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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. It takes time to get to know the site... First start with looking in the ads here on cerb. Many of us ladies here on cerb also use other sites. But always cross reference with the Reco thread here to find other gent's who have experienced thier service. But really, start with contact, you will see her personality in her responds( or lack there of...lol) get to know her! Ask questions, learn her! Then you can decide if there could be a spark:)
  2. YOU are an Christmas Angel! Your heart as big as a mountain! This time of year, we feel more intensely. More sensitive to things that matter...love, friendship, life and death, money. We see a rise in depression, drug or alcohol abuse, domestic violence. So sad when we experience these during a time that is meant for Joy, Peace and Love. I hope all my Friends, the ones I have met and the ones I have yet to meet, take time to enjoy what a wonderful world this place can be!
  3. No need to be overly worried, just carry on with your normal hobby practices. I do suggest sticking to cerb. This lady was a target for this dude, so I honestly dont think you are at any risk of becoming his next target.
  4. Maria Styles and myself went out last night to Blush. I must say, I had a great time there! It was a stormy night so not many people . But the staff, in particular the door man, and Bartender were so awsome! They looked after us, made us feel at home:) A Dancer, Silver was really impressive! She is Hot, friendly and gives a great show! A must see at Blush! Maria and I were generouse with our tips, but sadly I noticed none of the men were leaving the dancers tips:( Maybe tipping on stage isn't the norm? It was when her and I were showgirls...but there are some great entertainment to be found at Blush. I highly suggest Blush when in STJ:)
  5. OK, You know what your rights are..... right? Let's take care of this, he is trying to scare you into NOT taking action, this means you got him by the balls.... Keep and print all of this out..( your txt and emails) This needs to be addressed. But Keep personal log of this, make your report. You only need a few to prove harrasment, but further, he is Impersonating a police officer! BIG TIME OFFENCE!! who ever it is, a personal friend, or a comp, or just strange dude, this is criminal!
  6. Lately I have added one further step to booking for my location. I have been tricked with ppl using payphones to book. Of course at the time, it looks like a real number, not blocked and with all 10 digits in number. But found out it was payphone when they never showed. So now unblocked number is not enough, I need a txt, or I call that number back that one time, to prove not payphone. This is after you have called me with a voice call first. I cant trust it is sincer intentions from blocked numbers or payphones. If you cant unblock your number, then this is why I call you back after you have called me.
  7. She only used an email addy, not a cerb name or real name. But I would think MOD has already read this thread and if he/she felt it was a problem he/she would have done something. I think safety in this case out ways anything. I know I would not want to "report" such a thread. Besides, no names have been used. Just clearly a fake email addy.
  8. Did you say it was a cerb booking to begin with? then he emailed? If it is cerb, then please advice mod. There has been some strange activity lately in STJ. I am only booking PPL I have met and have references. If you need to check a name, feel free to PM me or any other SP that YOU KNOW.. Best luck, but think your best to report this to police, as this could be someone who also can cause you harm with another booking. You did nothing illegal, you cant get in trouble hunni!
  9. Error on the side of caution, and perhaps only seeing our cerb memebers might be the way to go. At least here, we can have references etc... Email is too easy to trick you with. Just a suggestion??
  10. Hmmm this is not cool! First of all, prostitution is legal in Canada. Public soliciting is not. I wonder if he is a dirty cop, trying to reep benifits? If anyone wants to meet in public, make sure you never speak about services and rates. I wonder if the force knows he is doing this??
  11. I made a pork tenderlion, but used a Maple Rye to create a glaze! I really enjoy drinking a nice rye with gingerale, but when I bought this maple rye, I was sourly disappionted with it. So now it has become my cooking rye, also did a nice salmon with it! At least it wont go to waste:)
  12. For all that love our dear Angela Of Ottawa, she needs our love and support! Without going into details, she is having a crisis that must be so hard at this time of year! ( anytime of year, but at Christmas we tend to be more sensitive to certain things!) She has always been here for us, and now we need to return the favor! Just send her good wishes, let her know she has a big Canada wide family here that loves her! Be strong hun, I am here for you:)
  13. When you see something unjust happening, and can not seem to do anything about it! I hope this injustice is soon fixed and the person responsible will be held accountable for her actions! Pathetic what some do over jealousy! How do some people sleep at night I wonder?
  14. Maria Styles, is there tonight ( sat 15) and does enjoy the dynamics of couple rendez-vous...not sure if you have found someone yet to oblige you and your lady?
  15. Wow, I am left speechless:( How could this kind of mental illness slip threw the cracks so badly?
  16. Hahha, cool...My sisiter is Maria Styles, we were never sure if it was wise to announce that we are sisters, lol but everytime a client meets her, or see us together, they know right way as we have the same exact laugh, hahaha... I wonder how many more sister's are here? Welcome to the CERB Mistress Sugar:) I am sure you will bring much " sweetness" to our cummunity, lol...
  17. I took my mother to the Nutcracker Ballett in Moncton. WOW it was a beautiful production from the Atlantic Ballet:) It was her first time to see a ballet, and think I may have started a new traditon for her and I:)
  18. There is a good chance that Maria Styles may be there, but if you are asking for Christmas eve, or Christmas day, then no. But boxing day etc...may be possiable. Please PM for details. Often times we will make a special trip down just for you, donation + transportaion, providing you are supplying the location.
  19. The problem with this, I find when I do try to give a deal, then the next time the visit they want the same deal again. It is like you give an inch and they want a mile. I have tried it, and only to have to struggle after with them trying to negotiate. "ohhh well you did last time, cant you do it again for me?"
  20. Your right one point, this is not a review board...some think this means it is not accurate. But what you can see is consistency in the reco's. If you see the same quality showing in each reco, then chances are, this is how that particular SP/MA is during their sessions. Even reviews can be mis leading in the case of defaming someone for their own benefit. IMHO
  21. Hahahah so cute! Yes I have noticed after living abroad that we even stop longer at a stop sign..lol You are right! Moncton is a great spot, as it is a short drive( well as long as you would be stuck in city traffic) to either Saint John or Fredericton. Most of the ladies that come here to NB, will hit all 3 cities. There are many fine ladies, just take time to get to know them and this site:) Welcome to the Hub City:)
  22. I seem to be in a cooking slumber....hummm maybe I am saving my cooking for Cristmas?? I dunno, maybe it is just Pizza take out tonight hahaha
  23. Babes...everyone here has"worth", it is a rather broad question. What one may find sexy another may not, some like tall, some like shy, or not.... Why not just start communication with her, and see where it goes from there...I am sure she may be rather choosy herself on who she spends time with. I meant this in the kindest and helpful way, just dont want you to read it wrong. But I just find the best way to learn about someone is to start with a nice letter to her...etc.. Good luck:)
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