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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Wow thanks Cato:) I hope you all enjoy the site. You will find on my profile a demo video to show you what you can expect when you experience the Gentlemen's Spa sessions, and if you create account you will have all access to more info and more video's to come:) If any issues arise with any glitches, please notify me?
  2. There are many nice ladies to choose from here on cerb, why then keep trying your luck with another site that you are not having a good track record with? I just ask this in the most sincere way, as I am forever seeing this type of thread from all kinds of hobbyist and really get confused why they simply dont choose someone from here, when you can clearly see cerb has the tools for you to use for your inquiry into a lady's reputation and such? If I went shopping for clothing at a store, and their cloths kept falling apart on me, then I will shop at a store at a that will sell me cloths that are quality made, good service and reputation of having better cloths.
  3. Most often, advertisers that are on EC more established in their career. Most of the ladies on BP are either not in this for the long Hull or have not decided to make this their primary source of income. Some are just beginning in the trade may not even know of EC. Really, it is not a way to judge if it is better quality so to speak. I am an established provider, yet do not use EC for the reason I do not travel, so see no need to advertise there. As EC is great for those who travel the country. For me, this site is my best venue for my advertising, as well as BP. P.S. yes this should be in the new to this section hun...
  4. I actually dont have anything on my wish list other than for the people I love to be happy and healthy. My greatest gift to receive is one of good times, food, and laughter with family and friends.
  5. I want to explain this concept of YMWV, as I find many of you may not understand this acronym. Y=your M=mileage W=will V=vary So what does it mean? As an agent, or INDY it is very difficult to guarantee all our clients will receive all the same services. If we have not yet met you, you are asking" is BBJ allowed" (or other specialized services) without ever meeting you she can not say 100% that this is what she will offer you as she does not know if you are well groomed, clean, respectful? Also as an agent, I will not speak on my ladies behalf either. I mean imagine this senario.... Client asks for BBJ...I ask the lady if she does it, she says " well I dont know, never met him yet..but maybe" So I relate this info back to the client. So client gets there, not well groomed, stinky, and just plain disrespectful, now she is in a compromising position as she doesn't want to disappoint you, but also needs to protect herself. Then the client is going to get a CBJ....NOT BBJ, then clients says" but you said yes! So somewhere lost in translation, this client thinks MAYBE means YES??? YMWV is the answer, always! I can not stress this enough, that she will make that decision when she meets you. For some, it may take a couple of meetings before she comfortable with it. So for me, when I reply to your inquiries, I give you a general list of activities that the lady has told me she enjoys as a regular session, with a general fee for her time. If you are going to ask her for 5 other activities, I will ask her and explain them to you, but always YMWV. Please keep in mind there are different donations between GFE and PSE and to come prepared to compensate her for these extra services. When you are requesting certain activities that are not considered to be a part of a traditional date, it is best to do so directly to the lady once you are in each others company! And do bring extra roses for her, lol... I hope this helps some of the newer hobbyist in NB, to make their booking smoother and stress free with no embarrassing outcomes for either provider or Hobbyist:) JUST REMEMBER ALWAYS YMWV:) P.S. I know it is suppose to be YMMV...but in our case, YMWV ...lol...
  6. I think it is said that Demmi More is my look a like....can see it I suppose.
  7. I do see from time to time on ladies profiles that travel may be possible. Perhaps if you all made it worth her while, and picked like 2 days, then she could accommodate you? I know if it were me, I would go if I had at least 4 ppl that wanted to book over a 2 day period. Just be sure if you do, that you do book her, dont send her out for nothing:( not sure which ladies I had seen in ads stating that they can travel...hmm, maybe Celina? Megan? Cant remember now.
