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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Look at this!! A shark swimming in the streets of NJ!!
  2. Good luck to my Ottawa friends! Here in Fredericton is still, mild and just light rain, so far...expecting lots of rain soon tho.
  3. I am a Maritimer. I live in Atlantic Canada. I am also an East Coast-er! hahah
  4. Montreal bagels 1hour or 2 with your fav SP?
  5. Well I suppose you could sit on the couch, and ask from a distance" hunni bring me a beer?" hahahah
  6. Happy Birthday!! Is it true what they say about getting older? Is it really better? I bet it is!!! Have a great day love:)
  7. Wow, what to say? Other than you are the most awsome inspiration!! Please keep strong. I will continue to send good energy, Much love!!! xoxoxo
  8. Thanks to everyone:) I think some ppl may have not understood the reasons why, but now...it is all written for all to read. I think this makes a safer and better experience for all involved! xoxoxo
  9. This may come across as a rant, I suppose it may be...but this needs to addressed. Do you think it is by mere chance that Sp's or Ma's ALL ask for a phone call from unblocked numbers? Do you think it is by chance that I who live in such a small town has maintained my discretion and safety? NO !!! It is from being diligent in screening clients, as to know who they are, to know that they have nothing they are not hiding from me! If you are asking to visit me, or my ladies at MY location, should I give that trust to you when you are not willing to trust me with a phone number? These are the reasons hobbyist give me: How do I know you wont call my phone and blackmail me? ANSWER: I built my business for 5 years, why would I jeopardies my reputation with something like that? PRIVACY is paramount to my industry! And if you are so worried, go get a pre paid phone for just this hobby, hide it from your spouse! How do I know your not a set up? ANSWER: I have 4 pages of recs here on this board...I also been in small town Freddy for 5 years, I think I would be run out of town by now had I been a sting! I am calling from work, I cant unblock the number. ANSWER: again go get a "play "phone! Why is it so important for you to have a number? ANSWER: 1, you are being invited into my location, if you turned out to be a bad date, how would I warn others? With no name and no phone number, then others are at risk too! 2, If I just go ahead and give location and buzzer number, what stops you from stopping in whenever you felt like it? 3, or if I have you booked, and you no show, how do I call you to ask why? 4, LAW ENFORCEMENT uses unblocked numbers!!!! 5, you could be working on the behalf of a disgruntle client, or competitor to find out where I am for future harassment! 6, you are asking me to put myself in a venerable position, in private location, nude and whatever else, and yet not willing to trust me? I feel very odd about that! I am sorry, but for now on, please dont even try to book with me unless you can show common courtesy of having trust! I take mine and that of my ladies, safety very very serious, and if you can not trust, I can not trust either. It really kills the chemistry if you are in a session and your brain is thinking" OK who is this really? Does he have something else in mind? What is he hiding?" I hope this all makes since to you gentlemen? If you ever wondered why, well here are MY reasons. Most SP's do have the same protocol on this matter. So if you plan to play the game, PLEASE get yourself a play phone if need be. besides, It should make you happy that we are sooo careful! I am sure you would like to enter a location feeling safe, and knowing that the lady has done all she can to assure you a safe and discrete location:)
  10. Did you try calling back? Sometimes lost connection can be a problem?? It has happened to me at times, whereas I live outside of city limits and connection can go wayward. and if on cerb....then PM usually good back up plan:) Or perhaps an email? Things go wrong sometimes, we have to have patients when they do:)
  11. You are so correct with this Cat! I remember first starting in the trade. It was a very different time. Whereas, if a girl provided daty, or kissing or BBJ, then you were fired, fined or just casted as dirty. It had only been once I started as INDY, that I began to feel comfortable with these activities. And YES, YMWV was always my point. This is why I never answered inquires with a list of things I will do, but rather a list of things I WILL NOT DO, as not everyone I met I felt comfortable with kissing( like a dirty mouth, etc) so I hesitated to answer these inquires with a firm YES...I would answer I am not against it in most cases. Now in the case of out calls vs in calls, I would assume, the in call rate would be slightly higher, whereas the client is not having to spend money on a room. Should this not also be considered in rates? We sometimes do pay for convience...this is why I got take out for Breaky...convience! I do have eggs and toast at home, but was too time consuming for me today, lol... When I first started as INDY, my rate was much much lower. But as my client list grew, and I wanted to keep an ELITE status, lower call volume( as to remain under the radar) in order to accomplish this I had to raise my rates so that fewer clients would want to book , thus allowing me to be more selective in my clients list. I hope that with this thread, I can understand what is fair for both parties that will be engaging in each others company. I will always have a list of restriction sent with my inquires, and also have the lady to go over this upon meeting their Gentlemen. Thanks for everyones input, it has really helped me see. It Will take time for me to work out the kinks in my new business model, but is coming along!
