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meredith last won the day on May 29 2024

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About meredith

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  1. Has anyone had the opportunity to visit this lady yet? Any details? Feel free to dm if you like. https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_petite_miss_lilly_early_morning_indulgence-9113697
  2. So has anyone had a chance to actually meet her? I received plenty of pics about her, but nothing to say she is legit.
  3. So I also reached out today via text. Prompt reply with rates, and even shared a street address. I outright said that her pics looked too good to be true, and ask if she could confirm. Was thinking a selfie with two fingers held up or something... the one she sent looks like another professional pic and no fingers held up. When I brought that up she got angry and shut me down. Also when I Google map the address it comes up with a bldging with a different civic number. And looks like cemeteries and office buildings all around. Part of me really wants her to be legit. We need more milfs around here. But my spidey senses are telling me to avoid :(.
  4. Perfect! Let us know how you make out, lol.
  5. Saw this post today, looks a little too good to be true. Anyone know if she is legit?https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_sensual_and_unforgettable_for_you-8957819
  6. I have seen her befor during one of her previous visits. Very lovely lady, and her ad is accurate as far as what you can expect 😎👍
  7. I'm pretty confident she is real also. Was just hoping someone may be able to chime in with details like: Are pictures accurate Was the location safe That sort of thing... Not sure I'm brave enough to be the first, just thought maybe someone here could provide some insight.
  8. Anyone had the opportunity to meet her? Notice she has posted several times in the past. Feel free to pm me if you like. Thanks https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_mature_sexy_clean_taste_me-8494971
  9. Agreed, very legit and very nice. I thought there were some recos from a couple years ago, maybe pre covid.
  10. When I first started exploring this hobby I was a nervous wreck. It wasn't until I read your post that it made me reminisce about my first encounters. I can think of three ladies that help make me feel at ease. Emma Alexandra, who I think may be retired now, Cristy, and Exotic Danielle. Two of those three are still here and active, so that must speak for something. I don't get to as often as I like but I have seen both Danielle and Cristy over the past year or so. Both visits made me question why I don't go more often, lol. Hope that helps you out, best of luck in your search 👍
  11. I have seen her once, probably about 3 months ago. Sorry just seeing this post now. Feel free to pm me for details. But I can confirm the location and encounter was safe.
  12. Not sure if forum rules will permit, but care to elaborate? I've been wondering the same. Feel free to pm if you wish. Much appreciated
  13. I see her also posting on the escort side of leolist... I wonder if the range of options has opened up? Can anyone comment? PM if you like. Always interested in mature escorts in our area.
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