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Everything posted by BLUEDEVIL2222

  1. Tonight was ceaser salad, grilled steak, little oven roasted potato's and some garlic bread.
  2. 12 Years A Slave, one of the best movies I have seen in a long time.
  3. Just wondering has anyone seen Ashley?
  4. The worst car I was suppose to have was a 1974 Ford Pinto station wagon, it was a chocolate brown and because the interior was bad someone had put bright orange seat cover on it. Well I refused to drive the beast and traded my uncle for his 1984 Chevy Cavalier I think I ended up with the better car. The best car so far was my 2005 Honda Civic I loved that car, just drive it never needed any major work done it. I sold it earlier this year with almost 260 000 Km and bought a new 2013 Hyundai Elentra witch I hope is as good as a car as the Civic.
  5. I have one not sure if this is within the rules of the game Indiana Jones And The Anus Of Doom
  6. Thanks for the heads up, I am sure the guys greatly appreciate the warning.
  7. Tonight I bought some home made maple syrup, can't wait till the weekend to make some pancakes or french toast to try it,
  8. HAPPY B-DAY!! I hope it was a special day for you.
  9. Tonight is original shake and bake chicken, some of those new homestyle potatoes with the vegetables in them, and home made garlic loaf.
  10. Tonight is Prime Rib, Baked Potato's, and Carrots with a brown sugar butter glaze. My favorite.:bigclap:
  11. Grilled pork chops with a honey garlic glaze, caesar salad, and a french baguette. Followed by cup of french vanilla coffee and a homemade white chocolate chip cookie for desert.
  12. Being a product of the 70's I remember seeing Rocky when it came out and for me as it did then hearing Survivors - Eye Of The Tiger makes my neck hair stand on end and get goosebumps.
  13. This sounds like a fun Social group could you please send me an invite. Bye and take care.
  14. Boxers (commando you have to watch out for the zipper) Fine Dinning or Fast Food
  15. She makes a very valid point, less confussion with just using one name.
  16. What happened to the letter "Q"
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