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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. DONT GIVE UP! Love this, I just watched it and have streams of tears down my face! Tears of joy for that man, but also for ALL the ppl in my life that claim they just can't do it! Nothing works if you dont try!
  2. This post is intended to gently educate those who contact me and after getting rates and info say " that much just for HJ?" NO IT IS NOT THE RATE FOR HJ, my sessions are full treatments that are skilled and for the whole duration of the time spent. You are booking the whole experience, no just what happens in the last 20 min! If you come in, and only have the end on your mind, you are going to miss the point:( The point being, time and place to feel pampered, aroused and to inspire the touch sensation that one may crave whilst not having to "go all the way". Just as when you are booking a GFE encounter, you are going to experience the many different hosting activities, including companionship, attention, sensuality, her personality and entertainment. NOT what happens only in the sac! It is about the whole experience from beginning to end. I hope that this helps you to understand, as it is disheartening for me to hear" that much JUST for HJ?" As it discredits the hard work, education and skill involved with this type of service:( Perhaps if you try it, you will see it much much more than JUST a HJ;)
  3. All I want rigt now is to have my braids back, lol...6 hours to take them out, and I miss them already!! Boooo...
  4. Another year under the belt eh? lol...have fun, as I am sure you will!! :spank:
  5. Thanks everyone who replied, as I read this I miss her already:( But will see her soon I hope!
  6. Thought I would share this here as well. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=123189 Thanks to everyone who showed support. Although it was hard decision for Maria, she feels this is best for her at this time. Thanks again, xoxoox Sophia
  7. They say all good things come to an end:( Maria came to us just a few months ago, and now has decided to embark on another adventure for herself. This is what she would like to say to all of the lovely people she had met here at Miss Sophia V's and CERB " I came to Sophia's just a short time ago. I was starting over, as I just arrived from Alberta. When I arrived I was unsure how I was going to do this on my own. But then Sophia took in under her wing and showed me a side of this life that I never would have known! She gently guided me, and helped to build my self esteem in a way that no one has ever done! She showed me how to gain my independence again. I regret leaving so quickly, but a great opportunity fell in my lap that I simply can not turn down. I feel that I have been giving a new take on life and the direction I want to go in now. So I am going to give it a try, and who knows maybe I will be back from time to time. Thanks to all the wonderful people I have met, and hope that we will meet again! Thanks again!" I will remain in touch with Maria. I wish her much success and happiness with her new adventure. I will most certainly miss her:( I will miss having you here and all the fun times we had! Till next time, stay safe Maria!
  8. Hope you dont mind me injecting some pointers for you. I find if you are wanting to cater to working professional group, the weekdays are best. The weekends are good for the military employes and students. I usually include a few weekdays and one Sat, so like wed-sat. Best of luck to you, hope you have fun!!
  9. I usually suggest using a taxi in this case when you are time pressured and parking is an issue. This way you can jump into the taxi, with no worries then jump back into a taxi for your return. Most hotels have a taxi stand right there so there is no wait time:)
  10. This is one of things that if you watch it, it may restore your faith in humanity! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQMbJ5XUR68 ENJOY IT:) here is another....
  11. I have said this all before too!! What sucks is that most get upset with you when trying to explain that their remark is out of line! LOL...I cant understand what would make someone in this trade/hobby to go bareback??? Like you are not worried yourself?? hahah
  12. No I have never issued fines, nor plan to, I also do the photography or pay my own professional photographer. I have worked for agencies like the ones you speak of, in the past, and I never agreed to that kind of treatment. I simply go with " if want to make the cash be here, if you are always standing up your clients, then you will not work with me any longer" It is up to them if they want to work and when. But just as any job, if you dont show up, you dont get to make money... and if the business makes no money then no point of you being here. I have no hard core rules other than show up no less than 30 min early to appt, no drugs, clean appearance. But this is not in contract, this is verbally done. I will never nicke and dime, like some agencies made you pay 5.00 a day for tissue paper, lol...I pay for the maintenance of the location and all the bills associated with that, I do laundry, clean, advertise and screen clients, also build your picture portfolio, this is what I am paid for...The lady is their own boss. The ladies make 3 times the amount per call then the business does. I think that how it should be, the business should not make equal to...or more than the lady who is working. What I get paid is to maintain the business. My profits are shown from my own work that I do for spa treatments only. I do not do 50 or 60% of their fee. I have a flat fee, and from that they can choose what rate they want to charge.
