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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Again, here is the link... http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=124294&page=3&highlight=roxanne You may have better results by reading this thread, there has been many on the same lady.
  2. I have to bring this up again, She is soo special and welcomed here in NB that I hope the few who can meet her, will take advantage of this rare beauty! http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=73033
  3. Living off the avails....this can include almost any Agency Representative, good or bad:( However, as it has been explained to me from my own business lawyer, he has advised me, that because my fee from the ladies who hire me, are so low that my business and life expenses would not be covered if I only had that income to support me, that it would be difficult to pronounce that I LIVE OFF the avails. As I stated in my original post on this thread, that I would starve if I depended on my ladies. If you(OP) are taking this opportunity to get a lower preferred rate, from this SP...well I have nothing good to say about that! Essentially, I can prove that the small donation that the ladies provide, there is no way I could keep my business afloat with just their income! So back to the OP, what are your intentions? If you are collecting half the fee, you possibly can look as "living off the avails...or procure of funds" I would have to think that someone so interested in this topic would have logged in by now, it has been 3 days?? And yet no post to explain??? As stated by Meaghan Mcleod, do your research!
  4. I just deleted my previous post, as I accidentaly got you confused with another member, fireman42...who is looking to maybe becoming a male SP. I am not sure if that is your own pic in the avatar, or not. But if you have any discretion issues, and seeing how many firefighters there are here, even local members, your name and pic might give you away. I would hate for you to have an embarrassing moment in the firehall...unless that handle is not representing your profession. Just something to think about.
  5. The OP is using the words, manage...and setting up appts.... That is an agent. Which is all fine and well. But you would have to assume is making money off of it, as for the confusion if illegal or not. If he was doing it to merely help her, with no fee's attatched, then there would be no worries for the law. I dont think we lectured him, but more like gave him a side of this he may not be thinking. But you are right, let's see if this poster will explain more, as it reads he wants to " manage" her. A man who is going to set up, answer the phones, etc...just leaves a bad tase in the mouth for many ppl including the gent's that would be booking. Which in turn may tarnish any reputaion that she is trying to build for herself.
  6. I will add to this. If you are doing it for the money, better think again. Unless perhaps you think taking half the fee is a good for the lady and yourself. Even then Half the fee means you both have to work 2x's the appointments then otherwise. That is if you are only representing the one lady. But if you have 10 ladies I suppose you will live comfortably, but the one lady now has to work extra appointments to even come close to what you would make off of 10 ladies. If I tried to make a living off the small donation that my ladies offered me as an agent, I would starve. I never agree that the agent should make the same or more than the ladies who work there. There is much much more to this then posting ads and answering phones. Do you have the experience needed to make an informed and safe booking? Can you screen safely? The responsibility of ensuring the ladies safety is paramount...or should be. Time management, people skills, finance balancing, knowledge of the law and a lawyer paid yearly, everything that a business requires. If you feel that security is one thing you will be best at, then you may need to consider this again too. I only have one bodyguard, that is .....911. Clients that book threw an agency have to be able to trust the agent. You need a good reputation to build that trust. My client come in 2 forms, the hobyiest who books and the ladies I work for. My clients trust me, and know that the ladies are being treated fairly with me. They would not want to book with me if say: I was taking half of the ladies hard earned cash, or if I were a man, or if they never heard of me.
  7. Congrats!!! I love your posts, I feel at times you must be my long lost sister, lol...I find we often think alike:) Enjoy the much deserved attention from this thread!
  8. Wow, I am late to chime in, congrats!! Your first milestone, happy for you my friend:)
  9. I have both a yard gargen( will have, need to till it) and an apartment balcony. on the balcony are tomatoes, green/red peppers, and hot peppers on the ground, I will have split peas. Nothing like fresh peas in the summer:) Old Dog's suggestion cantalops, looking forward to that! Sweet potatoe, zuccini, my herbs are, basil, moijto mint for my fav summer cocktail, lemon balm, lemon thyme, probably get more. I just love the aroma the comes from these as you walk by.
  10. Thanks, sorry for the confusion. I am happy you have shared this:)
  11. Sorry Victoria, but not sure what you mean by this, as we can not read the post link? Care to share? Just askin'...? sorry meant to say to alb49 that you are so right about the weather...in my rep comment, computer screan jumped on me...
