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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I had suggested to a fellow member here to increase his calcium and magnesium intake, happy to report he said it has worked for him:) So perhaps it will help other's too? Of course, as mentioned, no TV or computers, no blinking lights in the room etc...
  2. Happy Birthday sweetness! Hope your day is a good one!
  3. My animal totem is 1, female side is the lynx, Lynx cats are the keepers of secrets...I am good at holding someone's truths in trust. I am also a secret keeper, I only display my true feelings and thoughts to those I trust wholeheartedly. My male side is a lizard, as lizards lay in the sun and daydream, this at times can be my week side, as it is good to dream but has to be realistic! So I struggel to maintain a balance, which I think I finally have done! My dreamer inside of me allows me to be creative in my business endevors and personal goals:)
  4. Hello to my many friends here:) Although you know me, my lovely Maria Styles feels that she would like to have her profile opened here. She is sort of new to the industry, and is finding it difficult to find herself. She has been unfortunately exposed to the negative side of the industry in the past and is trying to find the all the positive side to this industry. Those negative experiences has seeped into her way of thinking:( She has seen a world of difference with working with me, but still needs a voice and support of her own. So I thought this could help her. I am encouraging her to open her own profile so that she can meet on line, the most amazing people! If it were not for the many ladies and men here, I too never would have known the since of pride and respect that one can experience in this community:) It is a lonely life at times to be in this trade, and with all the "gunk" clouding our own feeling on the subject it is hard to hear your own voice and feelings on the topic. I know for me at first it was the fact of living a double life that was the hardest to deal with. I was lucky enough to have met a few EXCEPTIONAL ladies in Ottawa that helped me threw that, and did "come out" to the ones that mattered in my life. Once I did that, I had so much freedom from my own conscience! For me, also it is the fact of doing good things for my life and future with the money I earn. 2 years ago I had no credit...now I do! 2 years ago I never paid taxes, therefore feeling like a non productive member to my comminity...now I do! 2 years ago could not hold a morgage with my bank...now I can! If you practice some self discipline and self control, making wise use of my cash has saved me from feeling useless, hopeless or like running in one spot! Anyone willing to witness their success, please do so in hopes to help new ladies like Maria...Just a few examples of when we --ucked up, and learned our lesson from it, then picked ourself up and becoming successful and strong business women because of it! I hope this thread will help any new SP out there find their way threw the maze of misconceptions of our trade:)
  5. Ohh Happy Birthday to a wonderful man!! Hope you have fun on your special day:) xoxo
  6. For sure I agree with both of you Gabriellia and RG, And RG you are an exclamatory and unique:) But I guess for me, when it comes to an older Gent, that has such great heart and soul, and whom does spend a great deal of time visiting us, I am a softy, lol... You see, it is a downfall from getting to know a client so well, knowing his pains, and tears, and marriage history, I do become more lenient, is that good thing...or bad??? Not sure. But this is one of thoes things that make me.... ME, so I will continue being me and hope I would not be taken advantage of in the process. Even in my "other " career, working in a vet clinic, an older man came in, his dog really needed help, and I lowered my price for him, as I could see he needed a lower discount so that he would continue coming back on a regular basis. However....this is a luxury not a necessity!!
  7. When we are having just a gloomy and blue day, look here for some inspiration! Thought this kind of thread might help us out of the winter blues:) Hope to see some great quotes or pic's to spread hope and Joy:) I found this one today...
  8. I do see what you are saying, and most cases is at the cornerstone of my policy. However, I am speaking about the regular visitor who has spend many hours with us, and I will surprise them with extra time or a small discount on their time. I never negotiate on an inquiry, or random client that calls us. Not selling steak( not too often you will develop a relationship of any sort with the waitress, but certainly can be when offering something of a personal nature with our clients), but selling our time and attention, and I think there can be a balance between gifting a discount as appreciation and maintaining a professional $ value in our business.
