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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I think it is funny how they stress over and over "these are young women" yes sure there are some young women, but there are plenty that are mature. Mature emotionally, mentally and socially! I feel there are more women in their 30's then 18!
  2. Sometimes we just need to weed threw the ones who are bargain hunters. If you stick to your rate, then eventually they move on to find the ones they can afford. I find at times it comes in waves, lol... After they have all contacted you, and you refuse to negotiate, they will simply go elsewhere, no need to waste time with tying to get them in your door, because it can become extremely frustrating and disheartening after awhile:( This is a luxury that not all can afford. Best wishes!!
  3. I do SEE your point, lol....haha love puns:) I just want to point out, this is a very delicate and personal thing for almost any provider to do. Mainly because it IS SOOOO deep and intimate, that sometimes can take time built such a close and intimate experience. By this I mean, not too often my first meeting is so close as to look into my soul...but as time goes on, and trust is built and earned then perhaps this will happen naturally. BUT when it does happen...all the better!! Sometimes, just doesn't reach that pinnacle tho. That is ok too;) I like to watch the ending myself, hehehe, love the explosion and fountain of fun at the climax, hahahah...but that is me:)
  4. I love to take pics in the spring:) Cute little buds on trees, little ferns starting their journey in the woods, blossoms opening for the first time:) I just took a pic, Photo's by Miss Sophia:) Besides that, put the tunes on, drink champagne with blackberry juice, clean my car....( yes in my bikini, lol) Spend time with my dogs outside, as they suffered a long boring winter:) anything outdoors is good in my book!
  5. True true, question is a question, a thread is a thread. Not sure if this is CBJ VS BBBJ tho? I personally do not really care for the " best of " threads, as it can exclude some SP's ( unintentionally) and leave some feeling hurt or left out:( This is where it usually goes all astray, with hostility and feelings of competitiveness rather than comrades and support.
  6. I do see what your saying Cristy, however, I feel that this is such a subjective topic, that it is difficult to say who gives the "best" . For some, gaging is hot, for some it is a turn off. Some like sloppy, some like a bit of teeth, where other's shiver at the idea of teeth. In this case, I think it is a trial and error, and be sure to communicate to your SP what you like the best. This is the same for any activity. But dont think asking a question is stupid at all, we all learn from asking. But perhaps a less subjective question would produce more accurate result? As RG said, best to look in reco, then PM the lady that you feel would be your ideal playmate:) Communicate with her, then give it a try:) I am sure any kind BJ is going to ultimate experience:)
  7. Happy Birthday Beautiful man! I hope your day is special and memorable for you! xoxoox Sophia:)
  8. I want to explain to you all how rate structure works at Miss Sophia V's, as I am a very different kind of agency and there may be confusion on rates. I have given the ladies the power to determine their own rates, as long as it does not go below what I have already in place. As I feel it is important that they choose their own rates that they are comfortable with. I would not want any lady to feel like they are being used, or not worth their value that they have set in thier own right. I do not run a sweatshop, lol.. also I feel that this makes a better compaion for you the hobbyiest, as if the lady was feeling like she was not getting her deserved rate, then she may feel the need to rush threw the session so that she can have more come to visit her to make up for the loss she may feel. So when you see another lady joining me, it is best to ask what HER rate is, as the other girl's rates or mine could be very different. I give each lady the courtesy to choose what service they prefer to take part in, massage or GFE and the rates they are comfortable with. Their rates in no way effect how much they donate to me. Hope this clears things up for you? As I said, I have a different kind of business model that many may not be accustomed to here. Any other questions, feel free to PM me:) Thanks!
  9. Normally I consider myself as a Stoic kind of personality, but today I need a hug:( I am so saddened by my decision to stop my work at my vet clinic do to my tendinitis:( I have not even mustered up the courage to tell them that I may have to leave. They depend on me greatly there, which is why it is so difficult to let them down. I hate to be defeated by the limitations of my own body, I also fight with fibromiagia. So I am feeling almost pissed off that I can not fulfill my position:( This is why I retired my grooming 5 years ago:( As I sit here with tears, I feel week and defeated right now, and need the strength of my cerb community:( Thanks to all my friends that shed light on my cloudy days:) xoxoox
  10. yes I think I may have to think about this option, as I ate to leave the clinic with no one to replace me:( Going to bear through it as long as i can with icing, brace, ibprophin when needed, hopefully this can fix it's self soon! Thanks everyone, so glad your all here for me:) xoxo
  11. By most, I am considered a very healthy eater.... but my weakness is Dairy Queen cheese burgers..with bacon!! lol Ohhh my can get out of hand at times, one every other day hahahah...