  12. In reading this, I think it is important to recognize the difference quality of service. For a lady who does not offer kissing and daty, then this does not mean lesser quality in her service. She can be just as attentive and fun to be with as a lady who does. It depends largely if the Gent is ok with this or not. Obviously if he is wanting that, and is not told that she is not offering that, then it would be a let down and he may say " was not quality service". I think it rest in the fact of things like: eye contact, flirtations, full time spent with each other. Treating your client as a person, not a transaction. I can tell you some encounters I had. A few would back away from a kiss. This was unusual for me. I like to kiss. But there are lots who do not feel at ease to kiss an SP. They would in fact say" please no kissing" So for this gent, he felt he had quality service with no kissing. I think If it is said..." traditional service" you may expect a lower fee. And If I said GFE you may understand it as bit more activites...hmmm?
  13. So would it be appropriate say the ladies who not offer kissing, or DATY etc...is more of a traditional service...instead of GFE? And Traditional would not have the same rate as GFE?
  14. I am putting this question out there to have a better understanding on what the Gent's think. Question is: Does the rate of an SP's time reflect on what you expect to take place? Such as if an SP does not kiss...or DATY...then do you expect a lower rate? Or is the quality of time and the way she provides a non rushed romantic time with you and not about each activity they may or may not do? I want to know the minds of my local Gents so that I may provide the quality you seek, and yet respect the ladies I represent. When I was an SP, I provided GFE, I did enjoy all the activities in a traditional date. But now that I am representing other's, and each with their own set of Do's and Dont's I am trying to gage individual rates of their individual list of services. In my Explanation of GFE, it is a style of service in the time you spend together, not a list of aconyms... As if a real date. Now this can be very vague to some. This is not a thread of what is GFE...but rather on the expectations on donation rates and what services you expect for that donation. Does it matter to you? If you are spending 250.00 to expect kissing too? If you are spending 200.00 do you now not expect kissing? How does this translate into the clients mind? If I had different rates for different providers would this confuse you, or help you to understand more about what you can expect as far as the aconyms? Of course I always want to make a good match for each provider to client. And this is why I ask. Never wanting to arrange a date with expectaions that do not match. So that if kissing is very important to you I donot set up a date with a lady who does not like it. But this is also taken care of in the first stages of inquiries.
  15. Last night dinner was awsome:) Roasted red pepper soup (from scratch of course) Apple Glazed pork tenderlion, cut into medalion's sided with pearl onion, sweet potatoe, beets....all roasted with olive oil and garlic. MMMMM was so good the Glaze turned out perfectly with a nice shimmer and candies effect! Made it with Apple cider:)
  16. Ha! Wow, I just caught this thread, and good job babes:) Come along way, awsome posts, happy for you!
  17. Spa sessions with Sophia, designed with the Gentlemen in mind! This is where you can come to slip into luxury, bask in self indulgence that you so rightly deserve! You can touch and be touched in the most natural way that humans are meant to be. Leave your worries behind and escape into the realm of tranquility, serenity and complete bliss! What will you experience with your time with me? I have a variety of relaxation techniques for you to try! In a 2 hour Spa treatment you can enjoy all of these fabulous treatments! Or You may choose 1 for an hour session:smile: Nude full body massage using traditional Shiatsu combined with a Swedish massage, this will provide deep tissue massage, open energy chakra's which allows energy to flow freely throughout your body. This is completed with a Body slide massage, and yes....always leave HAPPY:smile: Foot and face Reflexology You may enjoy this treatment on it's own or coupled with the above therapy. Reflexology uses finger and thumb pressure on certain reflexes found in the foot or face. This produces total body relaxation and helps to restore the bodies natural balance. This also comes with a foot soak and scrub. After which we move into erotic touch, body slides and yes....always leave HAPPY! Custom made Aromatherapy oils also can be coupled with the above services. Oils can be used for pain management, inflammation, or to induce aphrodisiac sensations. Stimulate your senses into a euphoric state Hot Stone Treatment My most Favorite form of relaxation massage! 50 Stones strategically placed to ease and sooth your muscles! Encourages total body relaxation! And yes....Always leave happy:smile: Here is what one Gentlemen says about his experience with Miss Sophia Varoushka! "After some initial reservation (totally my lack of trust in going to private location), I decided to take Sophia up on her offer to come in for a massage. Well....I left speechless, and I'm definitely going back for more. She has hands of lace, and gave me a better massage than my local RMT. She's smart, witty, kind, generous, CLEAN, affectionate and everything you wish you had when you go to see a RMT. Anyone local or out of town looking to REALLY relax, you must book a massage with Sophia!" My visit will be short, but ohhhh soooo sweet! Visiting at Paradise Spa, the most luxurious spa in Ottawa West! 613-820-8887 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=108119 OCTOBER 16- 1PM-7PM 17- 9AM-7PM 18-9AM-2PM LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING NEW FRIENDS, AND HOPE TO SEE SOME FAMILIAR FACES AS WELL:smile:
