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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Great thread and poll When I offered GFE,yes I did feel preasure to offer BBBJ. I was always on the fence with it. However I DID NOT put it in my ads as I did not want every person to think that they were entitled to that. The client that has been with me for long time,usually I would offer it,but not the fly by night client that I know nothing about I did not offer. Even then my long term client could be decieving me and I still would not know it. It is not an issue for me now as I am MA....but if I were GFE still, I think at this point, you would need to be a very very very special client for me too offer this. HFX has a huge problem right now with cyphilas, and it remindes me that the extra 50 is not worth me getting sick or passing it to my lovely hubby:(
  2. WOWZERS!! That is the strangest thing I ever heard! HUH...dunno what to say about this one!! I think you might be right with this therory....
  3. I could be wrong,but I thought it was a rub-n-tug style service.Usually in a commercial setting?? If I am wrong, I too would like to know.
  4. Ohh I see,I thought you were saying you seen this 2010 paris... the other thread has me intrigued, I have posted why on that thread.
  5. aazingah, forgive me here,but is she not posting fake pics? As 2 of our valued members have researched her pics and discovered her pics were of someone else. Do they have their research facts wrong? Also, I have been told by ppl who meet me I am exactly as my pics show, or some even say even better in person! I think your defense statement of how ppl dont look as good as in the pics to be incorrect. But then again if you are using fake pics then yes the pics probably are better then the real thing,IMHO
  6. From what I can see she join in 2010, and perhaps has decided not to continue, as this lady has not posted since 2010... this is her last post... http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=40692 Also, aazingha,I notice you just joined in 2013, yet you it seems all your posts are only today yet you know so much about 2010 cerb activity? May I ask why? Maybe you had another name here? I am also intrigued by this thread.... http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=124294
  7. I like Meg, because she is considerate, positive and ads such color to our cerb world!! Thanks for being you!! xoxoxo
  8. So glad that you explained this!!! Good for you hun! You may also bennifit from this thread, http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=126410 You really should reach out to other SP's for advice! We are a tight comunity here and dolook after each other's best interest! Best of luck!!! Stay safe....play smart!
  9. Hahaha, EROTIC COOKING, if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen....and into the bedrrom!!
  10. WOW Meg!! Imagine if we cooked our supper together tonight! What a menu!! hahah
  11. Today I am inspired by the sunshine:) I am making a stuffed BBQ Salmon,sided with asperagus and BBQ pinnapple slices! This makes it BBQ # 5 for this season lol
  12. Traveling is hard for me, as I have the proper atmosphere here to offer, that I just do not feel it would be the same experience in a hotel room on a bed... I would love to have you visit, and if I can work it out I hope to visit my Moncton friends soon:)
  13. Very upsetting I am sure, I have been there myself:( First keep a log of every incident of harassment, this may be useful further down the road. It is always good to have exact dates, times, and the conversation for if you ever need to submit some kind of proof. IF YOU FEEL THREATENED, you may consider reporting it to the police. I know it is a scary thought at first, but remember...the police are here to protect us too! IT IS ILLEGAL TO THREATENED ANYONE....EVEN SP'S! In my case all it took was a constable to contact the person and let them know that I have opened a file for harassment, once that was done, it stopped right there and then! ( to open a file of harassment usually about 10 incidences, with you also saying you wish no further contact in any way..) People like that count on the fact that we may be too scared to bring this to the police! Once you do...they know your not fooling around with this! Is he a member? If so ask MOD for insight? Also being new, you may not know all the screening methods that experienced SP's do, in this case reach out to me, or any SP that you know is well established. There are a few "tricks of the trade" that we could share. This will make it harder for him to find your location and increase your safety, as well as give you a some piece of mind.
  14. Dear Newbies, When I see a member that as been here for 2,3,4 years with no posting history at all, and you finally do contact me, I go into "super screening mode" as there is always a small voice in my head that says " who is this person really? Why does he just sit there and lurk, and never contacted me or any one I know? In a way I sometimes get the creeps when I see no posts after 2 years. So, In 2 years you still are writing posts about being nervous to take the plunge?? I can see 6 months, but after 2, 3, 4 years?? Sometimes my "super screening mode results in me declining a date with you. I may ask specific questions before giving you all of my info, if any of these questions do not contain the info that I require, or something is not adding up then you will be politely declined. You may think we are just being too cautious, but I don't think so at all. I prefer to book with someone who understands protocols for booking and with some kind of glimpse into if we would have anything in common, are we on the same page? So to reiterate, POST, POST, POST. You will find you will more easily be invited to enjoy the splendors of this hobby:)
