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Everything posted by letsplay_57

  1. I like all the replies posted so far.....But why is it "ok" for them to ghost us...they could send a quick text OR next day send a text "hello" & if you respond They Should Explain or Apoligize for ghosting a client!! If you don't inundated with queries It's the least they could do!! If we ghost them they have a Discussion Section for them only....where it can be posted "name" ghosted me.....
  2. seen her last nite...only a few pics are 100%...Pokemon use must have used her pretty good to have changed her looks in a few of her pics....lol
  3. toftt tonite...Nina not 45 abit older, most pics are fake, any with big breasts & standing against the wall & nice bum pic are fake. Crap!!
  4. Happy Fisherman69 started a topic yesterday again...no info yet guys?? Someone must have seen her...
  5. LilyJewels @ Locanto.....she posted back @ Nov she is on Lyla as a member
  6. I've seen her 2 times recently & had no issues...seeing her again in a few days...1 hour goes way 2 fast, booking a longer session this time
  7. I seen her a few years ago...we discussed the session before hand by text 1-2 days before & how many roses....when i got there she was upselling & wanted more roses than what we agreed on. I showed her the text & she wouldn't honour it....I should have left...
  8. Area Code 226 which is Ontario...send a text ask what City she's in right now...
  9. always check the area code of phone #....also as you stated non-verified pics...area code 226 is Ontario. Send her a text & ask what City she's at...if she asks for a deposit...bye bye
  10. Tompickle buy it on-line @ SensationO
  11. SensationO Moncton has it Happy Fisherman69....$24.95 No... Shopper's wouldn't have it....be some funny walking through Shopper's Drug Mart & hearing someone asking a clerk "Do you have any Fuck Water" lol Clerk's reply might be....what the fuck is "Fuck Water".....lol
  12. the best lube 2 buy I've bought seems 2 b fuck water....lasts 4 ever &, not gummy or sticky!!! the woman luv it!!
  13. I seen her last week...repeating this week...easy going & very talented. Incall was discreet & clean...easy 2 book with
  14. seen her tonite....please no pm about her...if you have questions about her ask Happy Fisherman69....lol
  15. thanks for toftt & the update...mmmm I might have to book
  16. Kim will be visiting soon & not to be missed...see her every trip to NB....Stella I've seen also & lots of fun! She will be here end of Jan
  17. check the reco's section on her...she's been around for awhile
  18. ad said 2 call or text...I did both over multiple times..no reply! 😞
  19. Happy Fisherman69 my dm didn't go through to you...said you can't receive messages...???
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