  18. Spa sessions with Sophia, designed with the Gentlemen in mind! This is where you can come to slip into luxury, bask in self indulgence that you so rightly deserve! You can touch and be touched in the most natural way that humans are meant to be. Leave your worries behind and escape into the realm of tranquility, serenity and complete bliss! Click this bar to view the full image. What will you experience with your time with me? I have a variety of relaxation techniques for you to try! In a 2 hour Spa treatment you can enjoy all of these fabulous treatments! Or You may choose 1 for an hour session:smile: Nude full body massage using traditional Shiatsu combined with a Swedish massage, this will provide deep tissue massage, open energy chakra's which allows energy to flow freely throughout your body. This is completed with a Body slide massage, and yes....always leave HAPPY:smile: Foot and face Reflexology You may enjoy this treatment on it's own or coupled with the above therapy. Reflexology uses finger and thumb pressure on certain reflexes found in the foot or face. This produces total body relaxation and helps to restore the bodies natural balance. This also comes with a foot soak and scrub. After which we move into erotic touch, body slides and yes....always leave HAPPY! Custom made Aromatherapy oils also can be coupled with the above services. Oils can be used for pain management, inflammation, or to induce aphrodisiac sensations. Stimulate your senses into a euphoric state Hot Stone Treatment My most Favorite form of relaxation massage! 50 Stones strategically placed to ease and sooth your muscles! Encourages total body relaxation! And yes....Always leave happy:smile: Click this bar to view the full image. Here is what one Gentlemen says about his experience with Miss Sophia Varoushka! "After some initial reservation (totally my lack of trust in going to private location), I decided to take Sophia up on her offer to come in for a massage. Well....I left speechless, and I'm definitely going back for more. She has hands of lace, and gave me a better massage than my local RMT. She's smart, witty, kind, generous, CLEAN, affectionate and everything you wish you had when you go to see a RMT. Anyone local or out of town looking to REALLY relax, you must book a massage with Sophia!" My visit will be short, but ohhhh soooo sweet! Visiting at Paradise Spa, the most luxurious spa in Ottawa West! 613-820-8887 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=108119 OCTOBER 16- 1PM-7PM 17- 9AM-7PM 18-9AM-2PM LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING NEW FRIENDS, AND HOPE TO SEE SOME FAMILIAR FACES AS WELL:smile: Click this bar to view the full image.
  19. Angela of Ottawa! This very giving, kind and awsome lady has made my upcoming visit stress free! Without her, I have no idea how I was able to get back and forth to work, and would have to dish out more expenses that would have taken a big chunk of my earnings! Thank you Angela!!
  20. Spa sessions with Sophia, designed with the Gentlemen in mind! This is where you can come to slip into luxury, bask in self indulgence that you so rightly deserve! You can touch and be touched in the most natural way that humans are meant to be. Leave your worries behind and escape into the realm of tranquility, serenity and complete bliss! What will you experience with your time with me? I have a variety of relaxation techniques for you to try! In a 2 hour Spa treatment you can enjoy all of these fabulous treatments! Or You may choose 1 for an hour session:) Nude full body massage using traditional Shiatsu combined with a Swedish massage, this will provide deep tissue massage, open energy chakra's which allows energy to flow freely throughout your body. This is completed with a Body slide massage, and yes....always leave HAPPY:smile: Foot and face Reflexology You may enjoy this treatment on it's own or coupled with the above therapy. Reflexology uses finger and thumb pressure on certain reflexes found in the foot or face. This produces total body relaxation and helps to restore the bodies natural balance. This also comes with a foot soak and scrub. After which we move into erotic touch, body slides and yes....always leave HAPPY! Custom made Aromatherapy oils also can be coupled with the above services. Oils can be used for pain management, inflammation, or to induce aphrodisiac sensations. Stimulate your senses into a euphoric state Hot Stone Treatment My most Favorite form of relaxation massage! 50 Stones strategically placed to ease and sooth your muscles! Encourages total body relaxation! And yes....Always leave happy:smile: Here is what one Gentlemen says about his experience with Miss Sophia Varoushka! "After some initial reservation (totally my lack of trust in going to private location), I decided to take Sophia up on her offer to come in for a massage. Well....I left speechless, and I'm definitely going back for more. She has hands of lace, and gave me a better massage than my local RMT. She's smart, witty, kind, generous, CLEAN, affectionate and everything you wish you had when you go to see a RMT. Anyone local or out of town looking to REALLY relax, you must book a massage with Sophia!" My visit will be short, but ohhhh soooo sweet! Visiting at Paradise Spa, the most luxurious spa in Ottawa West! 613-820-8887 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=108119 OCTOBER 16- 1PM-7PM 17- 9AM-7PM 18-9AM-2PM LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING NEW FRIENDS, AND HOPE TO SEE SOME FAMILIAR FACES AS WELL:smile:
  21. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope your day is filled with lots of sexy fun and giggels....and spanks lol...have a great day:)
  22. Well......I can certainly say what I will NOT take...lol I have been home sick now for 5 days with a flu:( I decided to take Tylenol complete OMG!!!! I was almost stoned! hahahaha, I had impaired vision, depth perception issues, no balance and could not sleep! WOW...I was not liking it, it was a nauseating experience and lasted much too long:( Obviously this medicine was not for me, and will never take it again. Tonight, I will have a warm apple cider with a warm shoot of dark rum in it, mmmm...might not heal, but sure makes being sick a bit better lol...
