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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I strongly feel the same hun!! I give to charities, weekly, monthly and daily:) I do it because I have been blessed with the ability to be able! It doesn't matter how much or how often! But rest assure, I try to make a difference to at least one person daily! I foster a child, I also help my beloved family in Cuba, the dogs I work with at my local vet, food banks that I buy a bag of food for, IT ALL COUNTS, FOR SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, SOMEDAY! thanks for this great post!
  2. No worries hun, you always know what to say to make a gal feel good!
  3. So after a long, dreary and cold winter, spring did not "spring" as fast as most of us were hoping for! BUT this weekend, and all next week we are hitting the 20's:) What do you plan to do with your week of sun? For myself, defiantly BBQ something like ribs...nothing says summertime like BBQ ribs and a cold beer! Yard work, clean up my lawn, and great exercise too! Maybe a country drive, now that I can drive, heehaw Sunny days in NB this week folks:)
  4. Even as a confident, experienced provider like myself, I too have gotten nervous to meet a client for the first time. I have said some pretty silly things...like the Gent just told me what he does for a living, then stupid me, I go ask a 2nd time! Gawd, did I just say that??? I laugh at myself! So I would not think that Dumb is the word, just nervous, that is all. Most of the people I encounter are smart, successful men who just tripped over their words in the glow of radiating beauty, hehehe...
  5. Yeah!!!! Papa John's Pizza has their wonderful Buffalo Pizza Back! Heheheh, not much of a pizza fan, but man this one....well, won me over!! pardon the pun, lol Love the pickled Jalapeno too, with the garlic butter dip:)
  6. Wow, I am late! Sorry for the delay:( Congrats to you, I am so happy that you are finding cerb the community you were hoping for! It is a great way to get to know each other, even from a distance like you and I:) Hard to have a community, if no one posts and gets a chance to read what our thoughts are, dreams and desires...on-line friendships, support and unity, that's what it is about Manbeater:) Keep your post coming!! :bigclap:
  7. Miss Meaghan Mcleod visits Fredericton often, she is a very nice lady, easy to get along with and fun to spend time with:)
  8. Wow, great post! Thanks for this one:) I always admired this women! Trail blazer in her own right!
  9. I too often use the other advertising site, but I always refer them to this site to verify and learn more about our industry/hobby. Sometimes I will mention that I am found here, so that ppl can feel welcome to cross reference my reputation and style. For the beginner hobbyist that has little experience with booking for a positive experience, then cerb is the only one I really recommend. If they are not a bit interested in " Quality " then chances are they will not like my rates or booking protocol:(
  10. I am Aeva's booking agent. She works independantly and was with me for while, but now back to indy. She is a very nice lady. Many cherished clients that has seen her have nice things to say, no reco done for her yet tho.
  11. Tonight making my fav new dish, Turkey/chicken BBQ burgers:) Stuffed with white onion, banana peppers, garlic and chilly pepper:) Topped with cool avocado, tomato, Havarti cheese and Smokey ranch dressing!
  12. She truly is a NB gem!!! I am so happy to have got the chance know her, she is a breath of fresh air for NB!
  13. Thanks for that post!!! I would have to say, the best part of being in this service is when you encounter an individual that is feel blue, or suffering from low esteem, weather is it cause from body image or from years of spousal abuse( yes men get abused as well!) then they leave feeling good about themselves! Chin up and feeling like a strong man! This is when I feel most satisfied in my career, and it helps to re-iterate my feelings that this is a form of touch therapy is something that us humans need! Thanks for opening this discussion, as I feel that the men in our socity are overlooked in the issues of self esteam, eating disorders, and abuse:(
  14. I have been asked to take part in a documentary on how the sex industry has evolved over the years. How it was when I first started years ago, to what it is for me today. I am asking my fellow members ( ladies and gents alike) to help us develop the questions that people are curious about. What is that you would ask and would like to have answers to from my point of view. Ladies, if there are points that you would like to see explained, please feel free to post( no rants of course) I will be able to add your point of view through my interview, leaving you anonymous as well... THESE QUESTIONS WILL NOT BE ANSWERED IN THIS THREAD, you will need to wait till the documentary is released. Please keep your questions polite and courteous as for the spirit of cerb:) So if there is something you want to ask, then this is your time to do it. I will be as open and honest as I can be, in this documentary I may or may not be anonymous I have not yet decided. This will be a web-documentary. Your questions will remain anonymous as well. So ask away....
