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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I have gone every year, this is my first year that I have to miss out:( It really is a good time, so many asome showes. The passes are a bit pricey though. But there are plently of free shows to enjoy all over the downton area:) Although I found that at times they stray away from the Jazz and Blues and you will find yourself stumbling into a punk show, lol....but for me, I like almost any kind of music when I can see it live;) Hope you all have the chance to get out there this week, if you do happen to see me, you may discretely say hello, I am not shy:) Cheers everyone!
  2. Well you know the saying....Real friends are hard to come by! Angela is a good friend to have:) I wish you luck hun, speedy recovery! xo
  3. I would strongly advise to fallow all this advice here. As for the question if she would be taken advantage, etc....my experience, a lot of ladies who do not know the biz well do tend have a sign above their heads that reads: "new and have no direction" so some men do prey on this! It would be wise to go with a reputable agency, or at least have her read the criminal code word by word, have her inquire herself, and read the new to this section! It is a good industry to be in when you have the right info and the right mind set for her and for you as well. Money is not everything when it comes to health, safety and love:)
  4. Ohh wow, I truly hope the best for you! Take your time, just get better....you are loved here by so many! xoxo
  5. VIP is using one of my old photo's from years ago when I worked for him. He has me named as Julia....I have asked him many times to take it down, he still has it there! I took a look a few days ago, and still there. Dont really know what to do about it??
  6. This lady may be new at this and might not have all her ducks in a row quite yet....give another chance...time will tell:( I hope she may have had just a snag....as we all know EC does create an expense for her, so one would have to think that she does take her job in a professional manner?? If you give any lady one chance...then again it does not work, then perhaps the stars just did not align?? Move on to a reputable, reviewed SP.
  7. I agree Samantha, I think your handle as castle seems to fit you well...not too sure about Mondo sex head.... What is in a name?? Well lots I think! lol....You just seem so smart for a name like Mondo sex head....but at the end of the day you are you, and I am sure I can get past the name change.
  8. BIG BIG Hugs Katherine.. If anythings I can do to help? Will send possitve thoughts your way, hope what ever it is will pass and healing will start. xoxoxo Your Friend Sophia
  9. I just bought all new sheets, and towels for my new house:) Moving this week to a beautiful house!! Furniture arrives tuesday:) Woooohooo!!
  10. Awwww I can totally understand this frustration too! There are just somethings that are out of our control! Such as....wait for it.... One time I was in Ottawa. I had a a VIP client visiting me. I spent days making sure everything was going to be perfect! Then....as we are well into our date, the smoke alarm went off!!! OMG...I was almost unable to recover...lol but this Gent understood that it was not my fault! again.... I had a client that took a while to work the up the courage to finally come for a visit.... Well first thing that went wrong was....last min I learned I was out of SUPPLIES!! lol....so him and I worked this out for both our benefits:) THEN.... The door bell rang....OMG!! Who would this be? Know one i know would ever dare to show up unannounced! ....Will tell you who it was at the end of this post, hehehhe THEN!!!! My as we walked out of the room, we seen his sun glasses all chewed up by my new puppy!!! OMG!!!!! Expensive pair too, not cheep from dollar store! OMG!!! Is all I can think...how can I make this up to him? Is he going to say bad things about me? To Me? So I naturally handed his donationback...alll of it, profusely apologized and swore that this is not the norm for Sophia...lol...He was the very best about it, and gave me back at least half of the donation:) SO HERE IS THE FINALLY!!!..... I am walking him out the door....there was a Puraltor( SP?? LOL) tag on my door knob...It actually was a gift from him!!! LAMO!!!!! This person took it with humor, laughed and we still laugh about it! THE MORAL OF THIS STORY IS......sometimes thing just happen, they scew up dispite our best intentions! If this client that reemed you out for a 10 min delay, I would have to say this is not a client worth having! Like who in their profession has never ever had a mishap?? Do we really have to be 100% perfect 100% of the time?? No! No one is! So if these little mishaps happen from time to time, please understand? Hopefully this dude will learn that not everything can be perfect all the time? And this is WHY we confirm appts prior to appt:)
  11. MMM yes!!! I just got a magic bullet:) Defiantly gonna try that one!! Thanks for posting it:)
  12. LOL...I seen this one too, I chuckled this morn while having my coffee!!! For real...hahahaha, love it! I can not find it now...but Cristy you had one that made me laugh soooo hard!! it was something like... "If you are looking for 100.00$ service......" I need your help on this one, cant remember how you worded it! I was laughing so hard....I almost wanted to steal it! JK!!!! would never do that...but stuck in my mind for all this time:)
  13. What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger!! I feel for you, I hate to see anyone in pain...or in anguish:( Just breath....and breath again....time will heal and take care of things for you:) I will ask the universe to lend you more strength durring this time for you:) xoxo
  14. AWSOME!!!! Glad you have success with this:) Just a reminder to everyone wanting to use natural and holistic arts, please do go over it with your doctor as well. Even though they may have a different agendas in mind, it is sooooo important to go over it with your doc. Such as.... If using Pineapple for the wonderful Bromelin as digestive enzyme and yet you suffer from gastroduodenal ulcer....and is in an active stage, you can severely be bothered by this:( Or say Reflexology.....if you are at risk for thrombosis( blood cotting), either with meds...or long flights, etc...this can cause aneurysm!!! VERY important, as this can cause death, but any certified relexologist will ask you if you are at risk in anyway. If they do not, never see that therapist agin and contact the association of reflexologist! It is the main contraindication that a reflexolgist has to swear by....
