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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Butternut Squash soup is my pre dinner appy:) MMM mmmm, the nutmeg and cinnamon really warms the belly:) My sister and I ate the whole squash last night, couldnt save it for tonights dinner lol..
  2. Tried to use my rep box, was not working.....But yes, even the name " murder of Crows" seems to say it all! No wonder we have so many myths about this etherial and almost supernatural beast!
  3. I agree, I love love love my Halloween horror movies! I can skip by almost every horror film....till October hits! Then BAM...I am finding myself searching threw the guide for the one I have yet to see. The Raven has always sent shivers down my back! The cadence of the words when read aloud really gives this poem the momentum. Something to be said about the romance and spookiness behind this poem that makes me return to year after year. All of Poe's works like the Pit and the pendulum is another that captures me durring October.
  4. How strange it was this morning waking up to a murder of crows in my tree!! About 50 or more crows sat in this tree cawing so loudly it as as if they were an orchestra performing. Amplified so loudly it was scaring my dog! Not so strange for this time of year you may say.... BUT in the midst of them, sat an OWL!! As if these crows were trying to torment this majestic creature, trying to make him mad (like in the crazy way) It sent shivers up my back. I watched the owls reaction, he simply sat still with head held high and looked straight at me with a since of " I wont back down" attitude! This continued for about 15 min, then the owl left and the crows followed him! Eerie!!! Here is the Raven, Edgar Allan Poe, narriated by Christopher Walken
  5. Being in a small town( not sure if that changes much ) I used to hear all the time from other SP's...." Oh she will steel your clients" I would laugh to myself when hearing this. Like how do you steal a client? Stand at the front door and kidnap them?? lol....With the size of my city, eventually a hobbiest will see everyone who does work here. At the end of the day, we all are sharing with each other. In my mind, no one can steal my clients...cause they are not mine!
  6. How about ...Darla? For she will be your darling dog!
  7. Spa sessions with Sophia, designed with the Gentlemen in mind! This is where you can come to slip into luxury, bask in self indulgence that you so rightly deserve! You can touch and be touched in the most natural way that humans are meant to be. Leave your worries behind and escape into the realm of tranquility, serenity and complete bliss! Below is a list of a variety add on treatments that you can enjoy to enhance your Spa experience! Enjoy all of these treatments in a 2 hour Gentlemen's Spa Session! Nude full body massage using traditional Shiatsu combined with a Swedish massage, this will provide deep tissue massage, open energy chakra's which allows energy to flow freely throughout your body. This is completed with a Body slide massage, and yes....always leave HAPPY:smile: Foot and face Reflexology You may enjoy this treatment on it's own or coupled with the above therapy. Reflexology uses finger and thumb pressure on certain reflexes found in the foot or face. This produces total body relaxation and helps to restore the bodies natural balance. This also comes with a foot soak and scrub. After which we move into erotic touch, body slides and yes....always leave HAPPY! Custom made Aromatherapy oils also can be coupled with the above services. Oils can be used for pain management, inflammation, or to induce aphrodisiac sensations. Stimulate your senses into a euphoric state Hot Stone Treatment My most Favorite form of relaxation massage! 50 Stones strategically placed to ease and sooth your muscles! Encourages total body relaxation! And yes....Always leave happy:smile: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pre booking is greatly appreciated, as my visit is not very long. Simply PM and I can reserve a time just for you! OCTOBER 16- 1PM-7PM 17- 9AM-7PM 18-9AM-2PM LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING NEW FRIENDS, AND HOPE TO SEE SOME FAMILIAR FACES AS WELL:smile: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. Yes her CD will launch in November, sure to have another great show at that time too! Lyrics are mature, voice is soft and romantic! Her piano playing adds so much to her style. Looking forward to hearing more!
