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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. F is for frolicking, fun, fucking!
  2. Last night I watched " The Call" for the third time, lol.. really a great thriller/suspense!
  3. I am loving this thread! It is so refreshing to see so many open minded lovely people! I have read every page, and just in AW of the views that are shared. Sometimes being here in little Fredericton get's my wild and free loving side of me too tame. So it is nice to read like minded people post:) Inspires me to get out there and play more!
  4. You have tried almost every fantasy so far... But have you tried MFM date? You are curious but have never found the right couple to ask. Explore this kinky fantasy with an easy going hot couple! No awkward moments, just sexy and fun times with 2 experienced, thrill seeking adventurous lovers. In Ottawa Sept 17-21 (dates may change slightly) We want to be sure that fun is had by all, so we are selective on whom we choose to partake in your bedroom games:) Rendez-vous are booked for 2 hour min. This allows us the time to build up our chemistry and get cozy! My sexy partner is tall, blond, blue eyes and a gentlemen of 50's He is a modest 5.5" and cut, well groomed & tanned. We are seeking at least 6.5", cut, well groomed, clean and preferably 30 years to 55 years. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR DESCRIPTION IN YOUR ENQUIRY. YOU WILL NEED TO HAVE A REFERENCE OR HAVE ALREADY WITH ME, MISS SOPHIA. DO NOT SET UP A PLAYDATE UNLESS YOU ARE 100% SURE YOU WANNA PLAY! ALL ENQUIRES NEED TO BE FINALISED BY SEPT 9.
  5. Chicken thighs, new potatoes and a green salad:) Chicken was marinated in sweet onion salad dressing, turned out very aromatic and crispy") juicy :) Ahhh summertime food;)
  6. G is for Geez I wish you were here!
  7. These responds are sooooo funny! LOL...
  8. May be stuck in your head...but now it is stuck in my hair! lol K...K..K...do it again!
  9. Ummm... I offer a quality service that you are asking for, take a look into my profile, see my website for detailed description and video to enjoy:) http://mssophiav.ca/ Miss Sophia V xoxo
  10. Just in case I didn't post, lol....CONGRATS!! 1000, elegantly written, romance inspired, and of course ....which do you prefer? Sexy or cute posts? JK...hehehhe keep them coming my friend! :bigclap:
  11. Ya I seen the same deal:) Hehe, Looking into it tonight..AWSOME!!!
  12. I am making plans now to see if it is possible for me to get there. I hopefully will know in another week. Hope it is in the stars for me:) Let ya all know when I know:)
  13. Have you read this thread? I think you may want to, seems to be confusion over what legit massage and erotic massage and the VERY different form of touch it is! http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=142492
  14. I am with you on this! How many times do I hear the aged old story.... "she got caught going threw a guy's wallet" I mean, this is the first thing some will say to ruin a ladies reputation. I have even heard this about me! I have had many situations over the years that I had to spend hours days, weeks, months and years, trying to clear my good name! Some men's heads are so easily turned by a pretty ladies power, that they can make their men hobbyist do what ever they like. Like posting these awful lies, gathering info for them, getting location, fake appts in various cities. In some cases these got out of hand to the point a whole group of ladies and men decide to jump on the bash wagon just from "hearing about" these lies. The haters. This is so bothersome, as most of the haters have never ever met me or communicated with me. I feel there is no need for negative reviews, as with all things the true character will show through. If I was a thief, let's say....chances are I will not be in business long. If everything I have ever heard about me was posted, there would be no reason to stay here, I might as well close my account, as surly I can not survive all my haters attacks. It would cause me more harm to be on the site then it would be worth. I have other ways I can advertise that do not include sites that can have reviews. I do feel for the Gent's who let's say get swindled out of thousands of dollars. I am close to 2 hobbyist that this has happened. IN BOTH CASES they allowed the SP and Hobbyiest barrier get crossed. Sharing too intimate details of their lives, ie, wife name, home address, financial standing, weaknesses like sorrows. After few months of booking the lady, the lady starts with little favors, " can you help me on my cell phone" or "OMG I cant pay my rent because..." we can work it out on your next visit. IF YOU DO THIS you are opening Pandora's box if trouble. You see a pattern in this behaviour till one day your 20 thousand in the hole, and threats being made about exposing you to your boss, wife, kids. BEST SUGGESTION I THINK is to learn from each other's mistakes without having to "out" her name. But look at patterns in how these women pull this off. Maybe a social group that doesn't out names, but rather share your experiences to help others see what NOT to do when you think an SP is getting too close that barrier. Not sure if there is a solid answer on these issues. What will be done will be done. It is more important to watch, listen and learn from other's that have been in the same boat as you. Got to play smart, and don't be no one's fool.