  15. Ohh that is good to hear:) I wonder if you now feel better about this issue? Have you decided to get a play phone? Are you more confident in our cerb ladies rep now? Hope so, as it would be disappointing to limit your accessibility for future bookings with the many nice and safe ladies our community has to offer:)
  16. I am with you RG, My one day to sleep in and I was up at 7:( I never get to sleep in past 7! Grrrr...lol...
  17. LOL!! Too funny, I would ave used rep, but apperantly I have been active today hehehhe, you make me laugh Joy! As on every Friday, I have fish night:) No not a Catholic thang...wait.... I am Catholic, lol...besides that, I do salmon, sushi, shrimp with Jasmine rice. I started this years ago for my carple tunnel, and the omgea's in these foods is awsome!
  18. Yes this is a good option, however, if you are trying to confirm a session, chances are greatly reduced for you to have the session fulfilled:( Perhaps after the session is completed this may be a good option?
  19. wow!! I have no clue what it is, but sounds awsome! lol...such a unique dish, hope to try it someday!
  20. I would also add to this, that even on your playphone it is wise to erase history of calls and txt at the end of each visit. At least if it is found, then you might be able to explain that a buddy had left it or gave it to you, or you seen at yard sale for 5 bucks... it is just a spare phone. But I think best to leave outside the home as well. With no history on it, or removing the sim or battery it can appear as a dead phone. Also I do have a few client that do use blocked numbers, but I made sure that at least our first visit was from unblocked number. Then everytime after that I can ask a simple question to him like" where was the location you seen me last, and what was our session like? Massage? GFE? Hour? What was I wearing? when was our last session? What color is my bedspread or couch or whatever, but these questions have to BANG ON! Then I know for sure he has been there already. After just a couple visits I know the voice. Names elude me, as many people give us fake names too. If these questions are answered to my satisfaction, more then likely I will book it.
  21. Could not agree more with this statement! I feel this type of person is one that could cause a lot of issues for you or another lady. BOUNDRIES are key here! If you gave him a simple answer as you did, it should be dropped right there and then, but how he continued on after that sends red flags of someone who does not know the meaning of respect, boundries, or possiably the word NO. Someone like this, I sometimes give them a wild and crazy answer to throw them off thier game, or simply say " I do not discusse my personal life!" Then I say to him, "please do not make me uncomfortable like this again in the future, or I will choose not to see you again" Then I would report him...
  22. As our 2 other members just said, it is not alot to ask for, and by getting a cheep prepaid phone then you have no worries. You must stop and consider that we are inviting you into our space, in a venerable position, and need to know that you are not hiding something. I have been tricked time and time again with competition trying to get my location details, or a client that that has been refused service etc. Safety has to first. If you are booking with an established and recommended lady, we have put much time and effort into building our reputation, so TRUST us when we say " we will never call you txt you unless you ask us to do so" as we do not want to ruin it for you or for ourselves. Our livelihoods depend on discretion and trust, not going to jeopardies that! I do get what you are saying. But like Meaghan stated, per paid phone eliminates that problem. Also, if you are booking a less experienced or an SP that you can not verify, well that is a shoot in the dark. Most of the ladies here on cerb are professional, therefore we look after these little details very well. We would not have much business if we went around calling our clients out of the blue. I have a client that when he comes over he asks me to delete our phone history from his phone on the chance his wify might see it, this is smart! In the case that I do ever get a call from a confused person that says " I see this number on my husbands phone" I say" Hmm well do you have a cocker spaniel that is being groomed?... " They say no why? I say...." well I am a groomer and was dialing a number to call the owners, perhaps I got the wrong number? Which is very possible because I AM a groomer part time , lol... I hope this has put your mind at ease a bit more? I hope you decide to get a play pone,or at the very least, learn to trust the ladies and always erase your call and txt history:)
  23. I have been there a few times, it really really sucks, and would keep me up at night:( But really it did not damage me or my business in the long run, because I knew the truth, and as long as I remained consistent and eventually these things would stop. Stay strong and be steadfast, things will come out in the wash so to say, lol.. Best wishes:)
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