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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I just finished a spa session. I like using the same music each time, as it helps me to manage my time with out looking at a clock:) This is my spa selection. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8iKcdh5Ims
  2. I remember the days of Agency work in Moncton, also here in Freddy. There are some that just make me say" WTF?" One lady I worked for was a needle user, she didn't even bother to hide it from us, lol...now she was a strange one indeed. Not saying that a big women isn't beautiful, but this was extreme, no teeth, bald spots and was a hoarder! she also worked her own calls and gave us the left overs!! We did in calls in her apartment, but you literally had to walk sideways to the room...ohhh wait she also collected rats, the whole place stank! She would work us around the clock, 24/7 then on top of her earning half the rate, she would borrow money to pay for her cell phone or ads. CRAZY!! I strive to make sure that anyone who works with me is well cared for. I even go to the extent to be sure there is milk in the fridge for them, lol...I worked hard and thought long and hard about how I wanted to revolutionize the concept that current agencies work under. I vowed to never have a service that treated ladies like cattle. To offer the chance to become successful and healthy. I do not ever want to treat people the way these agencies made me feel:( Keep in mind this is little NB, not many "upscale" options here... In my business model, I work for the ladies! They hire me for my experience, reputation and fairness. I will always remain in this model, or quite being an agent. I hope that other's in my area follow my lead on this, cause I feel strongly about exploitation and underpaid and over worked as so many are:( Gosh I hope I have not said too much here....no grief meant, just my experience and humble opinion:) No matter what you decide Serena, you are an incredibly bright and beautiful women, and you will be successful in almost any endeavor you seek out! Keep that bright smile on that pretty face of yours!
  3. Where in the world do you get these?? Hahaha, Thanks, Malik...wait...Old Dog! Too funny, I am rolling on the ground laughing now:)
  4. I love aromatherapy. I like almost every scent out there. My favs are: spruce wintergreen geranium rose ylang ylang but also..... bacon fring onion and garlic in butter puppy breath puppy feet( sometimes they smell like popcorn???) my dog Ceaser has a nice smell too for some reason, lol I like perfume such as: DKNY sexy212 bilberry colgon... Giorgio Armani!!! Boss
  5. Tonight no gormet meal for this princess, lol... just pogo sticks(2) and spicy fries, haha...not regular fries, hahahaheheh
  6. The kindess that has been shown for Boston in light of the recent events, I think this affirmation portrays! Love is the part of being human that I am most thankful for!
  7. All in good time sweetie! I remember how hard it was for me in the beginning days here on cerb. It took me like 7 months or something like that for my first reco:( So many rules and a whole new world to get used to a learn about. Heck, I am still learning, lol... It will come in time. Becarfull not to put a client on the spot by asking for a reco, some clients do get offended by this and become uncomfortable to be approached with this question. There are many new hobbyist that have not yet gained the confidence to speak openly on their experiences as well. If you are consistent with your service, on time, and paying attention to detail, then I am sure that you will very soon get your reco here:) Once you get one, the rest will follow very quickly. Good luck, hope to see your name up there soon!
  8. That is right girl! You must feel like you are sitting in a kitchen party and over hearing people ask" who is she? Is she the real thing or not?" Must not feel very good to hear or see what people are discussing without your own voice heard! Fella's she is right here, reading, watching and listening...why not start to communicate to her directly and decide for yourself? What is the worst that can happen? Really do you think she is going to chance ruining her reputation here as she is just starting to build it? Give her a break! I do not understand why it is so complicated to figure out if you want to meet her? Is she attractive to you? Does she post on matters that concern you? Do you have anything in common? Do you like or dislike her services or rates? I think you should start to have communication with her, instead of all these posts that state" no I have not yet...."
  9. Just take one for the team fella's. I would suggest you communicate with her to see if you have common interest and that you may be a good match, then visit her, then if you liked her, write a Reco for the lady:) Pretty easy I think?
  10. Happy Birthday to a very special and wondefuly lady! You have such a youthful sprit, and I am so happy to have gotten to know you the last month:) Have a good "YOU" day, relax and treat yourself as you deserve! xoxoxo, love Sophia
  11. Recently I have been asked, " how much commision do my ladies get paid" I am certainly never going to disclose that information. That is only between my ladies and myself. Trust me, if these ladies were not happy, they would not stay with me:) I asked why he would ask such a thing, he said he woud like to know before booking. So I suppose he will not be booking, cause it simply is NOT his business how I operate with my ladies. I was very annoyed and curious by this question! I do what is best for the ladies, and to maintain my business, just as any business owner.
