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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Sorry for the delay in showing my appreciation to all of you who I met at the social! I was in an area with no internet, as I was at the cottage resting up:) I genuinely feel this social was a success and was a great way for us ladies to bond, and the for the ladies to put faces to the gents personality that we all get to know as "on-line" friends. Thanks you Mrrnice and Katherine for your efforts! You both did a a great job!! :bigclap:
  2. The other day I was talking to a friend about fertility issues. I am not able to get pregnant easily, would require some tweeking....anyhow... I was trying to explain this, and said " It would take a whole team of scientist to knock me up! " With a strange look on his face, began to crack up laughing! Ohh my..still cant believe I said that!!
  3. I have asked many times why I have not had this procedure. When I was younger, I had many agents ( was a dancer) even offer to pay for it! But being so young, I was not sure how I would feel about them in my later years. Also back then, it was much more risky. Now in my mid 30's, I am glad I did not. I like the way I look:) I have firm breast and a nice shape. But it is all about how YOU feel. If you think you would feel better about yourself and will raise your self image, then by all means do it! But if just for work reasons, then I would fear that it may lower your self image. Your beautiful inside and out Amelia:)
  4. We all have things to work on:) I am sure no one here is perfect? lol It is hard to apologies sometimes. Sometimes things like this will help us to learn even more on someones character, which is a good thing! Big Hugs, xo
  5. Sometimes we do not communicate what it is we need and want. Communication is important! Have you talked to her, letting her know what you were hoping for? Sometimes people think we can read your mind, and know exactly what you want. Sometimes I will book a date, but 2 weeks can go by, then when the time comes, I may forget what kind of special request you may have had. So a gentle reminder when confirming is a wise idea too. Sometimes we do get confused, or distracted. No one can be perfect every time either. Just as everyone...we can have an off day:( I think the lady would have appreciated discussing this in private, rather than publicly first? I am sure she would rather you talk to her, so that next time she can make it up to you. I know for me, I would be upset to think I made a gentlemen feel this way. Perhaps booking more than 1 hour would prevent the " wham bam" feeling? I know that many gents prefer more time for this reason. I am sure with being a reputable SP, she would understand how you may feel and perhaps offer you more time on next appt or offer you some donation back? I have learned that not every booking will be the perfect date, and that communication is key to a successful date!
  6. I got a gift for a friend, a nice piece of jewelry.....went to pack my things up. Cant find it anywhere!! Grrrr, I hope I have time to go back and get another one! As I already told my friend I got a gift! Boooo...cant think of where it could be? Driving me insane!
  7. Ohhh I am going to have I lovely breakfast with some Girlfriends this morn:) Looking forward to a girls day today:)
  8. Talking with an awsome chick, she makes feel strong, happy and secure in myself! You know who you are, heheheheh, Thanks:) Loving my first day in O'town:)
  9. I have so many calls...could be the a friend...could be a new client I have not met yet...could even be family. Yes I have a separate phone for "official" calls, but yet my family and friends also have work number. Sometimes I am on the other side of the country, sometimes across the street. Unless I know for sure you are going to call me at a specific time....or if I have you in contacts and are familiar number, I probably wont answer. I hate it when I am not expecting a call, and BOOM! I am in the bank, and there is someone whom could have asked me juicy details on email. I am standing in the line at a bank, store or with friends :( At which time I politely say' sorry can not speak privatly"....and yet continue to ask questions! grrrr....In this case I say " email me for details....please do not call till you ready to book an appt." I can not answer every call that I receive. No one can. Nor do I want every call...so if you need to email first to arrange date...PERFECT...if you are looking for 24hour service, well I will not be your girl:) I want to be sure that this particulr Gentlemen really wants me....not just any girl. But you know...we are all different, and that what makes this the diverse community that we are:)
  10. Well sweety, all that has been said here.....is THAT there are more members with more REP that would like to attend the social. It has nothing to do with you, or being blackballed!! Simply though, as we know little of you. So why would the organizer of the event choose a member that we know nothing on...over a member that has put duo diligence on there time here on the site?? So, take it with a grain of salt....and carry on. Participate....bulid rep...and see you at the next social!!! Be in the spirit of CERB community:)
  11. I am so sadden to hear this! To imagine with all that you had to deal with, you had to go threw such embarrassing conclusions!! I hope this friend had learned a lesson on what can happen when we do not respect privacy! It is a good thing that you are taking your power back, by discussing this openly, but yet should not be necessary either:( I have had my fair share of strange stories and conclusions about who I am and always am shocked how far some of it goes. It is not nice feeling to have to justify and validate things that are simply no one business! Hope you are feeling better now? For what it is worth, I never heard anything about these rumors, only hear good things!
