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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Today I am going to the farmer's market:) Have not had time yet this fall. Gonna be cold though! burrr! Will have hot coco, meander through:) Love days like this:)
  2. Wow! Talkative are we? hahaha, JK! Good for you girl, you certainly earned recognition for this milestone!!:bigclap:
  3. My step father has been put on life support, this just happened late last night:( Hoping that this is just a few days, then will start to breath on his own....possitive thinking! I really hope so, as my Mother loves him dearly. He is frail man, not much to him. Hopefully his will to live is stronger than his body! Just wanted to share this, as I may be not availble for few days, time will tell:( I will remain at home for few days, but as the days go on, my Mother will need me to be there. Your possitive vibes will be felt!
  4. I hear ya! I had one person try to ask questions threw my intercom of a security building!! Like wow were you born in a barn? lol...obviosly I told him to hang up intercom and not to return..lol...he was booked and confirmed, but then wanted to know few more details before entering...so yes I did not give aprt number, and told him to leave. some people just have no clue!
  5. Not sure why, if it is the season, or the fact I have gone from SP to MA, but every time I lie down for a nap in the afternoon, I wake up in the middle of having the big "O"! It is like I am dreaming of whatever, then suddenly....my dream shifts and all of a sudden the topic of the dream changes. It usually changes to me finding a dildo, and just before the big "O" I wake up. Sometimes I force myself to stay asleep just a few min longer to finish...lol. I remember when I turned 30, wet dreams were almost a nightly occurrence. One time it felt so real I thought someone was really there! But these dreams no one is there, just me and my toy! hahahah.... Do many women in their 30's-40's experience this? I dont think it reflects my sex life, cause I do have a great sex life! But yes naturally I do have less then when I was SP. Perhaps a spike in hormones? The moon and stars? lol... I cant seem to figure out if I like this wet dream sensation...or not? I somehow feel short changed when it happens. Like I missed the opening credits to a good movie, lmao... Ladies, care to share?
  6. Best wishes wherever life may take you. You have made good friends here, and will be missed. xoxoox
  7. I am sure the Gentlemen on this board will be a good help to you. But here are a few thoughts.... Best to have a phone that you use only for the hobby. IE pre paid phone...Keep it somewhere like at work. Use this phone to make your bookings and confirmation. Always bring your own soap to your session. Whatever scent you use normally. This way you can shower and wash any other scents off of you. DONT STOP having sex with your SO, this is a dead give away. A separate play account may be good, if your SO likes to watch your account closely. Be mindful of what you can afford.. This is not a hobby for all. For some it can save a marriage, whereas it can relive some tensions from your sex life. Gives you fulfillment where you need it, allows you to do something special just for yourself. But if you are feeling real guilty and carry that around with you, she may pick up on that too. Women are great at reading your thoughts and actions...women's intuition. So be sure if you try it, then decide it is what you need, then be sure to play safe and smart. You probably have next to no chance of getting caught your first visit. But if you make it a hobby, then be sure your happy with it, and that it is helping you and not hindering you. Dont stop being a husband to your SO. Best luck, enjoy yourself, and play safe!
  8. No, I dont think I would tell my dad that! I think you could learn how to be a bit more sensitive. It is not just him I have heard this complaint from, so I was asking if there was something to this issue. I suppose for some they dont see an issue and others do. It is a touchy subject, perhaps one that could use some understanding and sensitivity!
  9. Hahaah, I am getting a Oromocto Donair, LMAO...really I am just ordered it hahaha
  10. Hmmm like the wrong section, lol...Lee...made a boo-boo?
  11. well city by laws would only be a fine...( at worst public indecency??) but that would be on the bar, not the patron or dancer. True the dancer may get grief from the bar or other girls. Rumors are rumors, but really check the laws of our criminal code, don't watch American TV, hehehe...these are old school rumors that have no truth to our system.
  12. Interesting....as always did put it on as soon as they would come out...but yet I have heard a few elder vets complain?? hmmm...I guess the important thing is that WE DO REMEMBER, respect and full acknowledge the reasons behind our poppy symbol!