  23. Spa sessions with Sophia, designed with the Gentlemen in mind! This is where you can come to slip into luxury, bask in self indulgence that you so rightly deserve! You can touch and be touched in the most natural way that humans are meant to be. Leave your worries behind and escape into the realm of tranquility, serenity and complete bliss! Below is a list of a variety add on treatments that you can enjoy to enhance your Spa experience! Enjoy all of these treatments in a 2 hour Gentlemen's Spa Session! Or choose one for a 1 hour session. Nude full body massage using traditional Shiatsu combined with a Swedish massage, this will provide deep tissue massage, open energy chakra's which allows energy to flow freely throughout your body. This is completed with a Body slide massage, and yes....always leave HAPPY:smile: Foot and face Reflexology You may enjoy this treatment on it's own or coupled with the above therapy. Reflexology uses finger and thumb pressure on certain reflexes found in the foot or face. This produces total body relaxation and helps to restore the bodies natural balance. This also comes with a foot soak and scrub. After which we move into erotic touch, body slides and yes....always leave HAPPY! Custom made Aromatherapy oils also can be coupled with the above services. Oils can be used for pain management, inflammation, or to induce aphrodisiac sensations. Stimulate your senses into a euphoric state Hot Stone Treatment My most Favorite form of relaxation massage! 50 Stones strategically placed to ease and sooth your muscles! Encourages total body relaxation! And yes....Always leave happy:smile: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pre booking is greatly appreciated, as my visit is not very long. Simply PM and I can reserve a time just for you! OCTOBER 16- 1PM-7PM 17- 9AM-7PM 18-9AM-2PM LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING NEW FRIENDS, AND HOPE TO SEE SOME FAMILIAR FACES AS WELL:smile: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. I am located here in Fredericton. I have 2 lovely ladies I work with, Cali Rayne and Jersey Fox. You can see their pic's my profile page.
  25. Spa sessions with Sophia, designed with the Gentlemen in mind! This is where you can come to slip into luxury, bask in self indulgence that you so rightly deserve! You can touch and be touched in the most natural way that humans are meant to be. Leave your worries behind and escape into the realm of tranquility, serenity and complete bliss! . Below is a list of a variety add on treatments that you can enjoy to enhance your Spa experience! Enjoy all of these treatments in a 2 hour Gentlemen's Spa Session! Or choose one for a 1 hour session. Nude full body massage using traditional Shiatsu combined with a Swedish massage, this will provide deep tissue massage, open energy chakra's which allows energy to flow freely throughout your body. This is completed with a Body slide massage, and yes....always leave HAPPY:smile: Foot and face Reflexology You may enjoy this treatment on it's own or coupled with the above therapy. Reflexology uses finger and thumb pressure on certain reflexes found in the foot or face. This produces total body relaxation and helps to restore the bodies natural balance. This also comes with a foot soak and scrub. After which we move into erotic touch, body slides and yes....always leave HAPPY! Custom made Aromatherapy oils also can be coupled with the above services. Oils can be used for pain management, inflammation, or to induce aphrodisiac sensations. Stimulate your senses into a euphoric state Hot Stone Treatment My most Favorite form of relaxation massage! 50 Stones strategically placed to ease and sooth your muscles! Encourages total body relaxation! And yes....Always leave happy:smile: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pre booking is greatly appreciated, as my visit is not very long. Simply PM and I can reserve a time just for you! OCTOBER 16- 1PM-7PM 17- 9AM-7PM 18-9AM-2PM LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING NEW FRIENDS, AND HOPE TO SEE SOME FAMILIAR FACES AS WELL:smile: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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