  12. We will hold you to that! lol....Be there! Or be square! hahahah
  13. Again read What Angela and Boomer has to say about the reasoning behind this. I for one appreciate the diligence of Mrnice in maintaining comfort zones for all attendees. You have to see, trust is an issue for all concerned. It is not that you have done anything in particular wrong to the board, but we just would like to more about the people we are exposing ourselves to. Simply by posting or writing rec's, communicating back and forth with other's allows us to have a glimpse of your character. For all we know, you could be a loud/foul mouth, or violent when drinking, or a pimp looking for new talent.. Who knows?? We are simply protecting the integrity of our lifestyle, and safety with information we may share while there! This is a way for members to get to meet and greet those people whom we have conversed with( Even for the girls to get to know each other as colleagues too). Not necessarily to meet new clients. This is not a solicitation event, or a advertising venue. Just like the fitness commercial in the 80's says..." All you need is participation!"
  14. I speak from SP side of things. Yes there are times when we cant respond. If family is visiting, or just after a tour. Some SP have a career outside of this as well. One friend of mine can only log on a few times a month, so she misses alot:( So If she is a full time SP, then giver her at least 4-5 days to respond, perhaps sending another inquiry within that time period. But after a week I would seek another and keep her in mind for next time. For me, I get really annoyed if I am not answering my phone, and the client wont give up calling every 15 min for 1-2 hours!! I more than likely will answer the phone with a stern and bit rude..." HELLO!" then ask why they would keep calling like a mad man. Sometimes I answer the phone just after getting back from a tour, and I get a hasty..." where the hell were you, I have been calling for a week! You are a hard girl to get a hold of!!" Sorry, but if I am in Ontario, why would I answer my phone with a NB number? I cant do anything for ya long distance. I dont like to be barked at for not being available to you every time you call. So If I dont answer the phone, then I must either not be accepting appt, or out of town, or real life needs my attention.These people usually wont get a booking with me, as I feel they may be too demanding of me. I always will respond to email within a week however:)
  15. VENT VENT VENT!!! Good for you Lee, now let's all scream it out....ready?.... 1..2...3...SHIT!!!!!! Glad you feel better love!
  16. I find myself blushing and giggling every time I converse with Porthos! We are like two school kids with a crush! We tease, flirt and have so much fun on-line, I cant imagine the fun we will have when we finally meet! I know for sure we will hit it off, and have a cook off with our favorite dishes!! Heheheh, Cant wait!!! :makeout:
  17. So many good things about today! The sun is out, Had a good Shiatsu appt:), Now time to go shopping and get ready to pack to see my friends in Ottawa, And enjoy the sun:) Ohhh how I love summer! I am like a lizard sun bathing in the sun:)
  18. Awww so sorry to hear this!! So upseting for you I am sure! I hope this waitress/waitor has been told to double and triple check nect time sats they have allergies!!! Poor you:(
  19. Studio 110 by Sophia


    Very nice pic!! Hope to see more:)
  20. Working on my tan lines, getting hair done, photoshoot tonight, hopefully we wont break the camera this time lol.... FYI ....if you didnt know, I was in a photoshoot using bubbles, the photographer dropped his camers, bwahahahah
  21. Yes!! I use Honey dust from time to time. So Yummy too! I love the way the feather duster feels too:) Ya, so yesturday I was at a BBQ. Someone asked me" do you like the bone in your meat?" I cracked up laughing so hard with my dirty little thought!!! hahahaha, my friends thought I was nuts! I was like..." what no one here thought that??" I guess not, as it was me laughing all by myself, heheheheh
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