  15. I am not in STJ...but not far down the road in Fredericton. I am NOT commercial. Very private and low volume.
  16. I see an ad on BP for a lady that is from up North. She goes with the name Tatiana, I do not know her, but says in her ad she is from there. She is not on this site:(
  17. You do not have to feel shallow over the fact that you prefer younger ladies at all. WE all have our turn on's and preferences with our sexuality. However, an older SP in er 30's may have the experience that will help guide you through your date, in a more relaxed and confident manner. BUT there are many younger SP's that also have these qualities. Most of my clients have been older men, even when I was a young SP. I just feel more comfortable with an older man. Young men just dont seem to have the mannerism and seem to have something to prove, while the mature man seems to really want to savor the moment with you more so. I have met with some young men that break that mold too though. I think at the end of the day, it boils down to.... Does the SP attract you? Is she well established with good reputation? Are you comfortable with interacting in conversation? Is she going to give you the kind of service you are looking for? If all of these are yes, then I say take the plunge! Then you will know for sure. It is the same on our end, although I typically will see older men, if a younger man contacts me, and seems to ave the kind of manners and etiquette that I look for in a date, then I will gladly book with him. It really all depends on how the person interacts with me on that initial contact. Then if he was a pleasure to spend time with I will book him again, if not then I simply decline his offer. BUT YOU DON'T have to feel ashamed or like there is anything wrong with what your preferences are as long as you are respectful to who ever your with.
  18. Bang on! With your statement of "basement HJ" . You see if a COMMERCIAL business, who has 6 MA's working, well they are collecting xx$ X'S 6, so they can afford to do the 90.00, and are they getting a rub? or a skilled massage? For me, there is only 1 of me. Also have atmosphere to support the relaxation/spa experience. Not a rub on a bed the HJ...in the basement. ANYONE CAN GIVE YOU A BACK RUN AND HJ.....but everyone gives you a certified shiatsu, refelexology, hot stone, nuru massage with release:)
  19. I am having a hard time to wrap my head around...don't like a city...therefore I may not like the SP's that are there or visit there?? I don't think any ONE SP represents if a city is cool or not, rather Do YOU like that SP? I dont get it? Like for me, Halifax is not my favorite city to visit or work in, but does not mean in anyway that I do not like my hobbyist that I have encountered there. I just do not care for that city in general....no worries Cristy...I like you tho hahaha
  20. OK so here is another one... " I can get a massage in Toronto or Montreal for 90-100" Well not sure about that as I have never worked there. BUT I do see a massuse here, I pay 85.00 with no happyending, no nude, no bodyslide, so why would you think I would charge 90? Does this mean I am going to do happyending for 5 bucks?? LMAO So to this I say, have an enjoyable massage in TO then:) There, I said it...feel better now, lol...
  21. I can say why this ONE person thanked him for this post... I was acknowledging the fact that there could be many reasons and information that could be flying around that is true or not true...who can say but the people invloved? Also, for his statement at the end of his post, about booking her or moving on, either way make up your own mind.
  22. While I agree 100% with what has been written here so far, it makes me think back to my beginning days of advertising. I have come long way from the first ad I wrote, to the style I have developed now. It was a learning experience that is for sure! When I see an ad that has the little "i" and words like...call me anytime...with no personality being offered to the reader, then right away I know this is an unexperienced SP who has not yet developed her on line personality. Some of us catch on to that, other's do not. The ones who do not, tend not to do well as most hobbyist are seeking an experienced provider. And it does show a level of self respect to have ads and pics that are not appearing to advertising a piece of meet from a grocery store, lol... I think back, and I remember my some of my first ads, they were boring, spelling mistakes galore, but always were written with a bit of flair. My pics had come along way too, but I am artistically inclined so I did not struggle so much with that aspect of it. I think my first ad here was something like " hello gentlemen, i am in fredericton avail for romantic encounters, call me or email me" hahahhahahaha, I laugh thinking of it! I just did not understand at that time that how I write and present myself is key to getting the fellas interested enough to make the first contact with me. It was just this last year I figured out to add color, format and fonts to my ads, lol...like this:) hahaha so I guess my point is, that we can create, develop and evolve into our on line personality, and for some it takes time to learn. I mean, there are those who will not change or be inspired to create a lasting impression, and those ladies tend not to do well...but with some inspiration and encouragement some will catch on and really develop into a great on line persona:) Nothing comes easy, you need to put effort into it! If you are willing to that then you probably will do great:) If not, then sadly you will be overlooked and left behind;( Everyone has a starting point!
  23. Apparently she had made some bad decisions here, She made some mistakes, and the community decided that she did not follow the spirit of the good nature of CERB:( But I also would not pay much attention to what you read elsewhere, as those sites are not moderated and lend to much to rumors and slander:( We are in "MOD's living room" and if a guest of site is not acting appropriately then they can leave the "living room". I wish her well all the same!
  24. I just dont get it??? We see..".Why so dead in STJ"...then girls take the plunge to go....yet sit there, same with Freddy and Moncton!! All the while we see " has anyone met..." but yet those girls is not found on cerb:( Then all these stories about how it was sketchy in one way or another! But yet we have a cerb lady right here for ya! I also see a threads asking for massage...ummm let me think??? Who in Freddy can provide massage??? It seems to me, that perhaps some hobbyist could plan in advanced a bit?? If you are looking for a reputable lady to visit in your city, most of us do advertise for a week before! So lets just take a minute and actually plan it instead of waiting for the last min to try to book? Last min booking DO NOT encourage a lady to vist, the ones who pre-book are the ones who will convince us to take the plung...but YOU NEED TO SHOW UP!! IMHO.... I too tire of these tyes of threads....
  25. Old Dog this should be published!!n LOL...you have me on the ground rolling in laughter!!
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