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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. When I was just an INDY, I did not get bothered by the question, " where are you from", BUT now..... I have my ladies that I represent and have much more responsibility in protecting their personal information. I do not like this question" where is she from" because just like the hobbyist, they want to protect their identity and personal information. I will not give where they were born and raised. More than likely you get the answer...You will have to ask her yourself... ALSO!!! Do not ask a lady who is represented by agency " how much does the agency give you" First of all...I do not GIVE them a certain amount....THEY PAY me a certain amount for my work involved....and to be ask such question is simply no ones business, only the lady and I. That is like asking your colleague in the office how much they make on their paycheck. I work for them...not the other way around...
  2. So I have to say..... I can defiantly suggest the city of Saint John to touring ladies! As this was the first time for my friend to visit, and every gentlemen showed up, on time and with out a hitch! There was only one No- Show....and was not a cerb member:) I hope day 2 goes as smoothly:) I hope when we and other fine ladies visit other cities in NB, we experience the same level of respect and understanding:) All in all, Saint John has my vote as a wonderful city to visit:) I hope to see other's have success there too! Keep the spirit alive baby!
  3. The best thing to do when you have only " heard of.." an Sp, is to look in the member list, found on the top bar. Simply go to the letter that starts the name, and scroll till you find the name:) Then you can go to the profile, check out if info on web site, look in reco, see statistics and posts made by that SP. She does post here when she is able...in fact she is posted right now:)
  4. I just thought this might brightened this up here in NB:) This is a thread to congratulate and thank you for the wonderful ladies who's efforts who have not gone unnoticed by our amazing hobbyiest! Please post if you have anything possitive to add for our touring ladies to NB!!
  5. I have been operating Incalls for a few years, never had any kind of bad attention so far. Keep in mind, I only allow a few appt daily, during daytime hours only( unless hotel location till 12) I am sure at least one time at another location, I was visited by a person. This person wanted to see my environment before booking.....said cause he had been to other places that were shady....So at first I hesitated, thinking to myself this seemed strange. But then thought...hey why not! If this is an investigation type thing, then he will see I operate safely, clean and with no negative attention. The fellow came in, looked at how many shoes I had at the doorway, said" ohh I see you have no children living here" commented on how clean and organized I was, Looked in the bedroom, said" very nice" then he goes on to say" than you for letting me see your place, I can see you run a clean place, will contact you another time for an appt"... then left! So I always figured that this was someone checking to see how I worked, etc... also at this time another agency was busted for having minors working and much drug activity. suffice to say, I think I passed the test, because I never have been bothered at all! Just think you got to keep in low profile, elite and under covers so to say.... Just keep on the down low....keep it clean.....
  6. I AGREE!! You show your wisdom here on this post mrnice! This is a thread I started while back, have not seen it lately...might have to bump it back up there again http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=92407
  7. All dressed, In my hottest tight jeans, studded, slim fit! Shirt in a bright leave green tight knit, with a wide, leather waist belt, jean jacket and heels:) I am gonna rock in Freddy tonight!! So if you see me, feel free to say hi......discretely!!
  8. Happy Birthday my friend!! Hope you have play time tonight!! xo:hump:
  9. I may have found my new location today!!! Will know soon, but very very happy with this place, I will be able to expand my Spa room:)
  10. For a lighter mood here today.... I thought I would share this. I seemed to have broken my toe a few days ago, LMAO.... So my morning attire and day attire...and well I suppose evening attire will have to be with flip flops!! Bwahahaha, so funny cause I am a big fan of heels! lol.... So now, I have a little limp to my sexy swagger!! heheheh
  11. I have a deposit in place for myself or any ladies I represent. I have not had decline in volume of appointments. Just fewer people who pull no show`s. Not to say that if someone properly cancels, then yes deposit is returned right away, but not if canceled with less than 24 hours. I have had a big difference in the amount of insincere bookings since I have implemented this. BYW easy bank for play account is PC or ING....
  12. Samantha is a very nice lady. Although I have not yet met her, I have comunicated with her a few times. I am sure she would treat you right. She is not active as much, I think she does this part time and the language barrier does hold her back from getting to know this site well.
  13. Mistakes are mistakes....I am notorious at letting simple errors slip by me. But I still think by the way present my ads still would convey the type of person I am. But Yes, I also do feel one should strive to present a well written ad, to show you do pay attention to the details. Can show how much effort you do put into your work and image. When I see silly things like " i " instead of " I " this to me shows either it is 3am and writting....or just has not the professional mind to be proper. It could speak of their way of thinking in this industry. For those of us that want more than just our bodies to be represented, but our intellect and personality to show as well. Now, as I am representing other ladies, I have to be super diligent in my efforts to be proper in spelling, grammar and composition. Which is added stress, lol...but I will always try my best:) Sometimes at first, here on this site or advertising in general, an inexperienced lady may not see the importance of this. But in time they become better and more accustomed to the expectations in advertising.
  14. I like Angela becuase she has a great laugh that is infectious to those around her. She is witty, cleaver and just love her sarcastic humor!