  9. Spa sessions with Sophia, designed with the Gentlemen in mind! This is where you can come to slip into luxury, bask in self indulgence that you so rightly deserve! You can touch and be touched in the most natural way that humans are meant to be. Leave your worries behind and escape into the realm of tranquility, serenity and complete bliss! Click this bar to view the full image. Below is a list of a variety add on treatments that you can enjoy to enhance your Spa experience! Enjoy all of these treatments in a 2 hour Gentlemen's Spa Session! Nude full body massage using traditional Shiatsu combined with a Swedish massage, this will provide deep tissue massage, open energy chakra's which allows energy to flow freely throughout your body. This is completed with a Body slide massage, and yes....always leave HAPPY:smile: Foot and face Reflexology You may enjoy this treatment on it's own or coupled with the above therapy. Reflexology uses finger and thumb pressure on certain reflexes found in the foot or face. This produces total body relaxation and helps to restore the bodies natural balance. This also comes with a foot soak and scrub. After which we move into erotic touch, body slides and yes....always leave HAPPY! Custom made Aromatherapy oils also can be coupled with the above services. Oils can be used for pain management, inflammation, or to induce aphrodisiac sensations. Stimulate your senses into a euphoric state Hot Stone Treatment My most Favorite form of relaxation massage! 50 Stones strategically placed to ease and sooth your muscles! Encourages total body relaxation! And yes....Always leave happy:smile: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pre booking is greatly appreciated, as my visit is not very long. Simply PM and I can reserve a time just for you! OCTOBER 16- 1PM-7PM 17- 9AM-7PM 18-9AM-2PM LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING NEW FRIENDS, AND HOPE TO SEE SOME FAMILIAR FACES AS WELL:smile: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. Amazing RG!! Good stuff! Alays have enjoyed your post...dont stop now:)
  11. Just thought I would throw this out there for the many music fans in Freddy:) This Saturday at Dolan's Pub. Featuring one of my own family members. This bright and talented young lady is preforming along with many other's in helping her to launch her first recording!! Today world requires more than just talent, but funds to get her out there! Stop in starting from 2pm-8pm, many local talents are performing in support of this amazing young lady! if you like a home grown sound, with a fresh sound, this is your show! Hope to see you there, if you would like to say hello, that is fine...BUT PLEASE BE DISCRETE!!!! A SIMPLE CHEERS WILL DO!
  12. Spa sessions with Sophia, designed with the Gentlemen in mind! This is where you can come to slip into luxury, bask in self indulgence that you so rightly deserve! You can touch and be touched in the most natural way that humans are meant to be. Leave your worries behind and escape into the realm of tranquility, serenity and complete bliss! Below is a list of a variety add on treatments that you can enjoy to enhance your Spa experience! Enjoy all of these treatments in a 2 hour Gentlemen's Spa Session! Nude full body massage using traditional Shiatsu combined with a Swedish massage, this will provide deep tissue massage, open energy chakra's which allows energy to flow freely throughout your body. This is completed with a Body slide massage, and yes....always leave HAPPY:smile: Foot and face Reflexology You may enjoy this treatment on it's own or coupled with the above therapy. Reflexology uses finger and thumb pressure on certain reflexes found in the foot or face. This produces total body relaxation and helps to restore the bodies natural balance. This also comes with a foot soak and scrub. After which we move into erotic touch, body slides and yes....always leave HAPPY! Custom made Aromatherapy oils also can be coupled with the above services. Oils can be used for pain management, inflammation, or to induce aphrodisiac sensations. Stimulate your senses into a euphoric state Hot Stone Treatment My most Favorite form of relaxation massage! 50 Stones strategically placed to ease and sooth your muscles! Encourages total body relaxation! And yes....Always leave happy:smile: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pre booking is greatly appreciated, as my visit is not very long. Simply PM and I can reserve a time just for you! OCTOBER 16- 1PM-7PM 17- 9AM-7PM 18-9AM-2PM LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING NEW FRIENDS, AND HOPE TO SEE SOME FAMILIAR FACES AS WELL:smile: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Happy Birthday!! Hope you spend it with someone special:) xo
  14. This is a new one for me.... Chicken rolled up in crushed up Artisain Tortia chips( black bean and garlic flavor) and oven baked! Think might be a winner:)
