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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Best luck, I hope this is the fix ....I want to see you live a pain free and happy long life my friend!!
  2. Here is a pic of a lovely meal I had when visiting my friends in Veradero, Cuba. My friend went into the ocean with a net, looped it, then went back in and pulled out lobster and red snapper for us to enjoy! Now that is fresh!! From the ocean to the table all in a matter of hours. Thanks to my Cuban family:)
  3. Today I am packing up my summer cloths for my Vacay to Cuba:) Ahhh cant wait, toes in hot sand, drink in hand, the Cuban hospitality is the best!
  4. YOU ARE TRULY REMARKABLE!!! Thanks for all of your efforts and kindness here in our community!!:bigclap:
  5. Sorry to hear of your misfourtain:( sometimes the universe works in strange ways, let's hope it has a better plan for you!! Xoxox
  6. I did have the best day ever. Went tanning, and had a maritime kitchen party with 3 gutairs played, karoke....ooh and Xbox kintect!! Was so fun. I took 2 days off to recover lol...thanks everyone!!
  7. It really is a nice day, I have windows open as did my Zumba work out:) I love days like this, air cool, but sun is hot. Makes me come alive!! It is much too long of a winter not to take advantage of a day so nice like today! I will be walking all 3 dogs today lol... I hope you all get a chance to feel the sun on your skin today, get your vit D!
  8. Thanks:) And to Cristycurves:) I am tanning once a week, is this light therapy that you speak of? Yes I do think I have a bad case of SAD...it is sooo bothersome. It wipes me out to the point I cant even get up and moving. Dragging my feet all day, just so tired and fatigued:( As I type this, I have one eye open:( I try taking extra B vits....hmmm, Let's hope my sunny vacation next week fixes this! I am headed to Cuba again as every year:)
  9. For me...I have 2 on my knee from a surgry:( Not big, most do not notice, but I always do! 1 on my right ankle, from a break, had metel rod and screws:( From that I have major nerve damage from:( lately I have aquired 2 new ones, on my hands:( But all good, is from my love of cooking and baking:) lol...seems every friday when I cook my specialty dishes, I tend to get one small burn...lol
  10. :vl:Every year like most of us, I am having a " Winter Blues" week Duuno know why?? Or What...but it is there! I find it rather annoying, as I am a cheerful and possitive type thinker:) I have gone for tans, which always cheers me up:) An 8 min tan, and I am good to go for 2 days!, lol.. I eat well...have awsome sex life, but yet, I still feel the Winter Blues! What is it?? More snow this year? Are there others who feel this...this year?? What are your Winter Blues solutions??
  11. I have 2 suggestions, Katherine is visiting Moncton, I do think she is there today:)( can never go wrong with Katherine!!) Also Serena Blake...I have not yet met Serena, but I think she is a peach! Your Lucky in Moncton right now, very nice ladies visiting:) Good luck:)
  12. have you checked out the social group called Foreign Affairs? Might be worth a peek? Have fun!! Play safe:)
  13. OHHHH my Gosh, If I could have you all in the same room! Wow, what a Celebration that would be:) I love all you!! I miss many of you, but I know I will see you soon:) Here is a pic, it is a Capricorn pic of course....but it is the beauty I feel from all of you!
  14. OMG, too funny, I thought today was also MRN2 birthday hehehe, you mean you dont want 2 a year? or you could just spend the day in your Birthday suit! hahaha
  15. Happy Birthday my fello Capricorn! Hope you enjoy your day!! Too bad we could celebrate together mrrnice2:) xoxo
  16. OHHHH gosh!! So sorry to hear this. Thank God you are OK?? I been in an accident once, and to this day I have fear while being in a car, especially on a rainy night. I was a passenger, and even now after 6 years I can not look at the road if raining out:( MY palms sweat, I get real scared:( I am happy to hear your ok, and your passenger! Best wishes!!! xoxox :eek:
  17. Maria Styles has dark beautiful long curly hair. Check out her pics on my profile. Have you checked in the ads section?
  18. Why is this person not prosecuted for defamation?? (Or whatever) Is it Swedish law? Is that why they are based there? I hope they are found....by not so nice people! What a disgrace! This one of many reasons why I am so glad to in the open to the people who matter in my life!
  19. Ohh Happy Birthday love!! P.S. your not getting older....just better!
  20. I am going to the formal Gala Evening at Delta tonight, with the love of my life:) I bought a beautiful dress, shoes, purse and having my hairdresser friend to do my hair in a glam up do:) This is the best event, you get a room, 5 course meal, then the Gala all under one roof:) No waiting outside for cab for this Chicky! I hope everyone has a lover to kiss at midnight tonight, be happy, healthy and safe this evening all into 2013! See ya in 2013 friends:) xoxoxox
  21. This will be the year I finally break down to social convention and get my licence! lol...I have never bothered to get it, as I just didnt think I really needed to do it. But YES...I DO!! Fredericton is not metro cities that I am used to living in, and a car is a must! I have just bought an SUV, but need a licence to drive it too, lol....here I come FREEDOM!!
  22. Tonight: Appetizers, is a dish once had in Cuba, yucca! Mashed and seasoned with anise, then pan fried into little cakes. Pineapple ham glazed with maple syrup! Mashed potato and veggies. CHRISTMAS DINNER: Christmas Goose. Stuffed with apple and oranges, cherries. Cherry port glaze. Brussels sprouts Squash Sweet potato Carrots Yorkshire pudding MMMM, cant wait! I have never made a goose before, so hopefully I dont mess this dinner up, was very expensive to put together, lol Will take a pic when done:)
  23. My warmest wishes to you and all of your family! Angela, look at the love that is here for you! You have a big cerb family that all love you and want you to never feel alone! I love you girl! I know this Christmas will be hard to find joy...but I hope you can try to feel the spirit of Christmas through this hard time:( xoxoox, your friend Sophia
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