  15. Going to the beach! with a Miller Genuin Draft, lime chill in hand:)
  16. Thanks Notch!! Yes your right. It seemed so impossiable when I first started to keep books, bank statments...etc...but one year and half later, I pulled it off! Had to use baby steps, but eventually got there:) It was well worth the efforts! I hope other's who feel like they will never get there, just stay diligent and focused on your plan, and it does pay off!
  17. I have thinking about how much I have accomplished in the short time I have been here on cerb. It hit me! OMG! I have accomplished so many things that I thought was out of reach for me! In this time I have raised my credit score! I have now been approved for morgage:) When I started here, I had absolutely no credit. So just to travel and get a hotel room was a challenge. I started off with a pre paid card. Which I could only book hotels off Expedia or Hotwire, as this did not require a cash deposit on the room or Credit card number. Even then, at times hotels would ask for up to 250.00 deposit. Ths was a big inconvenience to say the least. But with diligence, I have been able to raise my score, got up to date with taxes, and now approved for a morgage:) I have always been a cash kinda girl, but now, no longer! I owe a big thanks to myself for the hard work I have put into this. But also have to thank all those who have given me a helping hand with advice and support! Also became certified in various massage courses, which has helped my self esteem and give me direction in my life:) Now in a position to help other's!! When I took Jersey under my wing, she had almost nothing to her name. No place, had to get a place to raise her boy's, needed independence and sense of accomplishment! NOW....she in 2 weeks has gotten her and her boy's a place that is secure and appropriate for her boys! She says she never felt so much in control of her life! She truly has come along way in 2 weeks! I am hoping she accomplishes all that I have too! I would love to hear from other SP's how being a SP as given you independence, security and self empowerment!
  18. Announcing my New Changes today in announcements! Seeing the banner new design, what a great job they did:) So strange to see my new name too, lol...
  19. Booooo.... Had to cancel a full spa session due to waking up with sore throat:( Feeling like crap, tired and sore.....hello flu! Better to cancel then to pass it on though.
  20. I may be wrong, but I thought MOD decided to get rid of this due to all the complications that arose last time? Hope not, but is understandable after the headachs that MOD went through...
  21. If I knew how to double quote...i would...lol...so, Bommer....Yes I can see how it would be a hard reality to look into the future and know that perhaps we ill need our son's or daughter's to look after us eventually. Something in me says...." this is the way it should be" But on the other hand...be grateful you have this option. So many who have worked hard to provide to the best they could, then just left in their elder years to fend for themselves. I have 2 sisters. One who could help if she as not so bitter about some family issues, and another who is not emotionally or physically able. So that leaves me. Thank fully I have been friends ith dad for a long time. So it feels like a normal or expected thing to do. after all I would never leave a buddy out in the cold either. I had to think long and hard before I took this responsibility on. I did not want to offer and then not fulfill either. If your daughter are able, and illing and you need to ask for help, I hope you never feel ashamed or bad for this. We all need somebody sometimes:) PORTHOS... Yes thank you for the reminder. I am a giver, and at times forget to think of my own well being in the process. I have taken care of dad in the past. We did fine. Now will even be better, as I am buying a house, and renovating it to include him. I am building an in law suite in the basement. Fully contained. But hen the time comes, I hope my sister will help with costs, and nursing. My father is a " healthy" man so far, but does smoke a pack or 2 a day, likes his beer....and hates veggies, lol.... I will cross that road when I come to it:) Thank you for you support and input fellas!
  22. YES!!! I have often thought that as well. As we have chatted about both sides of the fence in the past, lol... Ohh yes, I certainly do not want to "take care" of him, but also make sure he is doing well. Eating proper, not getting lonely or bored....I am just like my dad, if I get bored....watch out! lol...But yes, he is a man...a father....and a freind, so all boundries need to be respected. Thanks for the added reminder, it does help!. Got to keep myself in check first...then I can give more for longer:) xo
  23. A few months ago, I think in February-ish, I posted about the possibility of my Father moving here to Freddy, as he is retired this year and needs to be closer to is daughter for a few reasons. So I have been preparing for him to accept my offer to allow me to help him, look after him a bit. I always knew this was my role in my family. I may not be the most "normal" of my sibling's, but I am closest to to my parents. Like we are friends! I am ready I hope, as he will move here soon. Of course, I will be having a separate location for my clients to visit. I wanted to say thanks, to those who helped me in this decision a while back. There were post that were sensitive and encouraging. I gained confidence and strength from that thread. Thanks:)
  24. For some...this may be a bad day, but for me, It is a very happy day! Just found out my father is going to move here in Freddy:) He is retiring this year and needs to be close to his daughter, his friend:) This weekend going to a huge family gathering in honor of my uncle who also is retiring;) Looking forward to be re-united ith everyone again:)
  25. So just out of curiosity, if you are going to the fest....who are you looking forward to see? For me, I got a Saturday pass, looking forward to Steve Earl!! Wooohoo:)
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