  15. Spa sessions with Sophia, designed with the Gentlemen in mind! This is where you can come to slip into luxury, bask in self indulgence that you so rightly deserve! You can touch and be touched in the most natural way that humans are meant to be. Leave your worries behind and escape into the realm of tranquility, serenity and complete bliss! Below is a list of a variety add on treatments that you can enjoy to enhance your Spa experience! Enjoy all of these treatments in a 2 hour Gentlemen's Spa Session! Nude full body massage using traditional Shiatsu combined with a Swedish massage, this will provide deep tissue massage, open energy chakra's which allows energy to flow freely throughout your body. This is completed with a Body slide massage, and yes....always leave HAPPY:smile: Foot and face Reflexology You may enjoy this treatment on it's own or coupled with the above therapy. Reflexology uses finger and thumb pressure on certain reflexes found in the foot or face. This produces total body relaxation and helps to restore the bodies natural balance. This also comes with a foot soak and scrub. After which we move into erotic touch, body slides and yes....always leave HAPPY! Custom made Aromatherapy oils also can be coupled with the above services. Oils can be used for pain management, inflammation, or to induce aphrodisiac sensations. Stimulate your senses into a euphoric state Hot Stone Treatment My most Favorite form of relaxation massage! 50 Stones strategically placed to ease and sooth your muscles! Encourages total body relaxation! And yes....Always leave happy:smile: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pre booking is greatly appreciated, as my visit is not very long. Simply PM and I can reserve a time just for you! OCTOBER 16- 1PM-7PM 17- 9AM-7PM 18-9AM-2PM LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING NEW FRIENDS, AND HOPE TO SEE SOME FAMILIAR FACES AS WELL:smile: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. Happy Birthday Katherine! Hope you have the very best day today:)
  17. Here is a strange one... Soak the turkey in water for 24 hours. Drain, season, stuff....you will be amazed and how quicky it will cook, if I remember it takes like only 1 hour! It was a freind of mine who cooked it this way, I thought surly this was gonna an awful turkey, or not fully cooked, but much to my surprise it was one of the juciest I ever had!! I have been to CHICKEN to try it since then tho...lol I stick to the traditional season and rub and slow cooking.
  18. An on the spot invention last night... Spinach pasta, Alfredo sauce with sautéed red peeper, red onion, mushroom, turkey meatballs. Seasoned with sea salt, chillies and scallions. Was very good!! I love it when you have no idea what your cooking, till it all comes together!
  19. I love this time of year. Seems to inspire more harty cooking! I tire of the BBQ by the time September hits! So I made: Chilean Roast Beef. Topped ith homemade salsa, the jalapeño was roasted first, which gave a unique flavor with out the heartburn! Served with roasted sweet potato, then drizzled with a garlic olive oil. And sautéed asparagus, also in garlic olive oil! The color and aroma was incredible!
  20. Spa sessions with Sophia, designed with the Gentlemen in mind! This is where you can come to slip into luxury, bask in self indulgence that you so rightly deserve! You can touch and be touched in the most natural way that humans are meant to be. Leave your worries behind and escape into the realm of tranquility, serenity and complete bliss! Below is a list of a variety add on treatments that you can enjoy to enhance your Spa experience! Enjoy all of these treatments in a 2 hour Gentlemen's Spa Session! Nude full body massage using traditional Shiatsu combined with a Swedish massage, this will provide deep tissue massage, open energy chakra's which allows energy to flow freely throughout your body. This is completed with a Body slide massage, and yes....always leave HAPPY:smile: Foot and face Reflexology You may enjoy this treatment on it's own or coupled with the above therapy. Reflexology uses finger and thumb pressure on certain reflexes found in the foot or face. This produces total body relaxation and helps to restore the bodies natural balance. This also comes with a foot soak and scrub. After which we move into erotic touch, body slides and yes....always leave HAPPY! Custom made Aromatherapy oils also can be coupled with the above services. Oils can be used for pain management, inflammation, or to induce aphrodisiac sensations. Stimulate your senses into a euphoric state Hot Stone Treatment My most Favorite form of relaxation massage! 50 Stones strategically placed to ease and sooth your muscles! Encourages total body relaxation! And yes....Always leave happy:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pre booking is greatly appreciated, as my visit is not very long. Simply PM and I can reserve a time just for you! OCTOBER 16- 1PM-7PM 17- 9AM-7PM 18-9AM-2PM LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING NEW FRIENDS, AND HOPE TO SEE SOME FAMILIAR FACES AS WELL:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. Happy Birthday sweety pie!! Hope you have a memorable day today:) Get your spankings too! lol, xoxo
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