  8. Wooohooo your off to the races now!! lol...good stuff my dear:):bigclap:
  9. Happy Birthday!! Hope you share it with someone special:) xoxoxo
  10. While I believe that the natural choose is best under most cases, I can say from experience with some injuries I have had in the past, that it doesn't always work for all types of pain. IE: When I had compound fracture of the tabula, when I would use some, it actually increased my pain about 50%! Mainly due to the fact when we smoke it, it does shrink your blood capillaries, thus causing major pain for inflammation:( But the upside to it, was the pain would increase for about 20 min after, but then it would allow me to get some sleep for about 1 hour. Which was so welcomed as I had spasms all night long. Now for nausea, or aches, etc yes it can have a desired effect. But for broken bones...not so much in my case anyhow. I have many ppl close to me, who have falling into the arms of Oxy....sadly for some of them was for treatment of something that coud have been handled with a less addictive medication:( I think there is a big difference for the 60 year old using it for pain, for a sever chronic pain, then the 25 year old with a sore back! If you are 25, living with pain, would you not think that this person would be better off learning how to cope and prevent it rather than going on oxy first? I mean...wow you get hooked to oxy at 25...you have a hard road to walk for a very long time! I have long lasting nerve damage from my injury. They tried to give me all sorts of stuff for it...instead, I learned what triggers my pain and will avoid those scenarios to best I can. I also learned that if I take even Advil and use ice with in the first 20 min of this flair up, then I wont suffer as long. I think there must be away to regulate a bit better who is in need of something so strong....I mean a doctor that prescribes Oxy to a 25 year old with a sore back is careless!
  11. OK here is a Wild dinner plan, lol... Moose Steak!! Marintated in Pumphouse Blueberry beer!! Will reduce the marinate to make a glaze and add more blueberries:) Along garlic and cilantro, then will top it with crushed walnuts:) To side the dish will be sweet potatoe and brussel sprouts:) YUMMM...I hope!!
  12. Wow mrrnice!! That made me smile too! So happy you shared that:) Today I made a wreath. I gathered Jack pine, Fir, Blue Spruce, Hemlock and Holly:) I had no clue how to do do it, but wow turned out beautiful:) Different shades of greens, blue`s and golden. This might be my new tradition:)
  13. You the heart of this community! Making everyone feel so welcome here:) You are great man and a great member and we owe many thanks for the thoughtful and kind posts you have made here:)Love Ya !!
  14. WOW...what kind of mess could we get ourselves into with both of us in the kitchen together? LOL.... Sounds good you got pics for us? Awsome Idea!!!
  15. Ahh yes, I only did member search, only seen Shyla rioux, did not see anything for her. Thanks for showing us:)
  16. Is that what is wrong with me these days? Wow my energy level is so low. I hate feeling like I am dragging my feet...time for a tan I guess:)
  17. mmm tricky.... Is it possiable to do a Bri,grape and chicken...sort of done like a chichen ball, but stuffed? Baked not fyied? puff pastry rather than a doe?
  18. Have you read the " New to this" section? This is really informative on how to approach your chosen SP. Proper etiquette and considerations. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=207 Start by looking at who is in Moncton, read the ads, visit their profile. If a lady is appealing for you, then send her a PM. Be a Gentlemen, and she can help guide you though your first session. You may be wise to let her know you are new to this. When you read her ad, take your time to read what she has written. Many ppl tend to skim over the ads, and doing this you skip the important stuff in her ad. It helps to see the personality behind the ad, and she may have specific request for contacting her. There is a recommendation thread that you may find helpful as well:) Best of luck! There are many beautiful and lovely women here on CERB!
  19. AWSOME!! Glad to hear:) Hope she finds her way around this site:)
  20. On her ad for another site, she states she to check out her reviews on CERB and another board.I have had no luck finding the reco's?? If some one finds it, then maybe you can link it to this dicussion for the benifit of others? I see only one Shyla rioux in the member list. Not sure if this is same lady or not? No post and no albums, joined in 2011. Perhaps she in unsure of how to use this site?
  21. Just a note to say Thanks to the wonderful Gent's I met on my trip to Moncton! Thanks for your kindness and generosity:) I hope we see each other again.
  22. Wow, Happy Birthday beautiful!! Hope you have a good one!!
  23. Reading this thread again, forgot how funny these are! We are so lucky ladies to have such creative and sweet Gentlemen to service us, hehehe...
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