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Everything posted by bulletproofman

  1. If you hear anything, can you let me know too! Thanks!
  2. Please let us all know....I'm heading to Halifax soon and would like to know who's recommended....
  3. Thank you for the info, but redmachine kinda has a point. Your comment was well intentioned and meant to warn me and I thank you.
  4. Hello, I'm a newb and I'm planning a short trip to Halifax soon. As such, I would like to take in the local scenery..(inf you know what I mean....try the local cuisine). So after some searching I am coming to a sad conclusion that my options are severely limited in Halifax. I looked on "''''''''" and on "*******". I've tried several other listings...as well as the CERB board itself. There seems to be only a few providers that are circulated from site to site. Are there no others? Are there agencies there that are in hiding? Where are their websites? Any thoughts would be appreciated...... -bulletproofman-
  5. Hey "lookingforsome", I new to CERB. I've been posting and reading on TERB for a bit. Your first time is a very personal choice. Sure, there are several recommendation that any of the old-timers may have but in the end you have to decide and hope it works out. Good luck, and remember...be a gentleman...it will go a long way to a better encounter
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