  13. When I began my career as a dancer, I had some bars refuse me because of my small chest size:( After some time went by, I finally had a few places that did hire me. My audience grew larger and larger each time I got on stage, eventually having standing ovations! One of the bars that refused me, actually asked me to come to work there, as they had seen what a great show this small breasted woman could give! So I did go. I must say it was alot of fun, but then the management said if I wanted to stay I had to have an augmentation done and they would pay for it. ( Even tho I continued to get raving results for my shows) I said no, I am too young to know if I will want this later in my life. I am happy I did not, I love my small breasts, perky and in the right place, lol.... When your young, we have so many insecurities. I am happy that I had the fortsight to not do this procedure. I think I would have regretted it in my later years.
  14. Not yet, I am just going over rules with her and also needs to get her computer. Will be soon tho:)
  15. The contract is also about Copywrite to pictures The agency may use. If you sign the release form this protects me from future issues about using those photo's at the time that the lady is working for the agency. Also does not allow her to use the photo's for her own use during her working for the agency. Also a contract verifies that I have ID checked the lady before working here. It also makes the lady responsible for her own taxes. As I pay my taxes and claim certain things, she also needs to pay taxes, just as any sub contracting position. Also will protect the business in the case of a lady who is sneaking drugs into the business. As it strictly states no one under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be allowed to continue with the agency. So that it shows clearly the agency does not endorse or tolerated this kind of activity. Just as many website contain the phrase" what happens between 2 consenting adults, is a private matter, and all monies are for exchange of time spend." This is many regards is also a contract to the reader, as he clicks enter he has agreed to the terms. Web site are not considered soliciting, as it is not considered a public domain.
  16. You know what...this is a fav of mine!!! I usually order in a resturant, cause no one in my home life wants to look at it, smell it or eat it..ahahhaha, so I save this for when I g out to eat! MMMMMMmmmm with bacon and onions!
  17. Your typing well with one hand hun:) perhas better than me with both lol....glad to see your taking time to heal, the enjoyment of life is just around the corner! lol...xoxoox cheers baby!
  18. Send me a PM sweety, I am sure that we can accommodate:)
  19. Perhaps it would be easier to connect by first finding a SP that appeals to you, then ask if she would be interested in this kind of fetish? There are many that adversities PSE style encounters. Also be more specific, does the lady LOVE feet? Or for you to LOVE her feet? You say small feet, like size 5??
  20. Best Wishes on your move! Take care and play safe:)
  21. My first trip to Cuba....I have now been 8 times, and going for the 9th tis March:) My first time there was Christmas eve:) Was not sure if I would like to be away for Christmas, but thought it may be interesting to see the "spirit of Christmas" would follow me there or not.... I will have to say it sure did!! I managed to bring with me $1,000 and basically gave it away to those in need. I went to a small Catholic cathedral, for Christmas Mass, and there sitting a peu was this little young man around 11yrs, he had his younger brother of 4 years in his arms. No shoes on their feet, ripped cloths and the sweetest biggest brown eyes I have ever seen! I slipped to him 100.00 in convertible Paso as a gift to his family:) He looked at me with such surprise and big tears began to fall...mine and his! In the little bit of Spanish that I speak, told him to go straight home to Mama and Papa with that and not to let anyone know about it...and he did! A few days later, he seen me walking inn the market. He got his Mother and Father to come meet me. To this day, we remain Friends and are welcomed with open arms and open hearts! I love my Cuban family:) Cant wait to see them in March! Just another thought to add, I also met this awesome lady, I asked her if it makes her sad that she can not travel as we do, her answer was so enlightening for me...she said" But I do travel....through all of you I see the world!" That will never fade from my memory!
  22. BIG THANKS!! Maria had read these responds last night, and she wants to send her wholehearted thanks to everyone! She is almost ready for her own profile here, and feels much better now:) It is sometimes hard to let go of the mixed up emotions that we can sometimes feel with this. But she honestly can say she feels the respect and love this community has to offer each of us. She is astonished at the "togetherness" she has seen on this site! So much for her to see and learn her, and I am happy she has chosen to take a closer look at our favorite board! :ThankYou:
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