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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. CH, I did do my research and found the same info in several different links. Are you suggesting the links I provided are misleading? I picked these two links out of many that I have read and cross checked. I have even gone to the extent of contacting our sexual health center in my town, and they also confirmed my information was correct. So to make this sound as if I did not do my homework, is incorrect. Yes I do encourage everyone to do their own cross reference with something so serious as this topic. And when in doubt...contact a health professional. I am out of this conversation now. I do not think Peachy's intention was to create such an overblown topic, she was looking for input and opinions from her community. I have said all that I want to on this.
  2. Ohhhh Hunni!! Wow, so so sorry to hear this:( Big virtual hug for you! Try to rest as much as possable, you heal when you sleep. xoxoxoox
  3. This thread may be of interest for you. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=124294
  4. Why is it despite all good intentions, some people want to knock you down:(
  5. Is HIV the only STD we are conserned about?I am just saying for me that other conserns that are out there to think about. As in your words, " The real and most likely risks in unprotected oral sex comes from diseases like gonorrhea or syphillis.... I do not mean to set fires as you say, just stating simple facts that there are risks....why do you think a poll like this exhists? We cant ignore it, but do need to acknowlege it a responsable way. Done!
  6. Peachy....Funny this post started,then the next day after I see this article:( This is the thread for NB right now, I think has meaning to this thread. PLEASE...know I am not being judgmental at all, but feel it is worth a read and at the end of the day, an SP and Hobbyiest should trust their own instincts and wisdom for each client/session that they are involved in:) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=126905
  7. This fine lady, http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=46737 is french speaking. But she just left Fredericton,I think now in STJ....
  8. I am a bit taken back by this! May I remind you that there are many people who do cross over from one sexual preference to another, and yes there is a chance some are members EVEN on cerb! CERB is not the 100% perfect scenario as some like to think! I actually know someone that has Hep and is a member! (granted this person does not post or advertise... and an agent/sp....but none the less is here) This is like in the 80's when people said things like " ohhh that is a gay disease" This IS applicable to all, cerb or not cerb!!!! Oral is a form of unprotected sex....unless we are using dental damns and condoms. Can be less of a risk...but not for all forms of STD Extreme example???Perhaps the sicko who originally may have done this knowingly...but not the 24 people he infected whom may have had no idea of what they just did! What about the ones who were too drunk and forgot about it the next day? Then go home to wives...GF...or SP?? PS: I WILL NOT GIVE NAMES FOR THIS INFORMATION, AS IT IS YOUR DUTY TO PROTECT YOURSELF ALWAYS!!!
  9. I had noticed a difference from when I did offer BBBJ to the time I decided not to:( Many of them said " ohh baby you did before...blah blah" I would explain that I have different thoughts now, and also have an SO to protect as well.....then....poof they were gone, or I felt pressure to maintain that with those particular people for a short time. Eventually they left my client list, but then again I did gain some. Lost more than saved tho:( Now none of this is a topic for me, as I now provide hands only massage;) But is a topic none the less, as an agent I try to educate and provide no- stress atmosphere for the ladies to depend on.
  10. I am posting this as remider that we are not super hero's and we are not invinciable! I came across this artical in hopes to just remind us that in our lifestyle, we need to be informed no matter how hard we want to put this issue in a box, and out of mind, we simly cant! http://metronews.ca/news/canada/609197/new-brunswick-officials-issue-std-warning/ This post is not intended to scare you, or annoy you, but just for a reality check. Play safe:)
  11. Just a note to let you know I will keep my eyes open here (NB) if she decides to travel! You never know, she may feel the heat there and try elsewhere too. Best of luck to you!! What a shameful thing to do!!!
  12. Meaghan in STJ is a mature escort. Very kind, sweet and very experienced. I have no doubt that she will make you feel comfortable:) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=126612
  13. I do have some wonderful men to write about,but I need to ask permission first.
  14. Yes, ask her in a PM what her donation is hun:) Best to ask in your inquiry. Explain to her what you like, and day and time, and she can tell you what her donation rate would be for your date:)
  15. I am not sure,I offer massage and spa sessions like this but never heard of Montreal style...maybe cause it is NB style? hahahah JK
  16. AND YES.... this is a commercial place, and the by-laws do change greatly province to province. I have not yet seen a real long lasting commercial space thrive and be safe in NB for like 10 years! We do not hide in the lights of a big city here in NB:( So prices may tempt you...but this is about safety and discretion!