  12. Did you know... As with all breeds of dogs, their unique coat style is for their individual purposes. Example: That fancy coat that a poodle wears, in the dog shows, were originally designed for the purpose of protecting their internal organs and joints when in cold water to retrieve fishermen's nets! So the big sweater around chest to protect heart, lungs. The pom poms on the feet and hips to to ward against early arthritis, the poof on the top of the head to protect form hypothermia! So it is not just a fancy hair du for nothing....served a really as a function:)
  13. Depending on my mood, sometimes just a quite room with a glass of wine and sunshine beaming down threw a window can add some relaxtion to my day. or I like to use my X-box and do some Zumba work out. Get the blood pumping and works out some excess energy that I have stored up. Endorphines run through out my body after that, and really helps to clear my mind:) Plus great for my abs:) Additional Comments: Depending on my mood, sometimes just a quite room with a glass of wine and sunshine beaming down threw a window can add some relaxtion to my day. or I like to use my X-box and do some Zumba work out. Get the blood pumping and works out some excess energy that I have stored up. Endorphines run through out my body after that, and really helps to clear my mind:) Plus great for my abs:)
  14. Ohhh Meg, How I have loved our food adventures together! lol Hope to create some "hot" dishes together someday:) You are a true Gem, and an inspiration to our lovely community on CERB! Thank you for all your great post and efforts, looking forward to more:) xoxoxo, Sophia
  15. Ohh gosh hun, I wish you the very best for you! Do what your Doctors say, rest up!! I hope to see you healthy and strong again! xoxoxo Sophia!
  16. J'ai parle Francais, mais Je suis pas un FS provider:( Je suis un massus:) Je suis Acadian, mais je suis parle Englais.... J'ai parle jus en petit pu Francais! Jai visite a Cuba, beaucope mon ames dit" ahhh to parle tres bein en Francais" hahaha, Peutertre Je ne ecrit pas bien, mais Je parle bien....Je ponce? haaha Tu vu une bon massage, PM a moi et J'ai massage, avec parle avec toi! Merci beaucope! xoxoxo
  17. I am so happy to see this thread come alive again, my gosh, I am laughing my pants off!! hahah, Thanks guys!
  18. I would imagine that first you would decide if you were indeed attracted to her?? But most of my hobbyist will take the time to converse back and forth and look at my profile, web site, and recommendations. So that there is no doubt that my pics and profile are correct representation of "Sophia" If it were a huge difference in stats...or say a STOLEN pic... then ya, I would feel tricked. Say if the pic is of a 22 year and a model figure, but when the door is opened and she is nothing like that description then I would not stay, and excuse myself while explaining you felt tricked. I think that honesty and sincerity are a big deal in this hobby and lifestyle! You need to feel that you are in safe arms and never vulnerable. But I would advice to go in with eyes wide open, as I do not feel that deception has a place when trust and safety is such a priority for either provider and hobbyist.
  19. MMMMM sounds good, what a great idea! I would make that tonight if I did not already take out ribs for the BBQ!
  20. Why is it, when I have to wake up early for work (my other job ) it is such a drag, but then on my days off I still wake up early? haahah
  21. Thanks Charlotte, I could not understand why he(canuck) as saying my research was also not correct when I use about dot com, when I had cross referenced it with other material and even ask a sexual health nurse to confirm my info. So good to know that it is a reliable source!!
  22. Happy Easter my friends:) I am headed to Cuba tomorrow, and will be attending Easter Mass in the tiny Cathedral in Varadero:) It is a unique little old stone Cathedral, I had been there for Christmas Mass one year, so might as well go for Easter too;) I am bring eggs, chocolate Bunnies, plush bunnies to some of the children that I have meet and known for a few years now. I hope the kids are not too old now for the stuffed bunnies, but hey I am 38 and still love my stuffed toy bunnies heheheh. TC everyone, hope you have a wonderful dinner and egg hunt!! xoxoox, Sophia
  23. I said earlier I was not going to post about this ....but here it goes... YES you are right about the confusion on lub/condoms....in this case of putting a bit of lube prior to the condom can provide some comfort to my male partners, but when pulling out and during(in some cases) I did hold the base of te condom to prevent slipping. This is also true for pre-cum. But now I am speaking mainly of FS..but can apply for BBBJ. Thanks for mentioning this:)
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