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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Gabriellia has hit the point here, if you are dealing with SP's who are established and care if their clients are going to repeat, or the future years to come, they are not going to behave this way. For those of us who has made this a career, we look at this in a very business mind set. As with any business, your door does not stay open if your services do not meet the expectations of the clients. I am a bit shocked at your statement directed to Amelia. The statement about no one good in Moncton, etc...she was simply sharing how ladies who travel are not wanting to go when ppl ask for 180 rates. If SP's are asked or told constantly that 180 is all they want to pay, well of course less women will be interested in going there. I think you did not need to belittle what her experiences are as an SP who does travel to Moncton...less and less now that she is being compared to services that offer 180. She is trying to show how rates DO affect what services you will receive, YOU DO GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. That being said, yes I do agree with you that just cause a lady is high priced does not guarantee you the experience you hope to get. This is when you need to ask" how long has she been established in the industry? Is she a fly by night gal, who doesn't care about next year? Have you properly comunicated to her what you expect for the rate you and her have decided on?
  2. I cant say that I know anyone offering the same sort of quality of massage as I do here. Also the right atmosphere is something to be considered as well, a massage on a hotel bed just doesnt have the same effect. Take a sunny day drive up to Freddy :)
  3. Actually you can now view it on my site. It is also found on atlanitic holistic directory site. This is so candid, there are parts that are serious, but then it had a funny side too! I laughed so hard sometimes, me and my girls had a bast watching it! Of course being candid with no breaks or editing, I did stumble a few times, lol.. The cool part is, it got us girls talking, cause everyone in the industry can relate to what we discuss:) Also other viewers that are not involved with our lifestyle, said that they had no idea and that they have a positive outlook now. Whereas, before they followed the normal outlook. So for me, I think that is a success, and I did what I set out to do! Hope you all like it:) You may need to create account to get access to the documentary. Is found under video selection. mssophiav.ca
  4. OK, So I think that ppl have a right to post these best of's...what is the problem again? If you do not like the poll, then simply don't vote on them. I am defending the right to having what ever poll they want as long as it is not the "worst of" . I think by asking the community to stop them is wrong. They have the right to, no rules are broken. This is not in the sprit of freedom of opinion or of cerb:( I had a post about the most cherished men on cerb, never got complaints about that one. So why is only when it comes to women? This is a site that advertises fantasy. I know many hobbyist who enjoy these threads, and are entertained with them. I do not see anyone here calling someone ugly or that they don't cut the mustard...etc.. If you feel compared, or offended by cato's best of thread, then I am sorry to hear this. I am sure you know that you...all of us...have much to offer. as I said already, if I am compared to Angellie Jolle...well I will just laugh at that, cause she a bombshell babe, and I am just me:)
  5. So Cristy, what kind of man do you like? Tall, dark hair, blue eyes? Does that mean all blonds with brown eyes and short are suppose to be jealous or feel bad? I dont think so. Do you like thick cock? Long Cocks? Does that affect every fragile ego by stating what we like? For me I always was attracted to dark hair, tall, blue eyes, but my hubby is blond, tall blue eyes, but no one turns me on more cause for me, he is the greatest guy on the planet. We are taking about appearances, not weather they are the greatest person on the planet. Just cause we have different opinion that your, doesn't mean we are "missing the point" I find that statement insulting to my intelligence. Face it, we are human, and we do judge on a daily bases. Judgement is what allows for us to weed through the millions of options that are out there for us. It is human nature to judge and is also apart of survival. If anyone can claim they never judge another person, then I will bend backwards and kiss my own ass!
  6. From what can see the ladies in that poll are not here on this site, and I am not sure we can sit here and say how " they feel " about this pole. How could we say they feel objectified or not? Many of them are in they eyes of the public, and know that this is apart of their industry as entertanior and models. Not like someone is saying..." that Sophia has nothing on Angelia Jollie" Also I do think most of us here on this site are mature enough and confident enough to not let silly poles like this to break our fagile ego's. This is a business that requires confidence and the abilty to notice our own flaws and having a thick skin to say " I am not perfect, and that is perfect for me!" Your original post is "the best of " so naturally I assumed you meant ALL best of threads..
  7. I do agree with the concept "beauty in the eye of the beholder" however, as for example: the thread for creative and artistic pics, I do not think is comparing beauty to beauty, as in that thread we have a variety of different "looks" Small breast and big breast...small waist and thicker waists etc... but in this thread it is the creative and artistic integrity that is being applauded. I am pleased and proud that my pics were added to that thread, and also humbed at the artisict abilty of so many of our cerb ladies:) There is alot of artistic talent here to enjoy!
  8. Well then contact a lady you do want I guess? lol...but most SP's will ask for a travel deposit for going such a long distance. check reco section to find trust worthy providers. Not that difficullt really. Why would a lady chance driving up there for nothing? How would she know your not just a time waster? Even a deposit is barley enough to convince most to go that distance! I mean really, if you are wanting a lady to go there, gotta give her incentive!