  17. Ohhh My!! I am surprised that something so impersonal and almost cold could actually thrive here?? As my clients are enjoying the secure and private enviorment I provide! But hey...maybe?? I would worry about the amount of traffic that this type of service could attract , if the rates are as low, as previous posters stated, then I could see a huge attraction to a location that should be discrete and on the low down! With low low rates, and late hours of operation this would cause concern for any person that is aware!
  18. Well, I may be slammed with renovations that I will be working on. Which I extremely excited about, but I cant see being able to spare the 2-3 days:( But....then again...time will tell!
  19. Yes for me,I look forward to my personal time on the weekend. Unless someone has contacted me on a Thurs or Friday, and made arrangments...then my phone goes on silent mode. ALSO in the case of incalls, especially if residental...then most of the neighbors are home and I just dont want any red flags to go off. So I tend to keep my visitors for the weekdays during office hours, this way most of the neighbors are at work and are none the wiser.
  20. Hello my cherished friends of Ottawa! I feel the need to tell you how much I have missed our time together! The friends I have met and grew to love, Ladies and Gent's alike! I am not sure when I can make it back, as I have so many new things happening with my business here in Fredericton. Which is great.... but leaves little time for me to travel:( Just a note to say, I think of you often, and truly hope to come out again to visit you! Remember the lunch dates? Dinner dates? and cocktails we shared! I do!! What a special time for me:) I miss you all dearly!! Perhaps this is the " I miss you " thread! There are some east/west cost visitors that might want to add to this, as we form our friendships abroad. Either way, just know you are missed! xoxoox Sophia V
  21. I met her and enjoyed a lovely afternoon with her and Cato, she is a wonderful young lady to have entertain you! She was kind,open and made me feel welcomed ( which is funny cause there usually a stigma about SP's and Dancers not getting along very well) I hope someday again to have fun with her, she loves to laugh and giggle, and most certainly has something so erotic about the way she moves on the dance floor....next time I may be too tempted and join her on stage !! lol... How I miss my dancing days!!
  22. I love my dogs, they enrich my life with so much joy! BUT...... Tilo for some odd reason likes to chew his nails! I am a groomer, and so I do take care of his feet. When he does this his nails turn into little sharp pointy things...grrrrr it rips every pair of nylons, scratches my legs, it hurts! lol This is my Mini Poodel Tilo in his Show Clip:) My Razor Back Pitbul, Ceaser:) Loveable and sweet as could be....but he is too smart for my own good,lol. This dog actually watches TV!! He likes hockey and the news....DOES NOT LIKE action or adventure movies, koodoo comercials or cartoons of any kind, lol!!! He will jump and carry on like a fool when he sees something on TV, most of the time he goes in the kennel if we are watching a movie! Ohhhh BTW....the poodel is the Alfa male of the house hahahhah
  23. Good to know, and happy you had a positive experience! And yes, fake pic's does not necessarily mean bad service. HOWEVER, most of time fake photo's are an indication or a red flag that this person could be dishonest in other ways as well. Many of our beloved hobbyist have been fooled and put in harm's way and so we tend to be extra cautious when it comes to dishonesty. It is simply wrong no matter the reason to use fake pic's( especially when is stolen pic's) and I hope for her reputation sake that she learns the importance honesty and sincerity.
  24. Good point!! When did offer BBBJ, and then decided I was not comfortable with it,I feared that I would loose my clients...and yes I did loose some. BUT I also gained some because there were some that would not book because I DID offer it.... Same as going from SP to MA, I was sooooo worried that I would not do well finacially...BUT again was wrong, as I have encountered a whole new market and think I am actually more successful now then ever!
  25. Wow sounds amazing!! At least your not totally alone,you got all of us:)
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