  9. I also want to add to this, From time to time I am asked to " cut a good deal" as they have maybe a few $$ short, or perhaps they are a regular visitor. I have heart, and have no problem giving my repeat clients a deal from time to time. But I usually will do this as a surprise to them:) But when I hear..." can I have that same deal again today?" I do get upset. As I have done that out of the kindness of my heart, and now you are expecting it. If you call me a say, dear Sophia, I am a bit short today, can we do $$$.00 this time, I will consider it. If I feel you are sincere then I may do this for you THIS ONE TIME...but please do not ask me next time for the same discount:( When Maria and I decide to give you a discount, we decide together, and if both of us are willing to take a small loss, then that is decided. But I can not and will not make a deal that causes her to loose cash from her pocket. This is not how I run things here. So when given a gift, be happy for it, but do not put that expectation on us every time you see us after which:( It makes me very uncomfortable and eventually will cause my business a loss....if no money to maintain business...then no more Miss Sophia:( Thanks for reading my rant, lol....
  10. There is so much in my life that gives me joy and peace. But I really like my alone time. To refelct on what I need to do next, or what has happened already. of course laying in the arms of my love. and napping with my poodle, lol...
  11. Well said Cat! I have faced this many times too. And the sad thing is, once that question comes up, and you answer no, and explain it to him, they always get upset, feel down or used...then they stop coming:( So not only have you tried to explain to the best care, you end up still loosing them:( It is indeed fustrating as we do have heart! Thanks for this post:)
  12. That is MY FAV from Papa John's!! mmm mmm, I miss the buffalo chicken pizza they used to have:( I made an oldy but goody this morning, Split Pea soup, never looks good, but wow the aroma and taste make up for it!
  13. At times there seems to be a flood of ladies to pick from...then not...lol Most ladies are willing to travel to see a client if they want to book for 2 or more hours. try to book with advanced notice in this case. Maria Styles will travel for a client with these conditions.
  14. Nothing gourmet for me tonight, worked all day at vet clinic and well simply too tired for cooking....so it is frozen pizza night for this chicky! lol
  15. Seeing someone be broke for a long time, finally gets some cash in pocket and turns around and "loans" it all!! So now I have to hear how broke....and blah!! Grrrrrr, no pitty form me on this one!
  16. SUPERBOWL SUPPER:) of course chicken wings, BBQ sausage and Chillie:) Baked apple crisp for after dinner:)
  17. I suppose we would just copy paste to our group? Or simply upload like other grooups here... Not sure yet. I am going to look into it. right now not sure if there is enough interest in it? I do post a few from time to time to my albums, but always also show the orignal pic.
  18. OMG good for the cop, poor guy...I am sure he has his OWN money worries too! LOL....feel bad for the dude, really! But he is wise to know that this is an adult throwing a child like temper tantrum! lol... I hope he See's this and is embarrassed by his actions....or lord help him if he one day would need th 5O to help him out hahahahha
  19. OMG so so so sorry to hear this:( I hope you can overcome this with grace! Best wishes and most sincere condolences to you and her loved ones.
  20. It never hurts to cross reference your info with other sites. But if you are new to the hobby, it may be wise to stick to this bored. As it is tried, tested and true. New hobbiest are often times tricked as they are not familar with the industry and who is who. NOT TO SAY that ONLY ladies here are worth it meeting...but if you can not cross reference the ladies info then please go in with eyes wide open just as this poster did. You did the correct thing in double checking her age and contact info, good work! I wonder if she is working on her own will? This is a concern with such a young lady!! Perhaps the LE should be notified? I would hate to think she could be a victum of child abuse in anyway:(
  21. AWSOME I will check it out. I wonder is it allows us to post our own photography in art forms? Erotic or other pic arts? Additional comments: I just took a peek. Although looks like a fun group, it is not in the art form that I was hoping for. This is not a way to further advertise our pics, but to display our artistic hobbies either with our own pics, but also any pics we have taken or designed...such as this... or like this.....
  22. Perhaps a nice thing to do is to add credits to his name on your album description? I have often times thought of that too.
  23. Hi all:) often times enjoy doing pic art with my pictures, and never sure if I should post them in my album section. I wonder if we have a group or want a group where we can display our pic art? Can be erotic photgraphy of ourselves or any photograph WE take and design. I have amasing shoots from cuba that I have done some graphics with, also some of of my work hanging in my spa and want to share them with you all. If you think this is a fun idea, reply to this thread and lets get started! I am not sure how to start a group, but will figure it out. Thanks!!
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