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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Sometimes when ladies work for an agency they will change names as they change agencies....do you know if she is INDY? For me when I worked in agency, I DID keep my name through out for the reason that I wanted to be sure that I could be found, so I can see the hesitation with someone who is THAT concerned about being found...
  2. There is a reco done for her in the NB reco thread...
  3. Here is a fun birthday idea, book a spa session with me, Sophia, then enjoy some romance after with my lovely friend Aeva:) It would truly be a decadent treat for yourself:) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=1252 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=124724
  4. For the Gent's that have been a frequent visitor, thank you for your support! BUT this does not leave a door open to say" ohhh baby I have been coming here for while now, can I pay $$ less then normal ?" Because I do tend to surprise my longterm clients and frequent visitors with a surprise gift of a lower rate or extra time, as a surprise gift of appreciation, but if you ask for it, seemingly feeling entitled to a discount, you most certainly will be looked over on the days that I feel like being extra generous!
  5. I hope if you had any pets in the house, that they are safe:( Awww, so sad to hear this Katherine:( I hope some of your things survived, some things are just not replaceable. Best wishes my dear!! xoxoxo, Sophia
  6. I am making a Grilled Eggplant Salad. Marinated in South African flavor. Such as cumin, turmeric, lime juice and garlic. Mixed veggies, eggplant, tomato, jalapeño,and peppers grilled on my BBQ:) MMMM good vegetarian BBQ alternative:) Chicken breast for our protein:) Also BBQ....ahhh spring is back:)
  7. I recommend Serna Blake, she is based in Moncton most often. I have met her and can say she is a lovely person, beauiful and intelligent! I am sure you will enjoy spending time with her:)
  8. Happy Birthday beautiful!! Perhpas a cocktail is in order? Hope you have sunny and fun birthday=)
  9. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a special day with friends and lovers:) xo
  10. Hello all:) I know this is not at all the usual post on CERB discussions, lol.... but I am seeking a few items, and knowing our cerb members, you might just be the one help me find them! I need a large piece of drift wood, big enough to make into a bar top; OR an old pub style bar...can be beaten up and rustic. any idea's as to where I should look? other items are old doors, wooden and glass?
  11. I had replied to her ad, asking if she would be interested in a 4 hand massage session with me, but never got any kind of responds from her. Dont know...maybe she doesnt like other providers.... or she made an ad then went on vacation......or she is not real deal?
  12. Have you considered to check with Serena Blake? She is very nice, super pretty and very freindly! I belive she is in Moncton most of the time:)
  13. From time to time I do take a trip to Moncton:) I am planning a trip very soon. xoxo
  14. I like Angela cause I think she is a true Maritimer at heart! lol...
  16. I just bought lunch with my Dad:) was super good too, at Hilltop...I had Ruban sanwich on rye, OMG sooo good too:) They make thier own mustard that was the mosty tasty thing I have had in a long time! mmmmm... He got claims and chips:) Good lunch date:) hahhaha!
  17. I have never heard of this kind of blackmail really. Usually blackmail is one of outing you with your ads. It is wise when you are starting out, not to show your face in pic's and hide tattoos or recognizable jewelry. I do not think the cops would be interested in such a thing, unless you are a minor, or involved with drugs, pimps or any other shady activities. Even in those cases(expect minors) usually the cops will take time to build a case. Dont think they would jump on hersay. I agree with Cat, perhaps starting off with an agency till you learn more about the biz is a good idea. If you want to do INDY, then really do your homework so that you can not so easily be manipulated into this kind of scenario. If you are screening your clients well, I do not for see clients wanting to get messed up with all of this. Being a new SP you may want your clients to provide references to ease your mind.
  18. So true!! Sad sad sad indeed! That poor lady, I hope this turns out in her favor, can she not in turn have him charged...then sued??
  19. I am sort of unclear on what it is you are looking for? This is a recommendation board, and yes it is positive. We do not post negative, as this is not the spirit of CERB. Negative reviews are not welcome as it allows some people to intentionally sabotage a ladies career. Even if you dont happen to like a certain lady, doesn't seems right to try to ruin her career and rep. Yes there are some bad apples out there, and if you encounter one, simply do not return to her. Eventually the "bad apple" will run herself out of business anyways.
  20. Have a great Birthday Beauitful! Hope your day is special for you, get spolied in every way:)
  21. Thank you so much for everyone's support!! Wow, blown away by the kindness! It so nice to feel heard and understood:) That is just what you can expect in a communty like CERB! :bigclap:
  22. Wow!! That is a lot of questions! But Yes, there are many things to learn. Some of which that can only be answered for yourself through experience:) Take your time to learn these things. Many things are depending on your location( small town vs big city) etc. Pay attention to legal section, new to this and other ads. Like in any business, know what your market needs, and how it is best to approach it! You should really consider stepping back and taking more time to research this side of life. It can be overwhelming and takes a certain amount of strength to succeed! If you are not comfortable, then as mentioned, seek a reputable agency to get you started. Good luck to you and stay safe:)
  23. I have been watching this thread progress, and would hopefully inject some insight? Thanks Berlin for making us more aware of the standing of that Law, thank goodness too! If it is merely about replying to so many inquires, a web-site may be useful for you? As this can answer so many questions all at once:) But if it is reputation, or lack of experience, or just too busy to deal and learn all of this jargon then perhaps agencies is not a bad way to go? I mean, yes INDY certainly is right for a lot of ladies, however, sometimes so is an agency! Providing you have done your research, and asked yourself what it is that you need/want or require to be successful and safe:) There is a fine line from personal assistant to Agent.... IN ADDITION: Thanks Angela:) This is what I was also trying to suggest, hahah, you have a way with words!
  24. " Fine PAIR you 3 are...you didn't come home last night till this morning, and if you plan to stay here I suggest you get the hell out! " An actual line from an old Irish INDY movie I seen years ago. Cant remember the title, but just this line! hahahah I say it all the time now:)
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