  13. I am asking this question as my father commented on this topic and he was annoyed to see it worn as Halloween was here. It made me ask...but why? I am very sensitive to my military friends! I live in Fredericton, you can not live here and not feel the effect our troops have on us:) So Dad enlightened me! He said it takes away from the Central attention these soldiers deserve! Not to get thrown into another holiday type thing. It is true it seems year by year our holiday markers are colliding into one another, faster and faster each year....perhaps REMEMBRANCE DAY should not ever clash, it does deserve it's own spot light, that is not shared! So I do understand the economic need for the donations for the pins, by all means this is needed! But perhaps next year I will donate, then wait to wear it till after Halloween! See, Dad's always keep teaching, lol
  14. The right word may be "tolerance level" some communities are more diligent and geared up to make it an issue. But generally speaking, if keeping the peace, and respectful, then no harm:) IE: A city setting may easier to operate, rather than small town setting.
  15. When I put my fishnet stocking on and heels:) My black office skirt too hehehe
  16. I am hoping to get advice on contracts. I just finally found a lawyer for my agency. I had asked him if I should have contracts to protect my business, and the ladies I represent. He would like to have a chance to see one that is already done up. Just wondering if anybody here has contracts with their agency. Would you be willing to share with me? I have been told both, it can be a good thing...but then I also hear, it can be a bad thing. I know one point to be made on this contract, that it is the ladies responsibility to pay their own taxes...but what else? If you have any helpful info to share with me, a PM would be nice:)
  17. I got 2... F----k me if I am wrong, but is your name George? ( doesn't work on George tho, lol) and If there was anything in the world I could change, it would be the alphabet, so that I could be next to U forever!
  18. For once I dont know what to make. I will have to read through this thread and get inspired for a meal:) So many good dinners to choose from!
  19. Quiting smoking!! This scares me, and those around me, lol...but I will be taking the challenge soon. making a strategy plan with my doctor:)
  20. WOW it is 15 outside, I have shorts and tshirt on sitting in the sun. Is it me...or is this spooky? I went to Alberta no long ago. I seen a sight that brought me to tears! I was devastated to see no more Ice Glaciers in what we call the " toilet bowl" In fact...there was no water left in the tolliet bowl!! I had been to the exact same spot about 15 years earlier and could see the glaciers. I had taken pictures. When I returned just 2 years ago, I took a pic...it was so sad to see one tiny speck of a glacier left:( What have you all noticed about this global warming trend?
  21. I strongly believe in the power of attraction. I know from experience that I can control my experience here on earth in this lifetime. I used to get consumed with life's challenges and adversaries. But now look at these situations as opportunity to grow....grow bigger, better and stronger. I wrote an essay once in university, it was " what IS happiness?" Is it the same as success? My answer is: I think all humans have an innate need to be of good service to the world. Weather we notice it or not. Everyone has a drive to do something that either is a fleeting moment of good service or a lasting one. IE: the elderly man who tries to lift heavy object for his wife. OR a lasting service like a charity group. OR the SP who has helped someone with low esteem issues. So I think, in my definition, I am successful and have happiness in my life:) As I know I provide a good service to many people who needed someone to care and touch. I know what I do, has had a lasting effect on those whom I have encountered. Am I living out my passion? Well yes. I am passionate about people. I truly want the one who feels down in the dumps to be lifted and to enjoy their life! I want to do more though. I have bigger dreams, such as animal shelters, human rights, etc...although I may not be able to own one, I can and do contribute with money and my time. So in this way I am living my dream too! We DO have control over our happiness and life situation. And what is not in my control, I let go of. I only worry when something that is within my control goes wrong...then I can do my best to fix it...but if not in my control, then I allow the universe to take control of it. NICE TOPIC!! Thanks:)
  22. One week in cuba...it was withdraw for the first 3 days, then was fine. But as soon as I returned...back to my usual routine, lol
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