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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. This can happen anywhere, in any city. There are switch and bates all the time. Perhaps asking fellow members here to give you some suggestions for SP`s in Kingston, check the reco thread in that city. This site is the safest to stick with, as it is moderated and we all keep our eyes open for these type of providers. Not sure if Cowboy Kenny`s reports reach to Kingston or not? But his site has outed many scamers in the Ottawa area:) Good luck!! Eyes wide open:)
  2. I will miss your presence here for sure! Keep in touch love:)
  3. For me, I use both candid style and professional style for my albums. And seem to getting rave reviews on both different kinds. I think the gents do like to see the studio albums as well as the candid. The studio albums show that I care enough about my business that I willing to put the extra attention, cost and artistic efforts. My candid albums show that I do not need fancy lights, props etc...to show my features. I discuss with my photographer that if they are planing on using my photo's for their own use, then I pay half the fee. But if I want all the pic's just for me, then I will pay full price. But I also trust my photographer. He has never used anything without my permission. Right now, he has my photo's being displayed in a gallery, which I do not mind at all:) I never, never, never will take it out on trade. I like the line to be drawn clearly right at first. Clients are clients, and that is it. I feel if I did trade and barder with it, I feel as if I am loosing my "Elite" status and rep. I would rather pay and have no complications. Hope this helps you? I hope you find the right photographer...looking forward to seeing new albums too! You are very beautiful, and with the right photography you will defiantly catch attention!!!
  4. Hmmmm, well now....ya....should not be so difficult for you. Sorry, must be terriably annoying. Are you booking with a reputable lady? Does she have consistant rec? Keeping in mind, sometimes things happen. Like loosing phone, or it dies what have you. But for you to have this happen 2-4 times is a bit much. If there is anything I can do for you just PM. Perhaps I can give you a good reference, or anyting else that will make this easier for you to make that connection.
  5. My Dear Amelia, For me, I draw a distinct line from the people who are in my "real" life to those whom are in this lifestyle. I have many people whom I have met in the "real" world that would love to book appts with me, but I will never let it happen. For a few reasons: 1, they now have a secrete weapon to use against me 2, they may try to take advantage of me by asking for "special rate for freinds" 3, I find it hard on my head! I think it just makes life so much more tricky to mix "real life" ppl ith those who I have a professional connection. We need to have the ability to disconnect ourselves to a degree, and with this case you may not be able to disconnect whereas you do have deep feeling for him. Hope this helps hun?
  6. How are they missed connections hun? Just a bit confused....you mean traveling SP? Or are they booked up? I find for me, I tend to pre-arrange my bookings so that there are no missed connections. Have you tried to book in advanced?
  7. Anyone who has lazied around with me on a hot summer day, knows I love a mimosa!! With OJ of course! 3/4 of Yellow Tail sparkling wine, 1/4 OJ:)
  8. Thanks! Ya all did go well, after a few days of antibiotic, he was all back to normal. Must have been Gastro afterall?
  9. I like RG, cause he is firm...yet gentle, lol....love your on line personality! A person whom I think would be great to chat with in person. I only imagine the kindest eyes.
  10. Only trust someone who can see these three things in you: The sorrow behind your smile, The love behind your anger, And the reason behind your silence.
  11. Turning a bad situation into a good one:) Taking advantage of my few sick days off and steam cleaning my carpeted staircase:) OMG...looks so good now:) I been putting it off too long, and could not do it if I had clients coming in. So now nice and clean fresh:) Finally feeling better too! ahhhh, nice to eat again!
  12. I like Angela, Because she is a blast to be with!! She has an infections laugh, and lights up the room with her fun loving ways:)
  13. Thanks for asking. I went to the Doctor today.He seems to also believe it is from the product. It is burned, inflamed and from this has caused an infection. So now on antibiotics, prednazone and a medicated mouthwash. I am still in great deal of discomfort, but do feel on the mend. I have had only one dose of each, and already began to feel improvement. After this is healed, then I will visit with my dentist to further explore if any damages have occurred. This is a very upsetting experience indeed! I am glad I reacted fast enough so that infection did not spread further.
  14. Well, had a tough night. Could not sleep well, as my mouth was so sore:( I have used all your suggestions, and must say they were all good suggestions too! Certainly helped to take the edge off. I have Dr. appt today:) Hope just an easy solution to this painful experience! I can not belive they can even sell this crap!! OMG...never ever again! One good thing came of this however! I have been trying to get a family Doctor for 3-4 years here in Freddy....I had given up looking over this past year. Now, just got one:) Very pleased with that!
  15. Yes, I have found myself in this situation many times in the past. It is awkward to say the least! I think for some people "unrushed" has become code for MSOG?? I now started to ask the gentlemen when they are booking their appt, if they are wanting MSOG or more intimacy. I have found this does help me to organize my time with him. I also ask him, if he is a sensitive type, so that I can gage how intensely I can perform. When booking 1 hour appt, I like to get the first one out of the way to leave plenty of time to start again. I also remind them that a second time can be difficult and I can not guarantee success. For that matter, I do not like to guarantee anything. As some people arrive feeling blue, stressed and have their mind on other issues. But will guarantee an honest go at it! When I book 2 hours , then I will certainly expect to perform at least 2 times. Again asking the Gentlemen ahead of time how he wants our 2 hour date to be. Is he wanting MSOG or one long sensual experience? As for clock watching, I do not watch it too closely. But half ay threw our session, I like to remind them on how much time we have left and then will ask how we should spend our remaining time together. I also leave plenty of time between appt, just in case my Gentlemen would like to extend his time with me. So much can wrong when communication is not flowing:( It is vital for us to communicate what we want and expect in a date. Sp's are generally good mind readers, but you still need to be able to communicate what it is you want from our session with you. It sounds like you made a nice 2 hour date with your client. Hopefully he can learn from this and communicate his needs better to the next date?
  16. Thanks so much for your help everyone! I am now not even feeling well enough to work at all. Even a massage right now seems difficult:( I just hope I can get better soon:( Hope this is tempory issue and not a long lasting expensive dentist trip!!
  17. About a week ago, I decided to try the Crest 2hour whitening system. I read the direction carefully, and any of the warnings. All seemed fine, so I went ahead and used them. Now I have very sore and inflamed gums:( Obviously putting a damper on some of my services enjoyed;) I would like to know if any other's here have experienced similar affects from this product? I am going to be getting to a dentist soon, to see what is happening. But till then taking Advil, and gentle mouth wash. It is a miserable feeling:( Any home remedy's care to share to sooth my mouth?
  18. Spending time with Angela, taking her to a few favorite spots in Fredericton:) Roof top patio, walk along STJ River....Finally some sun!! Poor girl must think the sun doesnt shine in NB...lol:)
  19. Thought I would share this, I laughed and laughed...then laughed some more!
  20. This morning I had an early morning appt..... I decided to trick him a bit....( evil little laugh) and wore a long "Hippy sun dress" but underneath wore a lacy sexy piece, with my " F*ck me boots" I slowly walked up my stair case, and ever so gently dropped the sun-dress to the floor!! I would have to say, the look on his face was priceless!! :milleunenuit:
  21. I am based in Fredericton, which is not too far to travel. So with a day notice, I can arrange to visit. If I do visit to see you, I have a 2 hour booking requirement. Just PM and follow my booking protocol, and I can be there:) Or.....You can visit me in Freddy:) :hump:
  22. Saying the phrase...... " I prefer to have the bone in my meat" When shopping for a steak....LMAO....bwahahahahah
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