  12. My vet ( hahahha) is a homepathic vet, and has given me arnica to take internally. But it has been 2 days only, and now I had to cancel massages as I can not bend or appy any pressure, so...ya not good, as massage is my bread and butter:( Yesturday I was grooming then had had to cancel my afternoon as the pain was too sever, so now have no choice but to brave the pain and go groom the 2 I had to cancel. It may be my last day there, I am in tears with pain even to type this. I will let you all know if the arnica tincture works for future reference anyhow.
  13. For those who are not aware, I have been working at a vet clinic and enjoying my 2 days a week there. I was asked to give them a hand as I am a certified groomer of 13 years. I took great pride in my work, and really liked knowing I could help break through fears and issues that most of the dogs had coming in to see me. But sadly, I fear that I will have to give this up, as I have had my tendonitis return:( I want to protect my wrists, as I have my massage studio that requires me to use all my strength while in my sessions. I started to wear that lovely blue brace, but have not seen progress yet. Today I tried to press down using my fingers and wrist and shreeked in pain:( I am rather upset, as I said I really enjoy the vet clinic, even though the pay sucks, lol.... any other sufferes out there have any advice? How long does it take for the brace to be effective? or is it? I do not want to pump advil into my system everyday, as that is not a cure, merely a cover up. I hate giving up on anything, but think I may just have to admit that this time I may just have to:( BOOO!
  14. Her reco thread link http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=93047 oopsy daisy, I think I made a copy and past mistake earlier....all fixed now:) Sorry everyone
  15. Am I late?? lol Have a wonderful birthday:) Hope it is all you wished for and more!!
  16. Any Truly professional who has spent time to build their client list, reputation etc...WOULD NOT EVER EVER approach you in public! Same goes for me, I am a married women, I would hope you would not approach me either:( If you stick to established ladies/agencies, then let your worries to rest, cause I do not know of any reputable lady that would compromise either of our identity or safety:) There are many who travel here, in mind is Emily , Gabriell, Meaghan, Amelia, and Cleo coming soon!! But also we do have a few diamonds in the ruff here locally IE: Miss Aeva, Mary, Tiffany, Jesse, the list can go on and on. I feel for a small town we are blessed to have so many that actually do take the time to visit and to take the time to become established providers in Frederiton, Moncton and Saint John. Just need to be aware of their dates for availability. As stated, just be sure you can cross reference reputations and their work ethics:) Happy trails, be safe and smart always:)
  17. I wonder if we could have a switch and bait area for NB? Not sure if scams falls in this catagory or not? I say this cause it has been brought to my attention some other agency is using an old pic of me from 10 yrs ago, gave a name, and still there on their site. MOD can we ask for switch/bait/scam section for NB? would not want it cluttered fake accusations however and not sure how could be moderated or prevented? But there seems to be lot of this in NB, I think I have noticed NS has one?? where is Cowboy Kenny for NB? lol...
  18. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a special day planned:)
  19. BBQ ribs last night, a new trick I learned.... Boil the ribs in pinapple juice, garlic then coat them with Dianna's sauce mixed with honey! OMG it was soooo amasing, you can taste the pinnapple right through out the meat! YUMMY
  20. Hahahah, YES!! I alays say they need put a tiny arrow " this way up" lol
  21. Awww sorry hun, I know how painful that can be, I went threw it just a couple months ago:( Drink pleanty of all natural cranberry juice, any fluides, stay away from sugar and yeast tho. Massage actually is very bennifical for this, especially reflexology! Rest up, kick back in a lawn chair, and catch some sunny rays:) xooxox, Get well soon!
  22. Cool topic idea:) I have been told I give an extremely nice hand job. I think that if you are creative, and putting alot of visual stimulation to your hand job it helps in the art of teasing and pleasing. Visual stimulation is the key to any kind of session. I will use my breasts, rubbing the head of the penis up and down between my breast, on my nips, and always lots of good lube:) This is a good way to start it off and returning to this method a few times throughout. Visual stimulation is also shared by almost touching the penis to my lips, not really doing it, a mere warm breath is felt, and this is great arousal!! I find many men like it when your hand covers over the head, and not stroking down, but rather stroking up wards. Changing your grip and pressure is a must, so that you are not boring your participant. When done proper, this can be so much fun and your participant will be so excited and aroused that all other activities are forgotten about, and the satisfaction is certainly felt:)
  23. WOWZERS!! sad to see such a hard time with good agency's in Winnipeg:( I know how it can be, there are gem's in agency's, but is tricky considering how many shady companies there seems to be for Winnipeg:( My hopes for your city is for someone to create an honest and reputable agency! I do think that done properly an agency can offer both provider and hobbyist the very best experience that this has to offer!
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