  12. I am listening to something that is getting me ready for summer mood!!
  13. Once I had an awkward moment, as hard to belive...hahaha So we had a passionate, thrilling time together, then time to get back to reality and got up to dress. We giggled, and shared some flirts, then he was fully dressed. I walked him to the door, as usual, and went to lean in for a kiss and hug. He backed up, and shook my hand with a very quick goodbye, see ya later... I was baffled! What did I do or say? Later, about 6 months later I had seen him again. I asked him what the deal was. He said that after his cloths go on, he jumps back into his own skin and prefers to leave it there. I have seen him sense then, and now know his personality about this. I am comfortable with it, as I know this is how he prefers to conduct himself.
  14. Good day my beloved furry and 4 legged friends! I am a pure poodle, small in stature, but have been told I have a long dong! My owner always laughs and looks away, as when it comes out, it reached the floor! My hair is white. My ears are mid length, and tail is cropped. I am well mannered, but at times can be snippy when the wrong person approaches me. So please take your time to get to know before you rub my belly! I am a mature male, in my prime of 5 years old. My hobbies include cuddling up to my owner, following my owner around every time she moves. My donations are: Tennis balls, more tennis balls and left over steak please. THIS IS NOT NEGOTIABLE! pic avail on my site, mrpoodoo.ca
  15. I am a bit delayed, but you have reached your 1st milestone! :bigclap: I have enjoyed your great contributions to our board, and hope to see you keep hitting the key pad with more of your great humor, and wisdom that you have shared! xoxoox, Sophia
  16. Uaually at the end my session I change into my " civies" so to speak. I find the gent's tend to be surprised at this, but always appreciate the fact I am comfortable enough to do this. To see the real me, not just the working version of me. Of couse I dress in nice cloths either way lol...
  17. a few years ago I had white raspberry garden:) and purple potatoes, and UFO zuccini, lol
  18. Found out, you can also use the toppsy turvey for Green peppers as well! I am excited for my little garden:) I have also just picked up a container you set on your deck railing, but one also for my balcony, I have peppers, hot peppers and more tomatoes:) I have them outside right now but will bring them in tonight as it is still cool a bit.
  19. Yes it was a dirty trick they played:( I for one feel awful for Emily and Keisy, they completely "used" you ladies to beef up their article. Like using your status as a way to increase ratings. Suppose it could be taken as compliment, much like celebrity in the news, lol? What I hated about this article, was the opening line that they used... " street walkers go online!" I was furrious at that! How dare they liken what we do with street walking! I have never ever walked the streets, pretty sure Emily has not either, lmao! the other bothersome part was when he was in front of the aprtment buliding showing how easy it is to book. Maybe some are that easy, but most of us do not disclose our location on a txt! I think the majority of us are a bit more dilagnt and cautious then to do that.
  20. I got my toppsy turvy tomatoe plant hanger at a dollar store. Super easy!! Just fill with soil, your tomatoe plant goes upside down in the 'bag" and suppose to yelid up to 30lbs of tomatoes!! I am using an organic soil:) Might hang another one for peppers too!
  21. I am doing a garden this year. It has been few years since I took part in my garden hobby. So I am a bit rusty at it. This year I got a topsy turvy tomatoe plant hanger. I will hang it on my balconie. I am considering other containor plants, but unsure which works best in containors or not. Perhaps green pepers? My question, is it too soon to hang my tomaotes outside? I have cuttings that are about 6" tall now. I am in NB, and the weather is hot already. This morning ( 7am) is 13c. I am also planting in the ground. Will be doing split peas, lettuce, onions, zuccini, cucumbers...what night time temp am I looking for?
  22. I just finished my interview:) It was much harder then I thought. I am so tired right now, it took alot of mental energy. phwef! Many hard to answer questions, and wanted to be sure to answer them fairly and accurately! Stumbled a few times, but heck, who wouldn't? Now time for bed, let you all know when it is released:)
  23. I would highly recommend Amelia Rodriguez, she truly gives an amasing PSE service. But the word fetish is so broad, you may want to contact a lady that apeals to you, then ask about what style of fetish you seek. Take it from there. Good Luck!!
  24. Hello! Welcome to cerb:) Simply find the city and province you want to advertise. The provinces are in the red block on home page. Then click the city, you will see ads & announcements for SP. Click that, then you are off to the races! Some cities show different boxes for MA or SP so be sure to click the appropriate spot for your style of service. Hope this is clear for you? If not send me a pm and I will walk you through it:) Best wishes and much success!
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