THE THING IS... most established pro's select carefully on whom spends that time with us, not a phone ringing off the hook...waiting for the next one to call! And possiable that if the phone does ring for on the spot, that Gent may not fit the mold of who we are wanting to spend time with:( THIS IS the elite experience that you Gent's deserve and expect! Keep in mind, when someone is traveling, there time is precious and limited. For me, I am a softy, but if you continue to cancel on me, for the 2nd and 3rd time, you just wont book me! Unless you have made it up to me in an extra fee! However when dealing with an agency that has 10 ladies, this is less likely to happen. As the agent, could care less as they probably have 10 there ladies that will be booked. But I am sure the lady would be sad !!But the agent had No Hotel and flights to worry about. I hope this gives both spectrums of this concept? Hey Sh** happens, but do your part when booking a travel lady, be sure your time is cleared. But no matter if agency or indy, if you are always canceling, then be prepared to pay, or be on a blacklist:(
  9. OHHH so cool:) Good for you! And yet Good for us:) I have enjoyed your posts, both cute or funny, to a post that is well said and informative! Hope to see more:) :bigclap:
  10. Yes this is so true. I have had my fair share of "pro" photographers, only to have to check...double check....then have a last look before the pic is actually taken! All along. thinking...why am I doing this? Why is he not seeing this? lol So ya sometimes I have been called a "control freak " on my photo shoots, LMAO! But point being, when dealing with photographer, be your own set manager, display the theme YOU want, the feelings, accessories, etc:)
  11. Thank you for this post! I need that today:( xoxox Additional Comments: Just needed to add this!!
  12. THANK YOU!!! I am about to throw my computer over a balcony!! hahhaha I will try this, but I have done everything that the "help" says to do, but perhaps a human being might do better! hahaha Or I will have to call you, and you can walk me threw it hahahhah OMG....love my computer...it is a love/hate relationship hahahha xoxoox
  13. For three days, I have had issues with my Gmail.... My page shows......Not able to display or the wheel just keeps spinning till it kicks me out...grrrr I do the help thing, but have no answers??? I am not the computer wizzzz as some, but holy cow this is annoying! But on my cell phone I can replay as normal:( But with phone have problems with copy paste etc... what am I doing wrong?
  14. Happy to see your fun loving side has not disappeared! Love seeing you laugh, even when sarcastic and all! Thinking of you always:)
  15. D for..hmmmmm, Doin' the Dirty Deed! lol
  16. Hahahhah, yes seems to be! LOL....so so funny:)
  17. Mathew, you also PM'd me with this question. As you have read, if she is suspended, then just wait it out. I am sure you will be in touch soon. Your 2 other posts that you have, since you joined only couples days ago, and both are the same topic??? Have patients:)
  18. K, so we all flaws and quarks that set us apart! For some, it may be a highways for stretch marks that have been earned by child bearing. For me I have some for being an athlete from my younger years, and I love them! Maybe our tits are not in the exact same place as when 20....big deal! Then again maybe our men have extra skin sagging on the balls, the laist mine and a hair growing from our nose! LOL...big deal! When it comes to advertising, then we owe it to ourselves to be upfront, but also portray it as appealing for our audience. But still staying realistic, IE: I am 38...look 30, but still post as 38:) But to use these body types of "cheep shoots" about small imperfections as ammunition to hurt another is really futile! As for the hope of ruining a reputation when posting this nonsense, then think again! Many men actually prefer...older, stretch marks, natural tits, cury etc.... As a very cool dude ( an old car sales man ) said to me once... " there is an ass for every seat!" So in all when reading such things, you gotta ask yourself....why?? Most Gentlemen would just rather move on and no rebook if it was just a simple case as stretch marks and saggy tits. Rather then spending precious time posting about it, this to me shows ulterior motives:(
  19. I have done photography for BBW and agree with all that is said here! The important thing to remember is that you do not want to " hide the body " but to show it off! Own your body no matter what the shape:) Hair, lighting, props, curves, attitude, colors, accessories are what lie behind a great photo shoot! Work what you have, with out hiding your true beauty! Well done!
  20. I can't wait to read her book, "Ordeal", if it is as good as the movie, it should be a great read as well:)
  21. This summer has been awesome for star gazers...not long ago we could see 5 planets align and meteor showers!!
  22. Faster then a speeding bullet, Thanks for the many humorous, sexy, silly posts! Love your no BS approach too:) Looking forward to reading more in the future:)
  23. I believe I have heard of operations in Canada, but the thing is hun, they are baiting for UNDERAGE workers( the pimps/agencies who hire them). And the MEN WHO ARE wanting to book minors. As long as you are not wanting to book with minors, then there is no problem. Even the bust in the States were only busting child/minor prostitute rings. Not responsible providers of age.
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