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Everything posted by JuliasUndies

  1. I'm going say my mouth is the best because I said so but most times I have a foot lodged in there or food and still learning that if I keep my mouth shut I will never put my foot in it. , I am a daily flosser and chew a lot of gum I even went to school for dental assistant. I'm a firm believer in putting your money where your mouth is or Don't let your mouth write a check that your tail can't cash. Word of mouth is very powerful but my mouth is not a sewer, although some people may think it is. My mouth is cute and soft for I always use lip blam. I have pu some very odd item in my mouth so one may say it is versatile. It's really up to you, but you see how My mouth is just oh so wonderful?
  2. So, I picked up a new book called The Book Of Awesome by Neil Pasricha. The book gives thousands of little things to be happy about and take note of the sunny sides of life. I thought maybe we could start a thread about it, only awesomeness applies here Little things that make me happy are.. 1)Waking up to find I still have diet pepsi in the fridge 2)Finding money in the pockets of clothes 3)Perfectly popped microwave popcorn 4)When the boss goes out of town 5)Waiters and waitresses that refill my drink without asking ... can you think of the little things that make you happy? For SamanthaEvans on her Sad day
  3. So.. What's the plan then? I hear speak of standing up. Details?
  4. Have you got one [a condom]? Well, no, but I can go down the road any time I want and walk into Harry's and hold my head up high, and say in a loud steady voice: 'Harry I want you to sell me a condom. In fact, today I think I'll have a French Tickler, for I am a Protestant.'
  5. I think he was just being funny, let's all be friends shall we?
  6. I think umm, err.. you are all right! perhaps I have been blinded by any vulgerness or have just missed out, but I do see so many positive lovely and beautiful words on here everyday said about the awesome ladies and gents on here. You all rule and rock by the flock! thank you!
  7. yeah! Good work ! You do it so well and effortlessly "Every man's work, whether it be literature, or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself. " [/url] Samuel Butler (1612-1680) British poet and satirist.
  8. No kidding? So this is true? I'm going to assume this is true and tada, that's what I had this lady pegged for. I bet she is reading this right now. I think for sure she is not here to help. This will be entertaining for sure! I won't go if I have to pay for tickets for a seat but I will go just to tell her to EAT IT! CAN WE ALL GO AND TELL HER TO EAT IT TOGETHER???
  9. As a "sex worker" myself, I like to dable in the news and keep posted on "what I'm up against", the truths and such of the industry and how it's viewed by many different sides. It's important to me to stay up to date and informed about this trade and keep educated by listening and know what everyone else is hearing and saying. I can imagine that this tour will involve laws and all the stereotypes and may tick me off. Good thing for me I don't mind standing up. But above all like I mentioned, I never had much faith in the words of a madame..so it would probably be more entertaining than informative, since I have already formed my opinions pre-tour about the speaker (former madame to 500 "homeless or hopelessly drug addicted"), wow, she should get a ...metal? A tour to exploit the girls she hired and worked for her, hand picked??? Now, I've said too much. Cheers! And yes, what impecable timing I say!
  10. I would like to hear what she has to say and will do my best to remember the dates. I enjoy hearing all aspects of the trade, especially since I think a lot of owners/madame's are...and this one wants to save them? This has got to be some good entertainment.
  11. I like April Dawn, she seems down to earth and super nice!
  12. I like Shymale's name the most, I like a shy male.
  13. I've only had men call for their wives either wanting a female to play with or a male to join in or both, never a female calling.
  14. It's always nice to know there is good help out there for victims of curiosity.
  15. Clip? You're mistaken! This is the only place that I thought I could express as an outlet about my opinions regarding something like this knowing that we are all quite open minded and supportive, I thought this forum was for discussion and freedom to express our opinions without criticism or judgement, 2 cents or not thanks for alienating my opinions and very personal beliefs, if shock value were my game, then I'd make sure to attach a link. Don't apologize, just don't do it again. If you don't like what I have to say, don't read it, I respect everyone's opinion, as long as it's fair and if someone doesn't like what's on a page, I'm sure you know where the home page is.
  16. LOL!!! Thank heavens it's approved because I often post quick reply before reevaluating what it is I have just said and the affects it might have.. I do still love the one where I just start coughing wildly on them and sneezing in their drink and neck, that one generally works just brilliantly.
  17. Well, the truth is..shh..this place is a secret place where we can share sex secrets and talk about some very open interesting and yes sometimes gruesome facts..And after 10 years..and a very open mind, I had to draw the line..It could be mostly because as stated that the girls were addicts and really needed a hit, seems likely. I get a very disturbed feeling that this site preys off of young addicted woman and exploits them to the maximum, it is not done in good taste. This very idea makes me sick to my stomach. I'm not so much into what they are doing either, but that's my preference. This site that most everyone has herd of has generated millions of hits, people tune in to see the gross, generating piles upon piles of dollars to what I do believe clearly shows girls being exploited. Of course I may be wrong about this particular site since they very well may have found willing participants eager to start their positions on either side of the cup..But it's out there and it makes me sick and seeing it first hand what I do believe is a very sad thing has made me think and I wanted to share this with you. Desensitized sometimes..but not today.
  18. Oh Geeze! I feel so bad, what a perfectly good night gone creepy bad! In a situation when guys are being jerks..I have a tendency to raise my voice and demand my way over due child support and how he left me standing at the alter to be with his true love "Mike" and just cause they didn't work out doesn't make it any easier for me and our child we share together that never sees Daddy or get's child support from cause he's too busy buying his boyfriend new loafers... They leave before I finish my sentence. *Compliments to my acting career"
  19. I WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN! I am so so sorry for anyone that did check it out after I posted this..I really didn't want to feel so alone after seeing that shit (bad pun)
  20. I thought I had seen it all, I really did..Thought, hey I've been around this industry long enough and have come quite familiar with it including owning a xxx website myself.. I've been broken, and I will never be the same and I will never take sick advice from another ever ever again... So you're probably wondering what it is that broke me and my iron gut, .. Two girl and one cup! :chug::sm48: I urge you to never visit, You will be scarred, Don't do it! It's not worth it! I wish I had a memory earaser right now and feel so innocent previous to viewing this and now have become corrupted by discust. Thank you for letting me vent. I feel..a tad bit better, there has to be a help group out there for thoses that are scarred from this..
  21. Sexy Uniformed sweating bloody yummy hard working delicious dirty male number two! Meow! Just tell me when to bend over or get on my kneese!!!
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