  15. I had one lady that worked for me, she stated not to book black clients. It just happened to that she had a stalker who was following her from one end of the country to next, he was black. We never put it on her ad, as this would have sort of given her away in her hiding. But if I knew they were, or if they mentioned they were black, I simply did not book him with her. Now you can not tell " black" voice on the phone, so when the telephone confirmation would come in, she would listen to the voice to tell me yes or no. She hated to have to be like that, but is understandable in her case. She was in no way raciest, just extra cautious. She in fact loved black men. As an agent I respect the wishes of my girls, some are just not comfortable with other ethnic groups, and for a variety of reasons. There are some Gent's who also prefer no African/Canadian girls, or Indian or sometimes Caucasian too. I have 2 lovely black ladies that work with me from time to time, some of my black clients prefer not to book them....some of my Caucasian clients want to book them. It is at the end of the day, all about what they are interested in. Everyone deserves the right to choose who they prefer to spend time with. No harm meant by it. And as Fourtainateone mentions, at least it is on the ad so that you don't go through the booking procedure to find out that she prefers not to book.
  16. That was awesome!! I like the statistics in....I am in the 6% I suppose hahah. very real and bang on parallel comparison!
  17. I agree Malika, People will ask me what they should write. I just say, simply explain what your experience was like with me without going into graphic details. Putting more emphasis on how I made you feel, what was my location like, etc... On another note, I get bothered when I see as comments " wow, that's cool" or " Nice rec" Even if it is a comment on my rec, or another lady. I feel that this makes others think someone is getting bumped on purpose for their own gain. I have even asked mod at times to remove these 3 word sentences from my reco thread, as I do not want people thinking I arranged it just to bump another ladies rec off of the top of the list. Also, I had a rec done, which was nice and all. But the problem is this person seen me a year ago. This caused a problem for me, because I no longer am SP, I am now MA. I had not even heard of this fellow for a long time and didn't even remember is name. I PM him to ask why would he write that, as I do not remember him visiting me and certainly didn't offer GFE. He then explained he was just going threw the rec's and remembered what a nice time he had a year ago . Then I felt bad for questioning him, but he understood what a difficult position that put me in. He wasn't aware of the changes I had made in my services.
  18. It is not just the amount of recommendations that a lady has, but you also need to look at the constancy. That can tell you a lot about her style and quality of her service. And as mentioned, credibility of the author is sometimes qustioned...then again look at the constancy. There will never be a for sure way of catching every fake rec, or what have you, but I think this site does a good job at weeding through the junk.
  19. Miss Charlotte, NOT AT ALL, the reason being, if you do, you may find yourself in the same dilemma in the future. If this person get's away with this now, then what stops them from doing it again and again? Eventually you have nothing to negotiate! I have to add, it is paramount for each of us, to clearly explain our boundaries and limitations. To clearly define what we expect out of an encounter with each other.
  20. It is all about your OWN predicament and what you are intending to do with your choice as an SP. I have represented many nice, honest and lovely women that just need require more discretion and privacy then some of the other ladies. Women that are in transition. Like changing cities, or leaving a relationship behind, your home, your job. This sometimes is WHY we wont show face pics. Also, why not to getting to know us more by learning about what kind of girl we are, what do really have to offer? Are you attracted with my personality...or just a body, then a face? At times, we need to have our identity more protected then others. I CHOOSE to show my face, as I have myself open to the people in my life that need to know my lifestyle. I have also legitimately established my business. I do not have a secrete life to protect.
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