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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I have not lost my Father. I am very close with him. Just last weekend we had bbq, played pool, drank beer together. I know there will be that day to come not too long from now, and makes me so sad just to think of it:( I have no idea what this world will feel like without him! To all those who have lost their Father, I am truly sorry. Hopefully you have found peace with it? Hope you honor him in anyway you can!
  2. Wowie!! who knew our first social would turn out like this!! I am so excitted about this:) We will make great memories:)
  3. I have already mentioned Porthos in this thread. But something recently happened that really meant alot to me! During the past few days, my dog was very very sick! I thought perhaps we would need operation. ( not 100% sure yet, today will tell). Naturally I was very upset over this! Porthos took the time every day, sometimes 3-4 times a day to inquire on how I was dealing with all of this. Offered suggestions and was so supportive for me:) He made sure I knew I wasn't all alone and I had a friend to lean on! Times like these, I really appreciate having a friend like you! Thanks to everyone else, like Tokan ,Hockey, Bigdawg, Rowdy. Thanks for being kind to me, and caring for my little poodle! Much love to you all! xoxoxo
  4. well after a very expensive vet visit for xrays, as I suspected he swallowed something. Was terriably sick for few days. If he was not better by today, then we would have to open him up, costing me 1000.00!! I think he is better, has not thrown up for a day now:) So I think we are safe now! Thank goodness!!! Pewf! Not 100% out of the woods yet, but today will tell:)
  5. So Pete, did time fly by? Lot has gone on, you could write a book! lol..JK Cheers to more years to come we hope:)
  6. Yes Milk chocolate would be much lighter to digest. Chocolate will affect the nuro system. I think it is so cute when animals stock pile their little treasure's....so cute!
  7. Hmmm interesting! But want to caution you on the dog who eats cat food. Joking aside.... Cat food has an incredible amount of fat in it. ( This is why a dog prefers cat food any day over dog food!)So much so that there are complications with dogs who eat it. They can have sever pancreatic attacks, fatty liver disorder and in some cases can be fatal! So not meant to scare you, or make you feel bad.....but you really need to monitor this. Perhaps find a spot the kitty food can be raised out of dogs reach? I have 13 years experience with pet health, and have seen many dogs who have died from or been very sick from cat food:(
  8. You just might be on to something here! lol!! Now we need to find a video that has a dog meowing like a cat! hahahah Think I will watch this one again, need a good laugh again, heheheh:)
  9. Whenever trying to put themes together...ie: School girl, then I try to organize my space with a chalk bored and desk with rulers, pen,pencils, a stack of text books. I find this helps me to get into the role. Perhaps you need to have a stop sign to along with the image? I even found one time, a pair of high healed construction boot!! And pretty hot with a pair of Daisy Dukes!
  10. Wow, wholeheartedly, I Thank you mrnice, and all those who Nominated and responded to this post so far! Funny as I was reading this, I found a voice in my head that was saying....welcome to booking life...lol THEN...you said it! It is alot of guess work, intuition into what is genuine and true or simply a game for other's?? It takes patients and diligence to gain a trustworthy clientle. Thanks for recognizing the efforts behind the scene! Sincerely, Your Friend Sophia, xoxoxo
  11. I 100% agree with your thinking. I would like to see this as a tradition here in the East! The right mix of ppl is important! I hope that anyone who was declined, will begin to participate more, so we can "get to know" you more, then please join us for a meet and greet! Mrnice, you are a smart man! Thanks so much for looking after us! Katherine...you are the glue that hold us together here in East:)
  12. OMG I laughed laughed and laughed some more on this one!! If you are having a tough day, then this will certainly pick up your spirits! Soooo funny! Weather you are a dog lover...or cat lover, this will make you chuckle! Talk about switch and bait!!! Cowboy Kenny really should post this!!! LMAO
  13. well, 368.00 later I am home with Tilo:( The xrays could not see anything there, but from the signs, does seem something is in his stomach. Plastic doesnt always show on xrays. Got antibiotic and a homeopathic meds. If not better Monday, then surgery is the only option. Surgery starts at 500+ !!! No payment plan! Soooo, here I go, play doggie nurse. Administrate homeopathic meds evry 15 min for 8 hours!! OMG I hope we dont need surgery!! Thanks to everyone for their good wishes:)
  14. Awww sweet! Thanks so much! Tilo thanks Cody too! So sad to see my little pal sick and weak:( I am patiently waiting for the vet appt, in another hour.....hummm deee dummmm. Thanks Tokan, Porthos, MightyFinn!!
  15. Ohhh my Goodness! Ho did I almost miss this post? Way to go Angela!!!! You da best!
  16. Well, not the thing I had planned for the day....on my way to the vet with my mini poodel! He must have ate something, and now is lodged in his belly:( He has been viloently throwing up for 2 days, now I think I see a bit of blood in the mix! I am sooo worried for him. I stayed up all night with him, as he got sick every 3 hours. Now, being Sat...I will be paying an arm and a leg for this! Makes me sad and mad how the vet charges soooo much more money for emergency! I just hope that the cure is afforadable! I People used to tell me how I should have been a Vet...I always said I didnt have the heart to do the job. I could not let an animal suffer just for the reason of money:( Please send me good energy and a hug? I am soooo scared, I love my little boy so much!:icon_cry:
  17. However..sometimes I ill try and try to get the ....shoot....W and once in while can not get it to ork...shoot again! lmao....ohh boy ho annoying!
  18. Ok, so I thought i ould post this here. My "W" orks a bit but not alays...lol So just in case you are ondering ... what is going on ith your Miss Sophia....No not drunk, just having an issue with my w...lmao so if I post something and you think I have lost my mind....you know hat is happening, sooooo funny! Just add a W...and ill make since to you!
  19. Not so much a toy, persay....but I am wanting a ping pong table! To play naked ping pong, lol....I think it could be a fun game:)
  20. Today, LIFE IS GOOD! I am so happy to see our Ottawa friends coming east, I mean really, how cool is that?? Where else but cerb could we do such a thing? To know we have freinds all over our country, willing to help one another!!
  21. I hope your day is awsome!! Filled with joy, friends and family....and of course....SPANKINGS!! Lots of them too!! LOL....hope to hear a good report on how you spent your Birthday! hehehehe, TC and have fun:)
  22. Coffee is on!! lol...So Here I am at 7am, Friday morning...ON CERB!!! Problem?? Nah.....Not a problem at all for me! Your right Porthos...I dont want the cure if there is one...lol
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