  9. I keep seeing this same complaint. As I have, and others have mentioned, contact a lady, ask her to visit you u there. You may need to secure a deposit for her travels and perhaps book for more that one hour. I know Meaghan Mcleod does travel.
  10. Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you have an incredable day:)
  11. Funny, I just stopped working in a vet clinic. It was a labor of love! But felt that for my own health and good spirit, I had to leave:( The sad part is... I would have a pet owner in my shop, that obviously had to save their pennies for my service. To do right by their chosen puppy. They would come back to their happy and beautiful dog, and would tip me 20!! I humble would accept the tip, and would show my genuine appreciation of their offering! Yet they would say" NO! THANK YOU!" Then in 5 min....another pet owner...another dog.... They were obviously well off. Driving the latest model, with so much bling you go blind, and this one will argue over a 40.00 fee! Meanwhile, I have done the impossible with their misbehaved, matted dog that they apparently have no time for! No tip:( So who in this situation knows the value of a dollar I ask?
  12. As a hobbyist, have you ever been surprised by what you see at the door compared to what you see here on the album? As a provider...have you ever said..." YES that is me!" I do not want this turn into a rant thread, but I feel the need to express my sincerity of all of my advertisements. I recently was emailed about pictures that I have posted for a lady that was hired by me as an agent, I was sent a responds that basically left me confused and a bit upset. I was accused of posting a fake pick, like a switch and bait. This note is intended to re-affirm my devotion to honest representation of anyone that I may represent! I would never pull a switch and bait, as I am sure I have clearly demonstrated the level of professionalism that uphold with my business. Why would I risk my name sake for a silly stunt like that? As this example....The lady in question simply changed her hair color, and a few other enhancments....therefore, yes she does appear to look different then say one year ago. or, a lady who doesn't want to expose to much of themselves for privacy reasons? At times my photography needs to eliminate some features that them recognizable for whatever reason. I think that it is important to know that we ladies do change our appearance from time to time. Some are drastict...others are subtle. This is why we keep our albums updated and as currant as possible. I also believe that for the most part, if you cross reference your info with cerb and tin eye, you can basically weed out the fakes. As cerb members/MODis very attentive for this kind of foolery! For myself, when I changed from long hair to short, I made a new album to demonstrate that, so when a client met me he would not think that it was a different lady in the pic... STORY: I have an ad,it shows my longer hair in one pic. I have the same background, same outfit, but longer hair....right underneath that, I have a pic with short hair...same room, same outfit....yet I get asked to meet the one with long hair? When I say that is the same lady, they say..."really?" so I took that pic down, lol.. I do hope that most people would understand the differences between switch and baits compared to a change of appearances? Thanks for any input from providers and hobbyist alike!
  13. For sure, I tip everyone I encounter that provides me a service. Even if they make my coffee wrong, lol...as we know min wage is an awful way to earn a pay check, and tips certainly help make their day go better! However, if the service is awful, I still tip, just not as much as would if I get expectational service.
  14. You took the words out of my mouth! I suppose we need to start adding this to our ads, lol...as part of our booking protocols. Geesh, this is gonna get to be like reading fine print to a contract, sign here, initial here...subclause this that and the other thing.
  15. I would suggest that you contact Meagan Mcleod, however, you may be requested to secure your booking with a small deposit to assure her that she is not driving there for nothing. Usually email tranfer is the easiest and safe. I would also suggest more than one hour of her time for it to be worth her while.
  16. I suppose the best thing to do is, to get to know her first, and she probably will do the same with you. When you are comfortable enough with the lady, perhpas it may be an option for the 2 of you. Sometimes time builds a mutal respect on this issue. Trust is key here and educate yourself.
  17. Thanks RG! I only replied to his initial email to me, so hmm, not sure. This seems to happen about 1/10 emails that are sent. Could this be blocked as meaning from me?
  18. Ok I have been trying to figure this out for sometime now. When I get an inquiry, and immediatly it comes back as "mailor damon" What is this? What does it mean?? I automaticly have my spidy senses go on overdrive, as I do not know what this is?? I would really like to know why, and what can I do to figure this out? I have tried to send it via copy paste of email, but no reults still! On that note, if you have emailed me, and I have not responded to you, this may be the reason why.
  19. Darn it...I am late, lol... Thanks for your great posts! I love the fact you are so candid and honest, sweet and funny!
  20. She is traveling with a guy, if see his ad, Ritchie Masseur. You can see her ad is linked to his.
  21. WOW!!!! Great efforts RG:) I have learned so muc from you, and you have my total respect! You are fair, softy..yet never sugar coat your post, and I really like that about you! I hope you never stop posting, as I feel you are one of the major cornerstones to our wonderful community! Love ya RG:)
  22. Ohh gosh, I thought I was a bit of ordinary, but I ring in at under 10! such is the lifestyle!
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