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Everything posted by touchwould2

  1. touchwould2


    I like ...!
  2. touchwould2

    very Beautiful !
  3. Miss Jess, Glad to hear it was a great day! You are a sweet heart..XO!
  4. Glad to hear all is well with everyone. I've yet to make one of these events, mostly a scheduling thing for me, but glad to hear the community and some of the people I've had the pleasure of meeting here are well and happy. I haven't been out and about much for some time, but wanted to wish you all: Best of the season !! a-
  5. touchwould2


    Lovelee pink toe!
  6. touchwould2

    jean undies

    this pic on the random albums thread tonight....miss you Mia!
  7. I love it. Makes me wanna come back in a next life as a lake trout!
  8. touchwould2

    yup...thats hot.
  9. You're gonna love Superior...careful of the ice cold water though...if you didn't know...beautiful area! I'm lookin forward to some camping , paddling and fishing in East Algonquin area...real soon now!
  10. Like Lee said, really well done Jessica. You're a class act, really. Thanks so much for speaking up for us all.xoxo
  11. Perfectly well said. I've been reading your blog, so I know better, and that makes me quite happy!
  12. touchwould2

    Legs wide

    Youch! Nice work!
  13. touchwould2

    IMG 0470

    very loveley indeed...!!
  14. You put the phrase "Playing for keeps" in a whole new light Mr.Liquor. Gather ye Rosebuds indeed. Best to you Sir Tom. And to us all. Cheers!
  15. touchwould2

    Oh yaa!............
  16. Hi Jess, Sorry to hear about this stuff. You certainly could do no wrong last I saw you, except in the best possible ways.... Too bad for the no show losers...their loss, really... Hope it doesn't dissuade you from making a return trip in future. xo
  17. I saw this article in a copy of the Citizen lying around at work yesterday and noticed it hasn't made its way to this board yet: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/Human+trafficking+Ottawa+least+women+used+slaves+research/9465177/story.html and a link to the funding announcement for the organization that is quoted as having done the "research": http://metronews.ca/news/ottawa/717330/ottawa-human-trafficking-study-gets-200k-from-feds/ and a link to Emily J's blog...since her most recent post is very timely on this subject: http://www.blogasms.xxx/
  18. touchwould2

    Luv- Leigh shot!
  19. Thanks for this gentlemen. I use many of the items you've mentioned, but your detailed info is very helpful.
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