  15. Thought this thread might help a few of us who do not eat our veggies. My father does not eat his veggies and now is facing near blindness! Yes this is from not eating our veggies folks! I know it is hard to eat balanced meals all the time. I am one of these too..lol. Too much junk food, too much wine, too much smoking whatever the case may be. So if we can learn to balance the good and the bad, I believe we can maintain our health and beauty with....JUCING!!! Foods like Apricot, the very best for eyes, and skin care!, Pineapple for digestive enzyme, ginger root for cleansing the blood and all digestive organs. Here are a few combinations I have started to use weekly, sometimes daily. They are very fast acting, so if you are detoxing, best to do on a day when you do not have much planned to do. Blackberry( about a 5-7) Pineapple( about a good hand size ) Beats ( about 1-2) YUMMY!!!! NO JOKE, YOU WILL GET HOOKED ON THIS ONE, LOL This is to boost immune function, and great for anemia, also for weight loss. OR Carrots( about 4 reg size) Ginger root( just a small chuck) Apple ( one reg size...any kind but red delicious) SOOOO YUMMY!!!! This is great for inflammation, blood cleanser, complexion, digestive upsets. and as all juicing immune support. These are just 2 of my fav's, have many more to share with you! If you try these, and they work, please share with us. If they do not work, then just keep doing it, lol...it will work eventually. Either way nutrients are nutrients.
  16. I have many little things that I do.... 1. painting:) I love to paint when the house is quiet and birds are singing to me:) I have been doing this since I was 6 years old, lol....not sure if I am good yet, hahahah. People say i am and should sell my work...I am not convinced yet and will keep trying to reach that potential... 2. watching my fish swim, sounds funny, but really is soothing. The sound of the water in the tank, watching the 2 gold fish I have frollic about, doing their daily chores cleaning their home, hahahah, there is something about it that I love:) 3. just sitting in a quite house, I am a big thinker and find I need to do this for at least an hour to gather my thoughts, gage how I am doing in my projects, etc.... 4. And then when it is too quite, I like to sing...sing and sing!! I think some of my clients have snuck up me as I was singing before a date, LMAO...it helps to release tennsion for me:)
  17. My Dear Amelia, I remember in the beginning, when we first met. You were so nerved up, and yes we did drink a few lol...but You have come along way in feeling more confident and comfortable with this. I even still get nerved up when meeting a new client, and it has been over 10 years for me in this! I always have an exciting rush of endorphins before an encounter, I think this actually makes me even strive harder to provide the best service I can! Being my friend, I showed you the ropes a bit, you had learned what can happen if an SP is hammered while working, and I know that you know how to handle yourself with this now. You are a smart business women, street smart as well, and you will never put yourself or clients in harms way. I would never want to be drunk for an encounter, but yes I will have my champagne before they arrive to loosen me up a bit. At times I have even gotten a pretty good buzz with my clients ( providing they have a way home) Most of these hosting style dates are looking for a social time with you, and want to have few drinks together, There is nothing wrong with this at all. If you are not abusing it. If I had a lady working with me, and I seen that she needed to be drunk to work, then I would not accept her as my SP client at Miss Sophia V's! I would not want to represent a lady that did not like what she does. If she felt the need to cover her true feeling up with alcohol or any drugs, this would break my heart. If you truly do not enjoy this, you will end up in a cycle of self abuse:( This is not directed at you Amelia, but for any SP out there that is going threw this. Years ago before I had fully accepted myself as an SP, I too had a problem with self loathing. But things changed, as I took control of my life and proudly can say..." I am an SP...and I am great at it!" I am proud of my chosen career and I am happy to be apart of a community that wants to change the way society views us! You are alright hunni...no worries:)
  18. I would not use the word better, as in some cases you simply do need the conventional medicine. However, Relflexology and many other holistic arts; is effective, preventive and complimentary to all forms of medicine and treatments. Our bodies have it own self healing kit built into us. Some of us can access these natural occurring endorphins, pain killers and anti-inflammatory. By using holistic methods, we can kick start these natural pain killers. For people who suffer with chronic pain, it may take extra effort in access these, but can still be done with repetive treatments. Adrenal overload is a problem that 80% of population suffers from and do not even acknowledge it. This is the Fight or flight chemical our bodies send out in a crisis. This why stress has become the culprit to almost all diseases in our society. With the adrenal glads overtaxed, and for such a longtime, we see a rise in Fibromialgia, high blood pressure, depression, just a slu of issues will arise from this. That being said, then the most preventive form of therapy is one that induces total body relaxation! This will help turn off the Flight and flight responds to a Rest and Repair mode:) Lower stress means healthier bodies!
  19. Good question, I have no clue, I wonder if someone should start a Buy/sell group?? Good luck sweety:)
  20. Studio 110 by Sophia

    These are soooo hot!!! Wowie Baby! Great album:)
  21. There is nothing I can say , but Thank you for this post!:bigclap: You have said it all, and so clearly:) I have gotten so upset with this whole issue, that I have NO patients for this type of coercion from certain individuals that will never make it to my client list!
  22. Wow...another Birthday Boy!! Cool:) Hope you have a great day, xoxo
  23. Ohhhhh Birthday boy!! Hope you have a greatest day today:) :makeout:
  24. Coming out of my hotel.... I packed the car up, but then.....Had to go to the ladies room. So I enter the mall, go to the washroom, upon leaving, my baby toe got caught under the door!! I ended up at emerg...with sliced toe, fractured.....and not too happy! They had a metal sheet lining the bottom of the door, but unfortunately was left with a overhang!!! So.....booooo!!!! Now all bandaged up and no massage session this week for Sophia:( Funny how they put on the metel to protect the door from wheelchairs, but yet....leave an overhang to cut and break your toe! Glad the door felt no pain, lol....
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